
Chapter 334 So fierce

A defensive tower on each side of the blue and purple sides was bulldozed and demolished. Looking at the overall battle situation, the pace of this game was accelerated accordingly.

Rambo, the top laner on the blue side, and Obama and Japan, the bottom laner on the purple side, were each liberated from their lanes.

"However, in fact, if you look at it from the perspective of the purple square, don't rush to push the tower in the bottom lane, and you may be able to maximize the benefits."

Lao Hei on the commentary desk commented like this.


This was less than ten minutes into the game. The purple side's bottom lane directly pushed down the opponent's defensive outer tower.

The pace is certainly fast.

But if we take a step back, since the combination of Obama and Japanese women has achieved such a big advantage in the early stage, they can continue to unconditionally suppress the opponent's blue team's bottom lane combination by keeping the defensive towers.

In other words, "raising pigs".

It can also further widen the economic and level differences in the ADC position.

But now, although the opponent's outer tower has been pushed down, it also gives the opposite EZ a safer and more secure development space. As long as the blue side starts to develop in the bottom lane control line, no matter how fierce Obama wants to play, It is also impossible to easily press the line in front of the opponent's second tower.

"That's not entirely true."

He Tu on the side answered the conversation and gave a different opinion:

"What Obama has to consider now is not his own development, but the direction of the overall war situation."

"Pushing down the outer tower of the bottom lane does give EZ room to develop, but it also frees up the purple square bottom lane double lane."

"They need this kind of speedup here."

"The next step is to focus on Obama as the core of the tactics and radiate the advantages gained in the line to the wings."

"Switch lanes and push up the tower, or mid-tower."

The Xiacheng decisive team on the purple side did exactly this.

And this line change,

It is directly a three-way adjustment.

The Paladin Ranger in the bottom lane and the auxiliary Japanese girl were switched to the middle lane; while the Victor in the middle lane was switched to the top lane, and his own Sword Girl was replaced in the bottom lane.

A wave of adjustments and replacements occurred quickly.

The other top 16 teams in the front row of the auditorium also nodded and showed approval.

This is the most reasonable choice.

In the early stage, Victor was no longer a match for Jess online. If he faced a Rambo on the road, the pressure would be much less, and he could also choose to control the lane himself to supplement his development.

Dao Mei is in the bottom lane, facing EZ and Bullhead, but she doesn't have to worry about being killed by her opponent.

At present, the most difficult and strongest point on the opponent's blue side - mid laner Jess - is naturally left to Lucian and Japanese, who are currently the most developed on their side, to solve.

The game lasted just over ten minutes.

The purple side's bottom lane duo and the blue side's mid laner Jayce meet on the mid lane.

Compared with the previous easy suppression in the bottom lane, the opponent is now replaced by a future guardian with a record of 2/0/0. For the two heroes on the purple side, the difficulty will naturally increase accordingly.

Jace is not like EZ.

In terms of hero characteristics, the Future Guardian's early laning and explosive abilities are extremely strong, not to mention the mid laner Jace, who has two heads in hand, and his current set of damage can almost directly pose a fatal threat to the crispy Obama——

Considering that the opponent's jungle spider on the blue side may swim over and initiate a gank at any time, from the most stable perspective, Obama, who switches to the middle, must play more carefully, more cautiously, and more cautiously.

Sure enough, everyone soon saw that as soon as the auxiliary Japanese girl on the purple side came online, she started running to the left river to look around.

Just to guard against the gank of the opponent's jungle spider.

When the Japanese girl chose to go to the wild river to gain vision, Jess and Obama had also started a new round of confrontation on the middle line.

At this time, the eyes of the audience fell on the small map on the OB screen:

The jungle prince of the purple side is also in the upper half of the jungle.

The wild spider on the blue side has just left the spring.

In the upper half of the wild area, the resources of wild monsters have just been refreshed. After finishing the vision of the grass at the river mouth, the Japanese girl did not rush back to the middle route, but accompanied her jungler prince to continue to take out the river crab wild monsters on the river. Down.

The audience also nodded:

This thing can be seen even with their level.

Compared with the auxiliary Niutou on the blue side who has to protect the development of EZ in the bottom lane, the auxiliary Japanese girl on the purple side is relatively liberated at this time, and can cooperate with her jungler to further roam and invade the jungle. , to gain more proactive advantages in terms of vision and resources.

As for the middle lane, as long as Obama is careful, there shouldn't be any big problems in 1V1...

Such thoughts only flashed through everyone's minds.


It was a system female voice's kill announcement that suddenly resounded throughout the canyon.

"An-enemy-has-been-(an enemy hero has been killed)."

The kill sound came from the middle.

The moment they saw the kill information, almost all the spectators were stunned:


Kill Jace!

Damn it, what’s going on! ?

The scene from the camera's perspective was not hurriedly moved to the mid lane by the director after the kill was announced. At this time, all that was seen was the body of Jayce, the blue square midfielder, and only three points left above his head. The figure of Purple ADC Obama, whose HP is still retreating calmly.

"Single kill!"

On the commentary stage, He Tu and Lao Hei couldn't help but be shocked and moved.

This is something even they didn't expect at all.

Even though Obama's early development was extremely smooth, the development of mid laner Jayce on the blue side was not bad at all, and it was an ADC versus a mid laner. The latter should be thankful if the latter did not take the initiative to cause trouble.


But it was completely the other way around!

Su Xue was also confused:

"How...how did you kill him?"

She was more aware of Tang Bingyao's personal operational strength. Even if he was playing as a mid laner, his proficiency was definitely not low. It was impossible for him to be easily controlled by an opposing ADC to perform a solo kill.

Even if you also know that as someone's former partner and teammate, the strength of the opposite ADC Obama is absolutely unfathomable.

But such a wave of solo kills...

It’s still amazing!

Finally, the director broadcast the replay of the solo kill in the middle.

Only then did everyone see the scene a few seconds ago.

Jess's QW second battery electromagnetic gun tried to clear the troops and consume poke, but Obama avoided it by moving out of position.

next moment.

Lucian's E skill pops directly into his face.

Flat A connects to Q, then connects.

Take W, then A.

The ultimate move "Baptism of Holy Light" directly sweeps, forcing Jace to follow up the next second after flashing. Then A, the cooled-down E skill pursues and follows up, jumps over the tower twice, harvests the heads, and retreats calmly.

From start to finish in one go.

It happens in a flash and ends in a flash.

Lucian's record data has steadily reached 3/1/0.

In the audience, almost everyone gasped subconsciously:

"So...so fierce!"

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