
Chapter 74 The opportunity has come

For the world's top teams participating in the S League, winning the Summoner's Trophy of the world championship is a dream.

For LSPL teams, advancing to the LPL league is a dream.

For semi-professional or non-professional players and players, entering the professional league is a dream.

But if one day——

A semi-professional or even ordinary non-professional passerby player unexpectedly learned that they had the qualifications to reach the top in one step and directly enter the S League.

This is more than just a dream.

But it’s an extravagant hope that I don’t even dare to dream of!

Who doesn’t know how difficult it is to get a spot in the World S League, not to mention the time, energy and hard work you need to spend step by step from an ordinary passerby to that height. That is a huge price that ordinary people cannot imagine and dare not try. .

But now...

Just because of such a press release and such a change in system rules.

Although it may still be difficult to reach the sky.

But at least...

It truly gives those players at the bottom level a chance and hope to reach the top in one step.

For a time, the hearts of countless Chinese players were burning!

turn out to be.

They can also be so close to the highest peak stage of the S League!

This analysis is posted on Tieba.

It caused the entire national server to tremble.

In just one hour, the post’s skyrocketing popularity and click-to-reply number are enough to illustrate the excitement aroused by the majority of Chinese server players and netizens.

But then after calming down for a while, many Chinese players and netizens came to their senses again.

Although the analysis of this post is thorough and accurate, after all, it is just the personal analysis and speculation of an ordinary netizen.

after all……

This kind of thing,

No matter how it sounds, it feels too incredible, too unreal and unreal.

Maybe they over-interpreted this official press release?

Maybe the official didn't make it clear when they released the press release, which caused them to misunderstand?

So, very quickly, countless Chinese netizens rushed to the Weibo platform and rushed to the homepage of the official League of Legends national account. They all posted the contents of the analysis post, screenshots or simple text summaries, and left comments, eagerly And expectantly asked the official for confirmation——

In the end... is it true? ?

Is there really a chance to reach the sky in one step, or is it just an empty joy for them?

Soon, under the gaze of countless eyes, the official homepage of the national server gave the answer:

"There is no problem with the content of the draft. The specific rules for changing the competition system will be further explained by the official later."

It still seems to be a rather official and ambiguous sentence.

But the information revealed...

It's enough.

Because such a sentence, directly translated, is just two words:


The entire national server network was silent for a moment.

Then an even more violent boiling roar erupted!


it is true! !

So in the next second, the eyes of almost all the LSPL teams in the national server, as well as semi-professional teams and passerby players, were as bright as light bulbs, and their hearts were getting hotter and hotter:

What the hell...

The opportunity has come! !

Shangcai, dormitory building, dormitory 514.

"Damn it! Isn't this a fucking opportunity?!"

Qiu Le shouted excitedly, eager to try:

"Come on, come on, it's a chance to reach the sky in one step!"

"If you do well... you can directly participate in the S-League. This is so awesome!"

"You said, there are already three of us here, and if we trick the two of us from the e-sports club to form a team, we will also sign up for the trials, and then we will advance all the way. Maybe there will be someone in the S-League finals tomorrow. We have a place!”

Feng Tao, who is usually relatively calm and objective, couldn't help but get excited:

"Don't talk about this——"

"If I can come back with a championship trophy...that would be really awesome, right!!"

Shen Zhuang weakly looked at the two roommates in front of him:

"It's not that easy..."

"Not to mention the other top teams in the world, if it is true what is said on the Internet, then I don't know how many teams will sign up to participate in the trials."

"Our little strength is not enough, right?"

Feng Tao and Qiu Le suddenly choked.

This is indeed the case.

I was too excited just now, but calm down and think about it. Such an opportunity to reach the sky in one step is absolutely a dream for everyone, and it is fatally attractive even to the top level players and semi-professional players.

The trials at that time... will definitely be filled with more powerful players than ever before, all trying to get a place in the trials.

Just a few of them, college students with platinum and diamond levels, would probably be tired of being cannon fodder.

Qiu Le couldn't help but feel a little annoyed:

"Hey, it's really——"

"Even if our e-sports team takes action, the lineup will probably be useless."

"It would be great if Fengzi didn't form a new team. If he came over, maybe we could still have a chance to compete in the trials..."

And when it comes to the last sentence.

Qiu Le suddenly froze: "Wait a minute... Fengzi forms a new team..."

Then he suddenly thought of something and looked at the two roommates in front of him with wide eyes.

Feng Tao and Shen Zhuang also reacted.

The expressions of the three people in dormitory 514 all changed and they looked shocked:

"Could it be!?"

The storm has begun.

Faintly, the grand and exciting scene of next year's new season has been unveiled bit by bit.

It is destined to make all the top players and professional players in the world crazy and compete for it.

It is also destined to make people excited and passionate.

Very few people know that the second press release that shocked the entire national server this morning was actually vaguely tailor-made for a certain person.

But at ten o'clock that morning, Lin Feng received a call from Chu Fangnan, asking if the team name had been decided.

Originally it was supposed to be an affirmative answer.

But the person on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment and shook his head:

"not yet."

"Brother Chu, please wait for two more days."

"I want to... clarify some things first."

After hanging up the phone, someone made another call:

"Hey, Sister Xue."

"Well, I'm going home tonight too. If it's convenient for you, help me find the suitcase at home."

"Tomorrow, I'll go out."

Here is an update. I just got home and am so tired that I will start typing again tomorrow morning. .

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