
Chapter 192 Don’t delay

When they saw the five members of the blue team starting to huddle together in the middle, there was a commotion among the spectators.

At this time, the game time was almost twenty-five minutes.

It will still be a while before the next little dragon is refreshed.

Open the baron?

Ordinarily, it would be impossible for the blue side to take risks so early.

So at this time, pushing in a group is actually not the most ideal choice. You have already tried it on the blue side just now. It does not have enough ability to push the tower. If you still think about pushing the tower hard, you may give it to Opportunity.

So if you have a strong sense of skill, it is better to improve the view of the mini map and develop it for a while...

However, while the players from each team were whispering to each other, the five members of the blue side army on the field had quickly cleared out the wave of purple side soldiers near the river mouth, and led the line of troops to defend against the opponent. The direction of the second tower pressed in.


Unexpectedly, they did not lead the line directly to the purple side's second tower in the middle. After several blue side heroes pushed the line past, they quickly turned around and retreated.

Turned into the river in the upper half of the wild area.

Quickly set the eye positions one by one, and start scanning for red accessories.

Control the view of the river in the upper half of the area.

Another true eye socket fell in Dalong Gorge.

Light up your vision.

It wasn't until this moment that the spectators suddenly reacted, with unbelievable expressions of surprise on their faces:

Wait a moment……

what's the situation! ?

The blue side actually wants the dragon to force a group! ?

Compared with leading the lane in the middle to push the tower, Baron forcing the team is a more unexpected situation.

Because the latter is almost more adventurous than the former.

Also more gambling.

After all, if it is just a stalemate, then the blue army has no advantage in terms of lineup. Even if it has occupied the terrain and field of vision in advance, the opponent purple army has too many ways to safely detect the situation——

For example, the flexible movement of Enchantress's W skill.

For example, Jace's remote EQ can be used as a plasma cannon.

Even if the auxiliary Dawn Goddess walks directly up to explore the field of vision with her body, with her rough skin and thick flesh, she will not be too afraid of being forced away by her opponent.

Therefore, the choice made by the top team on the blue side should not pose a threat to the Tian'a team on the purple side.

You want to ambush me.

I'll drag it with you.

Even if you let me consume more of your blood, I can take the initiative to force it on my side without any problem.

This is the hand length advantage of the lineup.

To put it more bluntly, if your blue side doesn’t really attack Baron, but just wants to get stuck in the position, that is simply the best thing your opponent likes to see. However, if you really take the initiative to attack Baron, you will most likely face being beaten. There is a huge risk that the opponent will collapse in one wave.

In fact, if it's the other way around, and the opponent's purple side army opens the dragon, the blue side will have a lot of opportunities to take advantage of it...

But it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen to the Tian'a team on the purple side.

But the choice made by the top team of the blue side now seems a bit like a stupid move made after losing their composure.

But at this moment, everyone in the audience suddenly had a doubt in their minds:

Great situation...

Why is the blue party so impatient?


What are they anxious about?

It actually took some effort for Zhou Mo to convince several team members on his side to agree to his arrangement.

Because even Zhang Xin and others will easily see that this is definitely not a suitable time for Baron to start a group, and they can also see the huge risks behind this choice.

But only Zhou Mo himself knows the real reason.

on the one hand--

It was he who discovered that his opponent had grasped the weakness of their blue side.

Indeed, if the opponent was only focused on targeting his ADC Vayne from the beginning to the end, then he would not be afraid at all. No matter how great the pressure was, he would be at least 60 to 70% sure that the opponent would be in trouble.

But the opponent quickly reacted after suffering losses several times.

Finally, the focus began to be placed on several other team members besides him.

This is where things get tricky.

Zhou Mo is confident in ensuring his own operation, but it is impossible for him to be so meticulous that he can complement the abilities of other team members.

His Vayne tried his best to ensure that he would not die, but he could not guarantee that his other teammates would not be caught or killed.

If it continues like this, the rhythm will only fall more and more into the control of the opponent.

Of course, if he was at his peak, then even if this game really dragged on to the later stages, he would still have enough confidence to lead his teammates to victory.

But this brings us to another aspect -

He is not who he was then.

The high-intensity operations in the past twenty minutes had almost exhausted his energy, and it seemed that he was approaching his limit.

The right hand holding the mouse is still in excruciating pain.

And if it's just pain, that's it, he can bear it.

But the pain from the tiger's mouth, index finger and thumb has already begun to make his entire right hand begin to tremble slightly unconsciously. Under the premise of not letting the teammates around him notice and worry as much as possible, he is now It takes a lot of effort just to hold the mouse normally.

However, this has begun to affect his operations.

What is affected is the stability and accuracy of the operation.


Maybe it's not obvious yet.

However, if the requirements are based on the standards of a top professional ADC player, even if the accuracy and stability of the operation are only slightly affected, it may lead to the failure of one of your skill castings or a slight deviation in your position.

And such a deviation is very likely to be fatal in a critical team battle.

What's worse is that this situation is destined not to get better in the future, but will only get worse as time goes by.


It's not just their Blue Army that can't afford it.

It's because he can't afford it himself.

Then the only solution is just four words.

Quick victory!

Zhou Mo gritted his teeth and clenched the mouse on his right hand again, and at the same time gave instructions in his team's voice channel:

"Don't delay."

"Let's just start the dragon!"

Even the opponents of the purple Fang Tian'a team, including the Wushuang Sword Immortal, did not expect that the opposite blue Fang Tian'a team would be so decisive and bold at this time.

Not just thinking about ambush in Dalong.

He actually chose to forcefully open the baron in front of them!

And such a decisive attitude finally forced the purple army to not be too calm and slowly stalemate in front of the river to stall for time.

Forced to do so, they must move closer to the Dalong Fjord to prevent the blue side from moving.

The health bar on the head of the dragon baron in the fjord dropped rapidly.

The blue side has Vayne's output, and the speed of beating the dragon is not slow at all.

Several heroes from the purple side army also quickly pressed in together.

Just at this moment.

In the Dalong Fjord, Zhang Yuan's auxiliary Morgana blocked the blind spot in the terrain vision and shot through the wall with Q.

The "Dark Imprisonment" energy ball emitting black light flew out through the wall, drawing a straight trajectory in the air and shooting towards the purple square formation.


Skill hits.

The jungle prince in the front position of the purple square formation was immediately imprisoned and controlled by a black light cage!

same moment.

In the blue team's voice channel, Zhou Mo's loud shout suddenly sounded:


The update is here. The next chapter will be written around 12 o'clock. There will be two updates today.

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