
Chapter 191 Opportunity

When the core ADC position in a team is developed too well, it will naturally become the target of concentrated fire.

This is even more true for Team Tian'a.

Their team is accustomed to and good at opening up the rhythm and situation around the bottom lane where the captain Wushuang Swordsman is. In addition, there happens to be only one Vayne on the opposite side, and what about their purple side's lineup? They can perfectly target Vayne's existence——

So in the past ten or twenty minutes, all members of the Tian'a team have been trying to find opportunities to open a breakthrough from Vayne.


Met a wall several times in succession.

After hitting their heads and bleeding, several Tian'a players finally discovered that although their lineup seemed to be able to perfectly cou


The existence of Vayne is only limited to the theoretical level.

Judging from the practical results, it is basically a complete failure.

Because the opponent Vayne's personal ability is indeed terrifyingly strong, so strong that she can almost completely ignore their purple team's lineup on her own.

It was also because of this that the Wushuang Sword Immortal calmed down after hitting the wall one after another.

He began to reflect on the tactical ideas his team had chosen in the past period and whether there were any problems.

If it is really impossible to target Vayne easily.


Should we consider looking for a breakthrough from the other people on the opposite side?

After his thoughts were opened, he quickly discovered the opportunity.

It lies in the other members of the opposing peak team.

In the last wave of earth dragon team battles, although their purple Fang Tian'a team lost two people, Nosuke, and the third earth dragon, it was precisely through this wave of team battles that Wushuang The sword fairy keenly grasped the flaws and flaws in the opponent's blue army.

The Earth Dragon team battle just now seemed to be an embarrassing defeat for their purple side.

But actually——

Think carefully,

Objectively analyzing, if the opponent's blue top single Gnar could seize the opportunity and decisively keep up with Vayne's rhythm, or the jungle excavator and the auxiliary Morgana could play a more effective role, So in this wave of team battles, their purple side would have suffered a worse defeat.

That's not just a problem for Shinosuke and the two of them.

It is even very possible that he will be killed by three and four.

Thinking about the previous wave of fire dragon team battles, it was actually a similar situation. At that time, Vayne relied on her personal ability to cut around the back and magically opened up the situation in one fell swoop. Several other heroes on the blue side waited until they could react. , There is no need to do anything more, just help clean up the mess.


To sum up briefly, the Vayne on the opposite side is certainly strong, but the other members of his team are limited in strength and cannot keep up with Vayne's rhythm. They may even drag down Vayne's rhythm to a certain extent.

The Wushuang Sword Immortal took a deep breath and calmed down little by little:


That's where their God's chance lies!

After the Tulong team battle ended, the rhythm on the court seemed to be calming down again.

It seems that the two sides have been fighting around the time when the dragon is refreshed. Other than that, there are not many opportunities for head-on confrontation.

After all, the lineup of the top team on the blue side does not have enough ability to push towers.

The opponent's Tian'a team from the purple side has several powerful heroes such as Jess, Obama and Enchantress in terms of clearing the line and defending.

If I want to find another chance now——

Then you may have to wait for the next little dragon, or directly force the group with the big dragon.

But even if the current situation seems to be increasingly dominated by the blue side, the top teams will not easily dare to activate Baron prematurely at this point in time.

The old saying "a dragon ruins a life" is still very warning.

What's more, in the terrain of Dalongfjord, if they open the Baron first, they will definitely be delighted by the opponent's purple army. Heroes like Jace and Enchantress will be able to more easily find opportunities to consume them. Poke or cut-in, as well as Japan's ultimate move, can also make a very threatening first move.

Therefore, the dragon cannot be opened for the time being.

It seems that the only option is to drag it on first.

"It's not bad, let Vayne make another demon-drinking knife or something."

"Syndra and Gnar will also develop a little more..."

There was such talk among the crowd.


The game time is 23 minutes and 50 seconds.

The kill announcement from the system’s female voice came from the bottom lane of Summoner’s Rift.

When the top laner on the blue side, Gnar, was closing in on the bottom lane to do some finishing touches, he encountered the ga from his opponent's mid laner, Enchantress.

k, cooperated with his teammate top laner Jayce, and successfully captured Gnar's head.

And misfortunes never come singly.

Just less than a minute later, the blue side's assistant Morgana was caught by the opponent's jungle prince when she was setting up her vision in the river Dalongfjord.

ADC Obama from the bottom lane arrived in time, and combined with his prince's damage and control, a wave of explosions directly took Morgana's head.

Before dying, Morgana also wasted a summoner's skill [Flash].

Of course, fortunately among the misfortunes, the two heads lost by the blue side's peak team were just "dry" heads, and did not allow the opponent to take the opportunity to get more things.

But even so...

Two heads were sent out in succession, but they also invisibly interrupted the rhythm of the blue army.

More importantly, the mid laner Enchantress and ADC Obama on the opposite purple side got kills respectively, and their development has also picked up rapidly.

The direction of discussion among the crowd watching the game gradually shifted to the side of Tian'a team on the purple side:

"These two mistakes... shouldn't be the case."

"It's a bit hurt. I lost my rhythm and let Enchantress and Obama take my head."

"The Enchantress is also fat now. I feel like one set of her can now damage Vayne in seconds."

"Tsk, you can't say that. Think about the operation of Master Vayne."


Of course, based on Vayne's performance on the court in the past period, many spectators still have optimism and confidence in her.

But indeed, more and more people have seen the shortcomings of the Peak Team——

People can't target your ADC.

But a few other people in your team... seem to be a little incompetent.

Can it really be carried by Vayne's thigh?

(It can move.)

This was the answer Mu Qiu in the crowd came up with in her heart.

But there is also a prerequisite, that is, his former partner and friend on the court can maintain the same state and operating feel as in the first twenty minutes.

If you can always maintain that level——

Even if the other team members are really lacking in strength, as long as they can do something to share a small part of the pressure, they should be able to win this game.


Mu Qiu frowned slightly.

Just when some worrying thoughts flashed through my mind.

On the field, a "ding" signal sounded on the mini-map.

The blue side ADC Vayne made a signal in the middle, and at the same time Zhou Mo's voice sounded on the team's voice channel:


"Hold together in the middle."

The update is here. The next chapter will be after midnight. I just finished my work. Go away and continue typing.

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