
Chapter 103 Return

This was true for the closest bot lane partners in the past, and there was no exception for the other teammates who were teammates back then.

A year ago, Zhou Mo received two messages from someone on QQ.

"Happy New Year."


This was the first time he heard from his former teammate and captain after several years.

It also seems to be the only contact.

But it is also a one-sided connection.

Because he did not reply after receiving the message.

In fact, on the day he received the message, he opened the chat window and hesitated for a long time. He even typed a long paragraph in the chat message editing column. In the end, he chose to delete it word by word. , closed the chat window.

It's not that he still has resentment and anger towards his former partner.

In fact, from the beginning, he never complained about the other party even half a point.

He could understand someone's guilt and self-blame at that time.

Be able to feel the other person's confusion and pain.

Even though the decision made by the other party was so reckless and hasty, and even completely unkind, compared to several other partners, he still chose to accept it silently without any complaints.

Zhou Mo was actually very happy when he saw those two pieces of information.

Because he could feel that perhaps the former partner on the other side of the chat window had finally untied his knot.

He actually wanted to type a reply and tell the other person not to say sorry. He never felt that the other person owed him anything.

He also wanted to say that even if the final finale was regrettable and disappointing, fighting side by side and working hard for the same dream throughout the year was a beautiful memory that he was destined to cherish the most.

But these words were not spoken in the end.

There is still only one reason.

Because of the accident that happened to me later.

He didn't want his companion to know about it.

This gave rise to greater guilt and self-blame, and made it even more difficult to forgive myself.


He could just bear it alone.

Zhou Mo shook his head gently, no longer thinking about those depressing past events, he regained his energy, and his eyes fell on the press release in front of the computer screen.

Speaking of which—

The regional selection competition, such a comprehensive and open selection, is bound to become another feast for the players of the national server after this year's world finals.

6 LSPL quotas.

Auditions are held in all major divisions across the country.

The competition is bound to be fierce as never before, and those who can truly stand out must be the best in the national service.

Shiyi and Atian are still active professional players, so naturally they don't need to consider this kind of competition.


Is it possible for the other two partners to participate?

Thinking of this, Zhou Mo couldn't help but reveal a glimmer of expectation in his eyes:

If it were Fengzi and Aqiu who participated in this kind of competition, no matter how fierce the competition was, they would be able to easily stand out and get a spot without any effort.

In fact, even compared to Shi Yi and A Tian, ​​the heights these two can reach in the professional e-sports circle are even higher.

This kind of thinking is not some kind of "partiality".

It was because he was so familiar with and understood the strengths of his former teammates that he made such a firm and accurate conclusion.

That's why Zhou Mo felt sorry for the two partners who had left the professional e-sports circle.

Even when he went to Xiacheng several times before, he often mentioned it to Aqiu at the late-night snack stall.

Because such strength and talent should not be buried.

Even if he hadn't been because of the original accident——

He is now...

I would also be willing to fight side by side with those partners again.

The next day.

Lin Feng bought a ticket and took the high-speed train early in the morning to leave Xiacheng and return to the Magic City.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the high-speed train slowly arrived at its destination, Hongqiao Railway Station.

At two o'clock sharp, Lin Feng arrived at the God Club training base in a taxi.

Greeted the staff at the front desk.

Go upstairs.

Come to the training room.

Looking at the three members of KG, Hayami and God who were summoned through circulation, as well as several teammates from his new team, Lin Feng smiled:


"I'm back."

Then there was no more chatting and nonsense, and he went directly into the afternoon training.

Tang Bingyao and the others from the new team returned to their captain and mid laner, and the team lineup was finally put together again. No. 3, who was responsible for training and supervising, waved his hand casually and arranged for Lin Feng's new team to play with five players. The opponent for the first round of training was Hayami's first and second team mixed lineup.

It's said to be a mixed team, but Shi Hang plays the mid laner position.

Therefore, the strength of this mixed team is not much worse than that of the complete Hayami team.

The KG and God players who came together to watch the game talked and discussed with each other. They all thought that this training battle should be quite exciting and intense, but Hayami's chance of winning would probably be higher.

After all, as long as Hayami's mixed team has the core ace mid laner Shi Hang in charge, it can basically bring out the full effect of various tactical systems.

As for Lin Feng's new team...

Even if Lin Feng returns today, the mid laner will be as thick as ever, but after all, the strength level of the other four players has not yet fully reached the first-line professional level, and their cooperation and tacit understanding will definitely be more than a little inferior to that of a strong LPL team like Hayami. Half a point.

In other words, even if Lin Feng can play well enough in the mid lane position,

y, still may not be able to lead the entire team.

Then the training matches begin.

Thirty-three minutes later, the training match ended.

The blue side with the new team wins.

The entire training room suddenly exclaimed, and almost everyone stared straight at him.

Shi Hang, who was sitting in the single seat in the purple square opposite, took a deep breath and looked at someone in shock:


"Are you taking stimulants?"

"Are you so fierce as soon as you come back?"


In this training match, Lin Feng's blue team was able to win. There were actually many reasons.

For example, Chen Ting's top laner Rambo performed perfectly. His early laning performance was a little more stable without weakening his offensiveness. In the mid-term team battle, he twice used perfect ultimate moves to hit the opponent. Purple means there are many people.

For example, Li Shiyi’s jungle prince’s ga

K's rhythm is extremely smooth, and several successful linkages between the field and the counter-crouching have helped his teammates open up advantageous situations.

Another example is that the combination of Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui in the bottom lane took the offensive initiative in the early stage as always, and got a wave of double kills.

But the more important decisive factor——

But it was Lin Feng's mid laner Jace.

Ten minutes before the start.

One single kill online, one encounter ga

k's ultimate 1V2 counterattack.

Then take the lead and bulldoze the opponent's middle tower alone.

Xiaolongtuan had three kills in 15 minutes.

23 minutes, close to super.

In the end, he had the highest damage output in the game, with KDA record data of 9/1/7, and won the MVP.

Everyone in the training room knew Lin Feng's strength.

But I didn’t expect this...

Someone who just came back was so energetic.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 10 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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