
Chapter 99 You don’t deserve it

Magic City, the training base of God Club.

Although Lin Feng is not here, the training of Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao, Li Shiyi, Chen Ting and others has not fallen behind.

Although the lack of a mid laner has a certain impact, it is not too much of a hindrance.

Dawn Morning Star, Shi Hang, and KG's mid laner Yao Gui took turns playing, helping to take Lin Feng's place, cooperating with Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao and others to put together a lineup, and then training with other teams in actual combat.

On the contrary, with such cooperation, the main mid laners of several teams were slightly frightened——

It's one thing to practice your moves when you're an opponent.

But when I personally took on the mid lane position of this new team and worked side by side with each other, it felt completely different.

It's obviously just a newly formed team a few days ago, and even the top laner members of the team were just recruited, but the entire team already seems very mature and smooth in all aspects of cooperation and operation, and it's hard to tell. It’s a new team, but more like an old team that has known each other for many years.

More importantly, the style of this team seems to have gradually taken shape——

Top order and AD.

The playing styles of both C positions are extremely aggressive.

And it has some unconstrained and bold ideas that only new players can have.

Then, it is supplemented by the calm and delicate style of the jungler and support positions, which can well help the top laner AD not to attack too aggressively and be able to stop it in time.

in addition……

We can't forget that there is also a mid laner captain who is currently far away in Xiacheng.

He is a top ace who can achieve almost perfection in both offense and defense.

As long as someone returns, the temperament of this new team will be perfectly complemented, and the power it can exert is destined to shock and move people.

Even after Shi Hang cooperated and played two games, he couldn't help but come over and ask:

"Hey, are you still short of people in your team?"

"How about I play mid lane for you-"

Although it's just a joke,

But it is also enough to show the high recognition of this new team.

Training lasted from morning to night.

At eight or nine o'clock, the one-day training plan came to an end. As usual, Chen Ting was pulled over by No. 3 for a lecture, but what he got in exchange was the envious looks of the other team members from the three training bases. After all, this kind of treatment for a small team, ordinary people But I can’t even dream of coming once or twice.

Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui and Li Shiyi from the new team here gathered together, and Tian Tian also came over.

Zeng Rui nodded:

"Today... the effect is pretty good."

It's about the state of training.

Li Shiyi also smiled: "The cooperation has become more tacit. When Fengzi comes back and integrates again, then we can play training matches with KG and Hayami, and we should be more capable of fighting."

God-the Hand of God is not mentioned in the discourse.

After all, their new team has just entered the running-in period. It is still too early to directly compete with the strongest team in the Chinese LPL.

But if you can already compete with teams like KG and Hayami, it will be satisfying enough.

The topic came to Lin Feng——

Tang Bingyao looked at Li Shiyi and Tian Tian and asked in a low voice:

"There's no problem with Fengzi, right?"

When Zeng Rui called someone this morning, the girl on the side couldn't bear to ask more questions, but at this time, she couldn't help it because she was concerned.

Hearing Tang Bingyao's inquiry, Zeng Rui couldn't help but turn his attention to Li Shiyi and Tian Tian.

Although the relationship with someone is extremely close and familiar, whether he or Tang Bingyao, after all, they only met Lin Feng later. When it comes to Lin Feng's trip to Xiacheng, only Tian Tian and Li Shiyi were the two former friends. Old teammates have enough say.

However, Li Shiyi and Tian Tian looked at each other, showing a bit of helplessness and a wry smile.

In the end, Tian Tian organized his words and spoke carefully:

"This...it's hard for us to say."

"Although I hope Fengzi can resolve the conflict with Aqiu, if it is the Aqiu we are familiar with, then Fengzi will make a special trip to Xiacheng this time, probably..."

"It won't end well."

Tang Bingyao was stunned when she heard this. When she came to her senses, her face showed anxiety:

"Then, what should we do?"

Li Shiyi smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"Anyway, there's nothing we can do."

"It is inevitable for Fengzi to decide to go."

"But as for the outcome... it may have been determined early on."

Zeng Rui rubbed his eyebrows and murmured: "So, unless that guy can create some 'miracle'?"

Indeed, it seems that for a certain person, things like "miracles" are always very fateful to him.

Maybe this time...

No exception?

However, what these words brought was another silence from Li Shiyi and Tian Tian. When they looked at each other, the two former teammates could see the bitterness and heaviness in each other's eyes:

Under normal circumstances, perhaps they would also have some lucky expectations.

But this time...

They know more about the truth, so they are completely unable to say anything lucky.


Even the two of them have not dared to complain to Lin Feng.

Fujian Province, Xiacheng.

At the roadside midnight snack stall outside Lecheng Internet Cafe, Mu Qiu listened to Lin Feng speak for a full ten minutes.

Then he spoke and said only three words.

In the cool evening breeze, these three words seemed to lose their warmth even more.


Calm, almost indifferent, without emotion.

It seemed that someone's long and sincere story had not touched the sole listener in the slightest.

Then Mu Qiu looked at Lin Feng and said the second sentence coldly:

"Let's go now that we're done."

"What choice Fatty and Eleven make is their own business; it's not my turn to worry about whether you form a new team or not."

"So just live your own life and don't come back tomorrow."

"Our small place and small Internet cafe are not worth your waste of Internet fees."

This was the first time in the three or four days since Lin Feng came to Xiacheng that Mu Qiu had spoken such a long paragraph to him.

And it seems...

It is also the last paragraph.

Lin Feng fell silent after hearing this. Finally, he nodded slowly, then stood up from his seat and prepared to leave.

But before leaving, he stopped again and turned to look at this former partner and friend:

"Can you tell me Amo's address?"

Subtly, it seemed that the moment he heard this question, Mu Qiu's hand suddenly shook, and then he replied without raising his head:

"You do not deserve."

An update is coming. The next chapter will be later, probably in the early morning.

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