
Chapter 100 Count me in

Lin Feng left.

Follow the words of an old friend.

Now that it's all said and done, there is no need to continue to stalk him.

It's just that the back of someone leaving seems quite bleak and heavy.

After getting into the taxi and returning to the hotel, Lin Feng looked tired and weak in the back seat.

Such a result...

It was not unexpected beforehand.

It can even be said that based on his familiarity with his former partner, he had already guessed that the outcome would most likely be like this.

It's just that he did have the slightest hope of luck.


These lucky expectations have been completely shattered and gone.

And now——

In fact, there is nothing more that can be done.

He mustered up the courage to make up his mind and came to Xiacheng. After waiting for three full days, he finally spoke to Mu Qiu. Then, in ten minutes, he said everything he had thought of and unexpectedly.

But the final decision-making power and the right to judge were not in his hands from the beginning.

His old friend still sentenced him to "death".

Even in the end, he hoped to get information about Armer from the other party, but was met with a cold response.


That's probably all.

Lin Feng had a wry smile on his face.

The phone rang at this time, and a WeChat push message popped up on the screen. Unexpectedly and reasonably, it was from An Xin.

In the past three days, the girl who was his childhood sweetheart on the other side of the ocean has never asked him about his situation in Xiacheng, but just at the moment when everything was coming to an end tonight, he sent a question as if she had a clue:

"how's it going?"

Looking at the message from An Xin,

Lin Feng was silent for a moment and slowly typed a reply:

"not too good."

I didn't want to infect the other party with my heavy and depressed emotions at the moment, so I just gave such a simple three-word answer.

But the girl on the other side of the chat window seemed to have guessed the truth of everything effortlessly through this reply. After a while, another message came back:

"do not be sad."

"You've done what you're supposed to do."

Have you done what you need to do?

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly again, and probably could only comfort himself with these words.

Then he took a breath, shook his head, and continued typing on the screen:

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

"I'm going back to the Magic City tomorrow. Azeng, Tangtang and the others are still waiting for me."

When he sent this message, the expression on Lin Feng's face returned to calm.


If it had been the same in the past, he might have been depressed for a long time when faced with such an attitude from his former partners and friends.

But now... it's different.

It's not that he himself has grown much.

But now he knows the responsibility he bears.

Next year's new season is too critical and important for the entire national server, even several seniors and everyone in their LPL division.

It is too important to allow any deviation.

Everyone must devote all their attention and energy to it without reservation.


The role he played was given the greatest expectations.

Otherwise, there really may not be the press release announcement that shocked the entire national server a few days ago, and there won't be such a bold and decisive adjustment to the competition system.

I don’t know how many people’s efforts were spent.

Such a road has just been paved.

This gives him, a "newcomer" who has just reorganized his team and returned to the professional arena, an opportunity to compete against the world's top old friends and rivals in the new season next year.

Therefore, I dare not let it down easily.

Perhaps neither Aqiu nor Amo will forgive him for a long time to come.

But now, he is not qualified to spend more time and energy willfully to beg for forgiveness from his two former partners.

No matter how heavy your mood is, you can only suppress it by force first.

Gather your mind and energy.

Meet the first challenge that will come in more than a month.

"Regional tryouts, huh?"

In the chat window, the girl sent another message with a smiling expression:

"After passing this level, we will be closer to our agreement."

"come on."

After Lin Feng left, Mu Qiu sat quietly at the midnight snack stall for a long time.

He lowered his head and remained silent.

He seemed to be thinking about something.

Finally, he stood up, said hello to the owner of the barbecue stall, then turned around and walked back to the Internet cafe.

As soon as I arrived in front of my Internet cafe, I saw Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng and others walking out of it. Everyone who saw Mu Qiu was slightly startled, and then they all said hello:

"Brother Mu!"

"Brother Mu, are you done?"

"We have just finished training and are ready to go back."

Mu Qiu nodded and looked at Xia Ziyou and Sun Zheng:

"Has the roster of players for the trial been reported?"

Several people were stunned when they heard this.

Xia Ziyou and Sun Zheng looked at each other, and then the latter answered: "Not yet. I will sign up online after I go back to school tonight."

Mu Qiu said "hmm" and then said calmly:

"Count me in on the team list."

After saying this, he walked into the Internet cafe regardless of the stunned expressions of the five people who heard this.

It seemed like he just said a very ordinary thing.

People are gone.

The remaining five people, Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng, Wu Tian, ​​Zhu Ming, and Zhou Yang, were still dumbfounded on the spot, unable to recover from Mu Qiu's understatement for a long time.

In the afternoon...

Only then did they finally make up their minds and no longer think about begging Mu Qiu to join the team.

But now?

Suddenly the plot changed?

What the hell... the unexpected surprise came too quickly and too violently! ?

Zhu Ming still had a dull expression on his face:

"Just now... did I hear what Brother Mu said correctly?"

Zhou Yang also pinched himself hard subconsciously, and then gasped in pain:

"Church! It doesn't seem like you're dreaming!"

Wu Tian had a look of ecstasy on his face: "Damn! Aren't we taking off now!? With Brother Mu joining us, we can hit the LSPL quota in this trial!!"

It may be a bit exaggerated, or it may be too early.

But it is indeed true that several people believe that if Mu Qiu can join, the combat effectiveness of their team... can at least be improved by a whole big level!

At least.

The trials for Xiacheng and even the Fujian Province sub-division...

They already have the ability to compete head-on with those top semi-professional teams!

Although Sun Zheng was as happy as several of his companions, he still had some doubts:

"Why did the coach suddenly change his mind?"

Xia Ziyou looked into the Internet cafe and frowned slightly:


"Did you talk to that person about anything?"

Updates are coming, and I am so busy that I can’t even watch the games between IG and FPX. . . If you finish your work early tonight, try to continue coding.

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