
Chapter 119 Competitiveness

The deliberate and proactive efforts by veteran e-sports giants such as Jiutian and Meilan to build momentum can indeed achieve certain results.

After all, paper strength can still be very bluffing in many cases.

Although if you encounter a team led by Lin Feng, you have enough strength and confidence, and you don’t care whether you are an established and wealthy team or the level of the team members——

But for most ordinary players and ordinary teams, my own paper strength is already several blocks away from yours. Naturally, I will be afraid of a terrifying team like Jiutian in advance.

For example, Xia Ziyou and others in Xiacheng are currently staying in the box of Lecheng Internet Cafe.

"This lineup of players...isn't it terrible?"

Wu Tian's eyes went straight.

Zhu Ming next to him gasped:

"Damn it, do you still want to participate in the trials with this kind of strength? It's enough to play directly in the LPL."

They also recently saw the strength list of teams in each division released by online e-sports news media, especially after seeing the list of the Magic City division, they were really shocked.

Zhou Yang patted his chest and showed a happy expression:

"It's okay, okay, I'm from the team from the Magic City subdivision..."

"If we switch to our Xiacheng Division, why don't we just kill them without thinking?"


This is really not self-deprecating, but looking at it realistically. Based on the paper strength of the Jiutian team they saw on the list, if they come to their Xiacheng division, even if their current ranking strength is The top ten, top five or even the top three teams are basically no match for me.

Not to mention themselves.

When registering and filling in team member information online this time, Xia Ziyou and others also honestly filled in their respective summoner ranks.

Five diamonds, one master.

Strictly speaking, as a new member who has temporarily decided to join the team, Mu Qiu's strength level is definitely above that of the Electronic One King in the opinion of Xia Ziyou and others. To register and fill in the team member information, you need to verify the summoner account data. Mu Qiu temporarily The only one that can be used is a diamond trumpet, so you can't force yourself to be ranked as a king.

Therefore, for the time being, their team's combat power ranking is ranked 53rd in the Xiacheng Division.

But even if Mu Qiu's "Strongest King"'s true combat power is added up, their team's ranking on the list is just outside the twenty-first place in their own division.

Compared with the top participating teams, the gap is still far behind.

Of course, what you can use to comfort yourself is that after all, paper strength cannot explain everything. Even if they are currently ranked over fifty on the list, if they really want to fight... they may not be worse than those teams in the top twenty. .

"The training you have been doing these days is not in vain!"

Wu Tian, ​​Zhou Yang and Zhu Ming regained their fighting spirit.

Sun Zheng on the side also nodded slowly;

"That's right."

"Our current team has a tacit understanding of cooperation, and the overall comprehensive combat power it can exert is definitely much higher than those teams whose paper strength is similar to ours."

"If no other strong teams sign up to compete in our division in the future, then at least the first few rounds should not be a problem."

"The only thing we have to worry about...is not to run into the top three teams on the list too early."

Speaking of this, even Sun Zheng couldn't help but show a somewhat solemn look on his face.


Although the list of their Xiacheng division is not as valuable as the three major competition areas of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, the teams that can be ranked at the top of their division's list are still not to be underestimated.

Especially the "Tian'a Team" ranked first.

"One diamond, two masters, two kings."

Xia Ziyou took the call and introduced the information about the Tian'a team to the other people in the box:

"The overall situation looks good, but the strongest part of their team is the bottom lane."

"ADC and support, two electricians and one king."

“So the bottom lane is their trump card, especially their ADC, the guy called ‘Puerless Sword Immortal’——”

"His champion is not even from Ionia. He is one of the top 30 champions in Korean solo queue."

"This person... needs special attention!"

After hearing Xia Ziyou's introduction, Zhu Ming, Zhou Yang and Wu Tian could not help but change their expressions:

"The Korean ADC is ranked in the top 30 of the King Group in solo queue?"

"This... is also a pervert."

Indeed, it is now recognized that the most valuable king in the national server is in Ionia, and the gold content of the Korean server is higher than that in the national server. However, among the Korean players, the one who relies on the bottom lane ADC to rush up in single queue, It is extremely rare and rare——

You know, even the first-line professional ADC players in the major competition regions may not be able to reach the king rank in the Korean server solo queue, let alone be ranked so high.

It would be fine if they only have one support person who is the strongest king. At least they have Brother Mu to support them.

But their ADC is stronger than the support, so...

Several people looked at Xia Ziyou.

Xia Ziyou looked a little nervous and waved her hands repeatedly: "Don't look at me. If something like this happens... I can't do anything about the ADC matchup."

Not modesty.

Although Miss Xia's current strength has improved by leaps and bounds, reaching the Diamond 4 rank, it would be too much to think highly of her if she is allowed to compete against a top AD who has reached the top 30 in solo queue in the Korean Server King Group. Already...

But at this time, Mu Qiu suddenly spoke:


"If you really encounter it, leave it to me."

The tone is casual and ordinary.

But what he said made everyone else in the box stunned.

The expression on Mu Qiu's face still seemed calm and calm, and she didn't even intend to continue explaining. She just waved her hand:

"Okay, there isn't much time left."

"Keep training."

As soon as this statement came out, the other people in the box did not dare to object, so they obeyed the instructions and continued to sit back in front of the computer to prepare for a new round of team training.

But in private, Wu Tian, ​​Zhou Yang and Zhu Ming were still secretly discussing:

"Hey... isn't Brother Mu's statement a bit bragging?"

"Forget it, never mind, anyway, even if we really collide with that Tian'a team, the worst we can do is give it our all and fight for once. Even if we lose, we still have to make a name for ourselves in the Xiacheng Division!"

"That's the truth! We must let the entire Xiacheng know how powerful our decisive team is!"

"Come to think of it, the name of this team is really good...Brother Mu is really awesome. Not only is he strong, he is also good at naming..."

Compared to the people at Lecheng Internet Cafe who were once again cheering up and investing in training, at this moment in a nearby town not far from Xiacheng and in a convenience store along the street, several junior high school boys looked a little sad:

"Hey...this is too boring."

"We are not even on the list."

"This is outside the 150th place..."

"Are there so many powerful teams in the Xiacheng Division? The average diamond division can only rank around 100."

"Aren't our competitiveness too weak?"

The update is here. The next chapter will be before eleven o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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