
Chapter 256 Who is the final winner?

After returning from the Electric Association branch building in Shanghai yesterday, Lin Feng did not tell his teammates about the agreement he signed with Fang Hao in the president's office.

Because there is no big need, saying it out will only distract a few friends.

But he himself is very aware of the current situation.

The top one hundred and twenty-eighth in the national competition.

It seems that there are various possibilities for drawing lots, but in fact, there is an invisible big hand behind the scenes, which has already made certain allocations and arrangements.

The situation of strong encounters will naturally occur in the subsequent matches.

But not now.

Those who signed that agreement were not only their winning team, Jiutian and TO from the Magic City Division who also advanced, Junlin and Hydralisk from the Imperial Capital Division, and Guiye from the Guangzhou Division, plus other major competitions. The top teams in the district——

They should all have been placed on the "seed" list early.

At least, in the first two rounds of the national competition from the top 128 to the top 64, and even from the top 64 to the top 32, these seeded teams that have been booked in advance will not meet easily.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for them to meet an opponent like Junlin early in a decisive victory.

However, after studying the information on each team collected and compiled by his own "support group", Lin Feng had more clarity in his mind:

That is, the purpose of such a "seed" list may not be as simple as what Fang Hao and he said before.

It’s not just about ensuring that the top teams with quality can make it to the end.


This is also a step-by-step way to "raise gu".

Although the top "seed" teams participating in this LSPL trial have amazing strength and potential, after all, most of them have just been formed and are not mature enough.

Then, it is necessary to go through continuous training in actual combat games, and wait until the strength of these teams is truly stimulated in the game, just like waiting until the fruit is truly ripe...

Let these "seeds" reach maturity and flourish,

Fighting against each other.

Only in this way can the full potential of each team be further unleashed.

The most ideal way is to determine the team that is most qualified to enter the LSPL.

If you think about it this way, it will make people feel a little shuddering.

Because that sounds really cruel.

Pursue the greatest benefits as much as possible, even if it slightly violates some of the "fairness" principles of e-sports, we must select the strongest "gu bugs" and determine the final "gu king".

As for these selected "seed" teams, what they can do is to do their best to grow and expand under such special rules and participate in the final fight to the death. And try to laugh till the end.

Who will be the final winner?

At the moment, everything seems to be hard to say.

I thought that the three original teams of Jiutian, Meilan and TO in the Magic City Division were enough to occupy the first-tier position.

But now it seems...

Guiye in Guangzhou and Hydralisk in the Imperial Capital are no worse than the third oldest in the Demon City.

And the King’s Landing team——

If you really want to evaluate and compare, it may even surpass teams such as Guiye, Hydralisk, Meilan and TO, or at least reach the same height as Jiutian Team.

Just that "overlord" who forcibly pushed Yu Ping out of the mid lane position as a jungler is enough to make people feel awe-inspiring.

It also makes people sigh and sigh. I didn’t expect that the national server still hides so many unfathomable masters. With the new season approaching, an LSPL trial has exploded in the pond of the national server. movement.

Lin Feng, who had already lied back on his bed, put his hands behind his head and looked at the ceiling, squinting slightly.


He wasn't particularly concerned about these.

Sooner or later, you will encounter the opponents you should encounter anyway, just kill them all the way.

The only thing that concerned him was something else.

Because after such an agreement is signed, it is basically impossible for the seed teams in each major competition area to meet in advance in the first two rounds of the upcoming national competition. This also means that the probability of him meeting the other "decisive" team with the same name is, Became a little bigger.

Zeng Rui, who was on the bed next door, reached out and turned off the lights in the room.

In the darkness, Lin Feng closed his eyes.

I want to meet my former partners and old friends in the arena...

He actually didn't know if he was really mentally prepared.

Eight o'clock in the morning the next day.

Senior No. 1 and Sister Xiaowu probably had their own things to attend to, so Lin Feng and others from the decisive team set out from the hotel and took a taxi to the competition venue.

At half past eight, the five members of the team arrived at their destination.

Walking into the venue hall, you will still see the very familiar scene of crowds of people and excitement.

There were a total of one hundred and twenty-eight teams, with a total of a thousand people. Although they did not all arrive at the same time, there were at least four to five hundred people in the venue at this moment.

Zeng Rui looked around, tried to find it among the crowd, and then shook his head:

"I don't see anyone I know."

It’s not surprising. After all, among the more than 100 teams, there are only a few players from a few teams who have met each other. At this moment, they either haven’t come to the scene yet, or they are busy looking for jobs at the front desk. Personnel do boarding and group drawing——

It is indeed unrealistic to find acquaintances or chat with people in such a noisy and noisy place.

Lin Feng nodded. Zeng Rui probably meant a small part of what he said to himself.

I wonder if the Xiacheng decisive team with the same name is here now.

"Let's go register and sign in first."

Someone took out the captain's airs:

"After registering for the lottery and getting your number plate, you can almost leave. Hurry up and go to the Internet cafe to practice for a while today."

When Lin Feng and others found the front desk, they found that there was already a long queue in front of them. While waiting in line, Chen Ting kept holding his mobile phone and looking at it. Li Shiyi looked over curiously:

"What are you looking at, Old Chen?"

Seeing that the attention of several teammates in the team was also focused on him, Chen Ting smiled and waved his cell phone in front of them:

"Brush the post!"

"Looking at the gossip on topics related to the national competition."

Zeng Rui laughed: "You are so leisurely."

Words like "gossip" are probably attractive to all girls. Even Tang Bingyao couldn't help but come over and ask curiously:

"What gossip?"

Chen Ting shrugged:

"That is, those gossips or analyzes and evaluations that are not nutritious. "

"However, there is something quite interesting. I posted it to our group. If you are interested, take a look."

After hearing this, several people lowered their heads and took out their mobile phones.

Clicking on the five-member team's WeChat group, sure enough, a link to a post had been posted in the group by Chen Ting.

The title is quite eye-catching——

"Breaking Bad!" The latest exclusive ranking of the top 128 players in the LSPL National Selection Competition! 》

Update, I can go home tomorrow. . I felt uncomfortable staying in the hotel.

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