
Chapter 120 Advantages

As a few junior high school boys, it is actually quite remarkable that they can make up their mind to sign up for the LSPL trials, and also find time to secretly come to the Internet cafe for training after their busy studies every day.

And in terms of the strength level of the team members, three diamonds and two platinums are definitely considered outstanding among their peers.

But after all——

This time they are participating in the LSPL trials.

The opponents they were about to face were not as powerful as the peers they usually competed with and played around with in school.

Diamond segments are just the beginning.

Counting up, there are many masters, kings and even semi-professional players and former youth training players of professional clubs.

Therefore, it was undoubtedly a shock and impact for Zhang Xin and several friends in the team when they saw the rankings of the teams in each major competition area announced by the online e-sports media.


It also naturally affects confidence and morale.

A team like theirs can be regarded as quite outstanding in their own school and even in their small county. But I didn't expect that among the teams that registered for the Xiacheng sub-division, they would not even be on the list. None of the top 100 people can get into it.

The 100th-ranked teams all have an average strength level above diamond.

A conservative estimate would suggest that they might only be ranked outside the 150th place, and this is still the registration phase for the trials. If more teams sign up later, their rankings may even drop further. .

"How to fight like this..."

In the convenience store, several young boys couldn't help but frown.

Originally, they were full of confidence and thought about making a big splash in the Xiacheng sub-division trials a month later.

Now it looks like...

According to the strength ranking of this list, even if they are not at the bottom, they are definitely in the bottom echelon. If they are lucky, they can win a round against someone of similar strength, but if they are unlucky and encounter a battle, Teams that are particularly high on the list may really be in the first round, with no other hope at all.


Professional-level trials, such heavyweight and large-scale events, are no joke.

Not strong enough——

If you sign up, you can only be used as cannon fodder.

As the captain and initiator of the team, Zhang Xin was actually a little frustrated at first, but now when he saw the dejected looks of several classmates and teammates, he couldn't help but speak loudly:

"What are you afraid of?"

"The game hasn't even started yet, how can you pour cold water on yourself first?"

"The rankings on the list cannot represent everything. In the past, some professional players ranked themselves in the pub rankings, and they were still stuck in the diamond tier and did not go to the master!"

"Even if our current ranking does not make it into the list, the training during this period is not in vain. Think about it for yourself, our current team is ranked against those black teams with an average diamond rank. Isn't the winning rate high?"

With these words, the other friends in the team finally regained their spirits a little bit.


If Zhang Xin simply cheered them up, it might not have much effect.

But what they just said was the truth, and it was also what they had personally experienced and realized during this period of time.

Indeed, during the recent period, they have come to the Internet cafe every night for black group training. Their tacit understanding of cooperation and the level of operational execution of various tactics have been constantly improving, and the results are extremely significant.

Not only were the opponents of similar strength levels they encountered easily defeated.

Even if they encounter teams with diamond or even master tiers several times, their winning rate is always 64 or even higher.

"This shows that our true strength is definitely more than what is shown in our rank."

Zhang Xin concluded with a very firm tone:

"It's like if you increase your points in solo queue and win consecutively, your rank may still only be diamond for the time being, but your hidden points are enough to rank against the masters."

"What does it mean to be ranked high on other people's lists?"

"It's just that the summoner's rank is high. If you give us enough time, we can definitely raise the rank easily."

Following Zhang Xin's words, the eyes of several friends couldn't help but light up:


"Let me tell you, I'm only at Platinum 1 now, but I don't feel that it's too difficult to play against those top singles with 3 or 4 diamonds."

"My operation seems to be sharper, but my awareness when playing in a group is not as good as mine!"

"That's right! There are also those supports that I encountered many times. I feel that the awareness of vision and roaming support is very poor. We couldn't fight in the bottom lane in the early stage, but we were able to fight back in the middle and late stages."

Everyone seemed to have found a source of confidence, and started chatting excitedly.

Zhang Xin looked at the friends who had regained their morale, with a smile on his face:


"So that's our advantage."

"Other teams are just a bunch of stragglers with falsely high ranks. We are different -"

"We have a coach!"

As soon as he said this, several other boys in the team all looked at Zhou Mo in front of the counter, their eyes shining brightly.

Zhou Mo was a little embarrassed by the hot gazes on him, and habitually waved his hands modestly:

"it's nothing."

"I just try my best to do my best. The main thing is that you are willing to work hard..."

This is of course true. You must know that for a group of junior high school boys, playing League of Legends is just for entertainment. But recently, in order to participate in the LSPL trials, their training and preparation every night is definitely hard work. , after the evening self-study, I go to the Internet cafe to practice hard in groups. The next day I often have to go to class with a pair of panda eyes, and then go to the Internet cafe to gather on time in the evening.

Training is not entertainment, and the amount of sweat and effort put in is very little, but no one complains or calls out that they are tired.

But there is also too much humility in these words.

after all……

If it were just an ordinary diamond master, or even a king-level player, to take on this coaching job, the effect it could achieve would never be comparable to Zhou Mo's role.

Naturally, several junior high school boys, including Zhang Xin, did not know Zhou Mo's identity and the heights he had reached in the professional e-sports circle, but this did not prevent them from becoming more and more intuitively aware of it during this period of training. Their coach has helped them tremendously.

Zhang Xin waved his hand vigorously:

"Brother Mo, please stop being modest."

"If it weren't for you, our level wouldn't be enough to participate in the trials."

"But... if you are here, even if we meet those teams at the top of the list, we will definitely have a chance to compete!"

Several other friends nodded sharply.


Again, rank is only about paper strength.

But now that they have a powerful coach like Zhou Mo, their hidden true strength is much more than that.

League of Legends……

The battle is never just about individual actions.

Team cooperation, tactical operation, and use of experience.

This is a more powerful way to win.

Likewise, this will be their biggest killer move for this seemingly young team of junior high school students to compete with other strong teams in the LSPL trials!

The update is here, two updates are done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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