
Chapter 291 Nothing is unforgivable

Zhou Mo once persuaded Mu Qiu, "That's not the case."

Now Li Shiyi also said to Mu Qiu, "Is this the only way?"

Mu Qiu's response did not change in any way:

"Otherwise, what else can be done?"

The three people present here actually knew from the beginning that today's dinner was destined not to be limited to warm reminiscences and pleasant conversations, but would inevitably get to the point in the end.

However, I didn't expect that the formal conversation had just begun, and the atmosphere seemed to freeze suddenly.

Can't go on.

Tian Tian didn't know how to persuade him, so he could only murmur:

"No matter what..."

"We were all teammates once—"

However, before he finished speaking, he heard Mu Qiu reply lightly:

"Just once."

It seemed that this was not the first time for him to have such a conversation, and the sarcasm in his tone also showed his determination that seemed impossible to be shaken.

Tian Tian looked at Mu Qiu, a little dazed and confused:


Even if I had such an extremely regretful and unpleasant experience back then.

Why do I still remember it and still refuse to let it go?

Why should we even adopt such a drastic method? Companions who used to be side by side have to forcefully compete on the field to tell the difference.

Mu Qiu said calmly:

"No reason, I'm just fighting for a breath."

Li Shiyi looked at Mu Qiu and said slowly: "Is it because of the team name?"

In fact, it is easy to guess this answer. The three people here have fought side by side with each other and are so familiar with each other's personalities and tempers that they can guess what the other person is thinking without even having to speak.

not to mention--

A magical city will win.

A Xiacheng decisive victory.

It's clear that we are going to have a duel.

Leaving aside insiders like them, even on the Internet, many players, netizens and even gossip media have noticed this and started to speculate and discuss with great interest "If two teams with the same name meet in the LSPL National Championship, who will be the winner?" Who is strong and weak, which one is the real Li Kui and which one is the fake Li Kui?"...

Mu Qiu made no secret and nodded calmly:


As he spoke, he glanced at the two closest former teammates in front of him:

"I'm not a petty person either."

"I was too lazy to investigate what happened in the past, and I didn't want to go over it again."

"'He' wants to come back, it has nothing to do with me; but 'He' wants to bring out the sign of the decisive victory back then, so I have to take care of it——"

Li Shi must look at Mu Qiu:

"You don't want him to use it?"

Mu Qiu sneered: "Is he worthy?"

The previous decisive battle - Battle of five people.

Fighting side by side and working together, they created legendary records and experiences in the earliest S1 season in the national server and even in the world's professional arena.

The credit for this is inseparable from everyone on the winning team.

And someone who was the captain at the beginning should undoubtedly take the most credit.

Because it was someone who single-handedly formed the team and recruited the other four teammates. They took charge of the central unit in countless subsequent games. As the backbone of the team, he led his teammates to defeat powerful opponents one after another, and climbed to the top of the mountain. I climbed many peaks that I thought were unattainable.

Each of the five people back then was an integral part of the decisive battle.

Everyone can represent the name of "decisive victory" to a certain extent.

And as the captain, it seems that someone should be more qualified to represent this than the other four companions.

Regarding this point, neither Tian Tian nor Li Shiyi nor Zhou Mo ever questioned it.

Only at this moment——

Mu Qiu, who was an assistant back then, raised his own clear-cut objection and even protest with such a fierce and resolute attitude.

You know, if anyone else were to question someone's identity and representative status at this moment, both Tian Tian and Li Shiyi would refute them in the most determined and severe manner without hesitation.

But it just so happened that the "opponent" sitting in front of them was also their partner who fought side by side back then.

He was also a member of the winning team that year.

More importantly, the other party knew more clearly and personally experienced the last "turmoil" that year.

Therefore, with such an attitude shown, neither Li Shiyi nor Tian Tian knew what to say.

Because they actually understand someone's fault back then.

as well as……

What happened later.

Strictly speaking, excluding one person, the remaining four members of the team have all experienced huge changes in their careers and lives after the team broke up, and were greatly affected.

Perhaps there is only one Tian Tian who has finally regained a foothold in the KG team.

But the other three——

Li Shiyi, who stayed in the professional arena, was reduced to sitting on the bench as a substitute in a third-rate team, and was ridiculed.

The other two left the e-sports circle directly and returned to ordinary people's lives.

It may not sound like much, but the ace combination in the bottom lane of the decisive team was the most amazing pair in the world's professional arena. They had just reached their golden peak, but suddenly left like this...

No matter who knows this, they will be saddened by it.

And all of this, when traced back to its origin, should indeed be attributed to the hasty and reckless decision made by someone who was the captain back then.

In fact, although so many years have passed, Tian Tian and Li Shiyi have long since let go of the past incident, but in fact, for a period of time after the earliest incident happened, they also blamed someone a little bit. and complaining.

Many times, they can’t help but think:

If someone who was the captain had not made that decision, the five members of the team would not have been separated.

Even after experiencing the defeat in the S1 finals, if they can still unite as one and continue to fight side by side.


What will it be like afterward?

Many things cannot stand careful consideration.

There are also many things that have happened, and you shouldn't talk about "what ifs".

But inevitably, remembering some things from that year still made Tian Tian and Li Shiyi feel slightly dazed for a moment.

Seeing the changes in expressions on the faces of the two team members, Mu Qiu smiled:


"Actually, you've thought about that too, haven't you?"

Li Shiyi came back to his senses and spoke seriously:

"Yes, I don't deny this."

"But to be honest, those emotions at that time have long since passed, and now I have never complained about anyone."

Tian Tian also woke up and almost shook his head like a rattle:

"Me too!"

"I don't blame Fuko at all."

Seeing the two former teammates making such resolute statements, Mu Qiu seemed to have expected it, and did not show much surprise. She just smiled and spoke again:

"I understand."

"To be honest, if it was just me, then there is nothing unforgivable about what happened back then."

Tian Tian and Li Shiyi were stunned when they heard this, and Tian Tian couldn't help but say:

"Then Aqiu, you——"

Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by Mu Qiu. When he spoke again, his tone seemed to be nonchalant:

"Speak of it."

"How long has it been since you last seen Aqiu?"

Here's an update. It looks like there's a typhoon today. It's so windy that I can't go out at night. . . I coded in the hotel honestly.

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