
Chapter 255 Unexpected Discovery

This is probably a treatment that any other team would be envious of and go crazy with.

Although there is no dedicated sparring partner, you can get personal teaching and guidance from the two top legends from the previous generation of the Chinese server.

In such soft words, No. 5 pointed out almost all the mistakes and various small details that the five members of the decisive team had made during the training battle, and gave corresponding guidance and reference suggestions.

These suggestions may be useful to more than just a few people at the moment.

But even in the professional competitions and even the world competitions later on, the valuable experience and insights can be said to be like pearls.

Lin Feng and the others listened very carefully and attentively. They tried hard to write down every word that Sister Xiao Wu said. Even if they couldn't understand everything at the moment, they would keep it in mind and wait until later to think about it carefully.

Number Five is responsible for pointing out problems and giving suggestions, so there is not much left that needs Number One to add.

The happy and relaxed No. 1 just made a few casual remarks:

"Basically, this is what your little sister Wu said."

"In terms of personal abilities, you have almost found the style you want to take. There is no problem in continuing to persevere."

"Just try to pay more attention to some small flaws in details during training and develop good habits."

"In terms of tactical coordination..."

"It's no use just talking."

"Just play one game at a time, and you'll know what's going on."

Probably only No. 1, with his status and level of realm, could give such a light and simple explanation so calmly and calmly.

Anyway, as the audience, the five members of the decisive team could only nod obediently. Whether they complained or not was another matter... On the surface, they definitely didn't dare to say anything more.

But at the end, No. 1 glanced at Lin Feng and added casually:

"Your words."

"Let's practice the AD position when we have time."

Someone suddenly paused upon hearing this.

He looked up at the senior in front of him.

No. 1 looked at himself with a faint smile, his eyes as clear and wise as if he could see through everything.

Lin Feng nodded seriously:


After the training that night, Lin Feng and others returned to the hotel from the Internet cafe.

The next morning, I have to go to the competition venue to participate in the draw, so I have to rest early tonight. There are five people in the decisive team. As the only girl, Tang Bingyao is in a room alone, and Li Shiyi and Chen Ting are in a room - the two Uenos have been getting along recently. They became closer and closer, and before going to bed, they were probably discussing various cooperation strategies for future games.

The only thing left is that Lin Feng and Zeng Rui share a room.

After washing, Lin Feng walked out of the bathroom and saw Zeng Rui lying on the bed with his pillow on his head, his laptop still on his lap, and he seemed to be watching a video of a game:

"You still up?"

Zeng Rui reached out and rubbed his forehead and temples:

"Just fell asleep."

"One last piece to watch."

Lin Feng walked to the side and sat down on his bed, leaning his head over to take a look:

"Which one is it from?"

Zeng Rui adjusted the position of the laptop screen on his lap, slightly facing Lin Feng:

"From King's Landing."

Lin Feng became a little more interested:

"Oh, that guy Yu Ping must be there too. What do you think?"

Zeng Rui nodded and replied: "Yes, but when he arrived in King's Landing, he switched to the jungle position——"

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, with an unexpected look on his face: "Have you switched to jungle?"

This is indeed unexpected. The former core ace mid laner of the Beijing Electronics Association team played against him in the middle during the National College League last year. His personal ability is extremely outstanding. With such strength, he was recruited into a team like Junlin. As it should be...

But why did he suddenly change his position?

In the afternoon, when everyone in the team was looking at information materials at the hotel, they did not choose the game video of Team Junlin. Lin Feng simply scanned the team roster information of Team Junlin and saw the familiar figure of Yu Ping on it.

Of course, I subconsciously thought that this old rival in the past was still playing the mid lane position in the King's Landing team.

did not expect--

Of course, in fact, even in professional teams, it is not uncommon for a professional player to change positions. However, there are often only two possible reasons for such position changes and adjustments.

The first is when players are no longer suitable for their original position and choose to switch to other positions to find breakthroughs and new paths.

The other is when a player appears in the player's original position who is more suitable for this position, and the former can only make compromises and adjust to other positions.

Lin Feng didn't think it would be the first case. He had recognized Yu Ping's strength as early as the National College League. As long as he didn't fall behind, that level would be more than enough in the professional arena.


Lin Feng looked at Zeng Rui, who nodded again:

"The mid laner from King's Landing is very strong."

With that said, he clicked on the video he was watching just now to play again and displayed it in front of Lin Feng's eyes.

The content progress bar of the video has reached about two-thirds, and the game in the picture seems to be coming to an end. What can be seen is that the King's Landing team representing the blue side has the absolute upper hand and is about to win. .

The ID name of the blue side's mid laner is "Overlord".

In this video, the hero used is Zed, the Lord of Shadow Stream.

Zeng Rui clicked on the last half of the playback progress bar, which seemed to be the highlight moment of the mid lane master of shadow flow controlled by this "overlord".

Two waves of team battles.

A wave of thousands of troops takes the enemy general's head from it, then goes around and cuts out the opponent's core AD and jungler on the purple side in seconds, and gets a double kill.

The other wave was the melee in front of the Dalongfjord. The Lord of Shadow Stream encountered the red-eyed four members of the opponent's purple army and surrounded them with fire. He forced himself to the limit and got three kills, and finally escaped in a thrilling manner.

Dazzling operation.

The fierceness carries a confident and domineering air that makes people's hearts sway.

Lin Feng subconsciously squinted his eyes:


"Very powerful ah."

It is extremely rare to hear such comments from someone today. After all, even if I watched the games of Jiutian, Meilan and TO teams in the Magic City Division before, I watched the players from the three oldest teams. Based on his performance alone, the most someone can do is comment "a bit interesting".

The three words "very powerful" represent different weights.

After the video was played, Lin Feng nodded again:

"No wonder."

No wonder his old rival from the Beijing Electronics Association was moved to the jungle position.

Judging from this video, the "overlord" of the mid laner of the Junlin team is indeed better than Yu Ping in personal ability, or even more.

Zeng Rui also nodded, with a somewhat solemn look on his face:

"Ikuhira has also adapted well to the jungle position - his style is also very suitable for the jungle position."

"The other three positions of upper and lower auxiliary are not weak either."

"If possible, it is best not to face such an opponent too early."

Lin Feng touched his nose:


"Probably not."

Updates are sent, and the day after tomorrow we can call it a day and go home. . . When I stay at home for too long, my back hurts when I work. .

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