
Chapter 292 Seeking Justice

Tian Tian and Li Shiyi had discussed the meal at noon today privately in advance. They deliberately concealed it from Lin Feng and contacted Mu Qiu to make an appointment. The purpose was very clear from the beginning - on the one hand Of course it’s a nostalgia trip.

On the other hand, I hope to see if I can mediate and try to ease the conflict between the team's mid laner and support team.

After all, they were all close partners who fought side by side back then.

Now they have to see two former teammates meet on the field, and it seems that they are determined to fight for life and death. Neither Li Shiyi nor Tian Tian wants to see such a thing happen.

For now, the reminiscing has been done.

The topic turned to the main topic, and they saw Mu Qiu's determined attitude as expected.

I heard the saying "you have to fight for a breath".

Therefore, the two of them became more determined, hoping to convince Mu Qiu to let go of their past obsession.

Unexpectedly... what came out of Mu Qiu's mouth completely deviated from their initial thoughts and expectations: "If it's just me, there's nothing unforgivable."

This sentence immediately made Tian Tian and Li Shiyi stunned.

They didn't expect that things would go so "smoothly" at all, because if this sentence meant, it seemed that their former auxiliary partner did not have such strong resentment towards someone - it seemed that they The most worrying thing can be easily resolved in this way.

However, before the two of them started to get happy, Mu Qiu suddenly changed the subject and talked about another thing: "How long has it been since you last seen Ah Mo?"

...When he asked this question, Mu Qiu's tone seemed calm and casual, as if he was just mentioning it casually.

But Tian Tian and Li Shiyi were stunned for a moment.

The atmosphere at the dinner table became silent again.

There was even...a somewhat depressing and heavy atmosphere.

Tian Tian murmured subconsciously: "As for meeting Amo... After the team was disbanded, I met him many times in the first year, and then we only contacted him online."

They were once such close partners and teammates, even if the team fell apart, the friendship between them would not end there.

The subsequent gradual reduction in contact naturally had other reasons.

On the one hand, of course it was because Tian Tianxin joined the KG team at that time and had to work hard to train and compete every day, leaving less free time for himself; at the same time, Zhou Mo also returned to his hometown and opened a convenience store, which also had many Things have to be busy.

The connections between them will naturally gradually decrease.

After all, it's not like it used to be.

The five members of the team almost eat and live together, stay together every day, do the same thing, and work together for the same goal... Of course.

And then—that happened.

At this moment, both Tian Tian and Li Shiyi seemed to be awakened. They suddenly remembered, and their expressions changed slightly.

Li Shiyi looked up at Mu Qiu and whispered: "Ah Mo... what happened next."

Among the five members of the team, Lin Feng was the only one who didn't know what happened to Zhou Mo.

But Li Shiyi and Tian Tian knew about it, but it was not Zhou Mo who brought it up on his own initiative, but they learned about it through Mu Qiuzhi's words, but that was already a few months after the incident happened.

The first time they heard the news, the two of them were anxious to go directly to Fujian Province to see what happened with their own eyes, but Zhou Mo stopped him with an extremely determined attitude.

They could hear the determination in Zhou Mo's tone that could not be refused.

I can also feel the heavy heart of my former partner who would rather be alone.

That’s why I silently chose to accept it.

Although I still want to find an opportunity to meet my former teammates in person in the future, but by this time... time has already arrived.

Hearing Li Shiyi's low-pitched inquiry, the expression on Mu Qiu's face did not change much, and she even shrugged as if she was relaxed: "It's okay now."

"It's good to be a convenience store owner, live a leisurely life in a small town, and make friends with a few junior high school students."

Tian Tian and Li Shiyi didn't even have time to breathe a sigh of relief after hearing this. Mu Qiu's next words came to them lightly: "It's just that I can only be a convenience store owner in this life."

"Just-" "I can completely stop thinking about coming back to play professionally."

Just this sentence.

It seemed that there was magical power, and it seemed that the relaxed tone contained the cruelest and coldest sarcasm, making Tian Tian and Li Shiyi quickly turn pale.

Tian Tian swallowed hard and tried to keep his voice from trembling: "Is it really...that serious?"

Mu Qiu raised her head, glanced at the two former partners at the table, stretched out her right hand, and gestured with her left hand at the tiger's mouth of her right hand as if to demonstrate: "Here."

"Tearing wound, two centimeters and six millimeters."

"Deep to the bone."

"It took seven stitches."

"Life-long irreversible damage, grip strength decreased by 60%, flexibility decreased by 40%, no heavy lifting, no high-intensity use."

It seems to be just a calm narration without emotion, but every sentence and every word is as cold and cruel as a sharp scalpel on the operating table, cutting into people's hearts one by one, making people's scalp numb and numb. Cold hands and feet.

Mu Qiu looked at Tian Tian and Li Shiyi and said expressionlessly: "He doesn't want you to come over and see, and he doesn't even want that guy to know about it."

"So -" "Even you only heard about it from me."

"Only I saw it with my own eyes."

What he saw was not just the shocking wound on his former partner's right hand.

There was also the sudden loss of confidence and luster in the eyes of his once most trusted and best partner and teammate.

"You want to speak for that guy."

"You want to persuade me to reach a settlement with him."

"But actually this was never between me and him from the beginning."

"The team is just disbanded. The worst thing is that we each play our own roles. He can return to the game to reorganize the team, and I can still continue to play our combination if I bring Amo along."

"But not now."

"I can still fight."

"But I lost my best partner."

"My best partner lost all his dreams and future possibilities."

"He should have been just like you and me, or even better than you and me, and more qualified to stand at the top of the entire e-sports pyramid."

"But now there is no chance. He can only be an ordinary convenience store owner. "

"I don't think this is right."

"It shouldn't be like this."

"At least, this shouldn't happen to my partner."

"But everything has happened, and it is irreversible. Amo is unwilling to pursue the case, but as a partner, I cannot bear this tone easily."

When she said this, Mu Qiu stood up from the table, looked at Tian Tian and Li Shiyi condescendingly, and said the last words coldly: "I am not avenging myself."

"I want to help Ah Mo and demand justice from that bastard."

"Represents the decisive victory?"

"He carries the heaviest sin on his body, how can he deserve it?"

Here's an update. Something went wrong last night and I didn't have time to type. I'd like to apologize to my friends.

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