
Chapter 102 Nothing can be changed

Zhou Mo is not a character who is good at rejecting others.

So in fact, most of the reason why he was dragged into the pirate ship in the S1 season that year was that he couldn't resist someone's various instigations and requests.


In today's phone call, it wasn't the courageous declaration of the junior high school boy on the other end that convinced him. It was simply that after he said the words "from today on, you are our coach" with so much momentum, Zhang Xin, a junior high school student In an instant, her face changed again and she began to beg and even lie to him in all kinds of ways——

Only then did Zhou Mo finally have no choice but to reluctantly agree.

"All right……"

"But let me make it clear first, I'm just a coach."

Zhang Xin on the other end of the phone received a positive answer and was already smiling:

"Okay, okay! It's just coach!"

Zhou Mo added:

"And if there's a competition, I can only squeeze in as much time as I can out of the day on the weekend -"

Zhang Xin still agreed:

"No problem, no problem! Anyway, we can come to you for training, or Brother Mo, you can follow us to a nearby Internet cafe! It's late at night, and the convenience store can close early and it won't affect business."


When Zhang Xin said this, he paused:

"If our team really reaches the finals or something, then Brother Mo, you still have to be there."

"After all, he is a coach! If you want to be famous, you have to be famous together!"

Hearing such confident words, Zhou Mo couldn't help but smile:


"If we make it to the finals."

Then Zhang Xin, satisfied, hung up the phone.

In the convenience store, Zhou Mo put down his mobile phone in front of the counter and was a little dazed thinking about the conversation he had just had with Zhang Xin. Finally, he smiled helplessly and shook his head. After all, he was a rare friend to make.

Just think of it as helping them.

Of course, as for the beautiful blueprint Zhang Xin described at the end of the phone call——

Zhou Mo didn't take it too seriously.

Because even though he has not paid attention to the news of professional e-sports circles and various events for a long time, he still knows some of the most basic things.

LSPL tryouts?

Even if it is just a division selection in Fujian Province or even Xiacheng, various strong teams are destined to participate.

Even if the strength is above the average diamond, it is probably just a passing line.

As for the strength level of Zhang Xin and his classmates, Zhou Mo also knew something about it. Headed by Zhang Xin, he was at the level of Diamond 3, plus several other teammates who were platinum or had reached Diamond 5...

For a junior high school student, he is quite capable.

Going to the tryouts?

Probably can only serve as a green leaf at the bottom.


Zhou Mo frowned as he thought of something. This kind of formal competition hosted by the government should also have age requirements for the contestants, right?

Junior high school students secretly signed up online, but when they actually arrived at the competition venue... they might be stopped outside by the organizers.

Of course, Zhou Mo only thought about these things to himself. After all, Zhang Xin was so excited on the phone, and he couldn't bear to pour cold water on others so early.


Zhou Mo thought again and paused:

If A Xin is so confident and is already preparing to register, could it be said that the rules and regulations of this trial are really that loose?

Put the ledger aside.

Zhou Mo opened his laptop, moved the mouse to click on the browser page, and then entered the URL of the official website of the national server.

It was also effortless to find the eye-catching press release on the home page of the official website.

Click to open.

Read on carefully and carefully.

Then, something was indeed gained.

That is, among the official selection rules currently announced, there is indeed no direct and strict stipulation of the specific age limit for contestants. That is to say, at least at the stage of online registration, even junior high school students are not restricted.

Of course, when the few LSPL teams that advance are selected in the end, relevant definitions will definitely be made——

After all, today's professional e-sports circle has become increasingly standardized, and minors under the age of 18 cannot compete as professional players.

But the seemingly loose charter provisions in the draft...

It's probably not an editorial oversight on the part of the staff, but rather an ulterior motive.

Zhou Mo thought for a while and vaguely grasped something——

Perhaps, you want to do a wider round of screening?

If there is no age limit, we can select some young but talented young talents from the wider population of national server players. Even if they cannot directly become professional players now, they can be used as reserves for the future.

If that's the case...

Zhou Mo had a look of admiration on his face:

The pattern and skill displayed in this press release are even greater than they appear on the surface.

Of course, in addition to this, after reading the entire press release, Zhou Mo made other discoveries.

And this is based on the first discovery.

That is, if the next regional selection competition is really to expand the scope to search for more young e-sports players, then such unprecedented intensity, and the determination based on such a bold and generous effort——

It all means that the current national server must have encountered some difficulties or challenges.

Or, there may be some challenges ahead.

Zhou Mo carefully read the second half of this press release again. With his delicate mind, it was not difficult to detect the existence of a "ladder to heaven" in it.

This kind of exception is also extremely rare.

The last time Zhou Mo personally experienced it was five or six years ago.

That time, the former teammate almost failed to participate in the S1 World Finals because of his age. In the end, many parties worked together, and even several seniors personally came forward to solve the problem.

The figure of his former partner flashed through his mind inadvertently, and Zhou Mo was stunned.

How long has it been?

Lost contact with Fengzi.

It seems that it has continued since the disbandment of the team back then.

In fact, since that year, he and his four former teammates have gradually lost contact.

The only person with whom I have maintained the closest contact is Aqiu, who is also in Fujian Province. I went to Xiacheng to find him a few times in the past, and we drank and ate barbecue together at a late-night snack stall, chatting and laughing.

But later...

There is no more.

He didn't go to Xiacheng again for about a year or two.

As for the reason——

Zhou Mo looked at his right hand with a wry smile on his face.


He also has his own meager self-esteem.

Even the closest partner in the past does not want to see sympathy or pity in the other person's eyes.

Likewise, you don’t want to make the other person as sad as you are.

after all--

Zhou Mo lowered his head and fell silent:

Nothing can be changed long ago.

Here's an update. I just watched the last match between SKT and G2. Oh, what a pity. .

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