
Chapter 73 Revealed

Just hide, not conceal.

And as long as the published content can withstand the scrutiny and study of countless public eyes, it is destined that there will be no secrets.

In fact, regarding the content of the second press release issued by the official national server, several decision-makers and makers of the press release also had a conversation the night before it was released.

At that time, No. 1, No. 5 and Lin Songshi were in the president's office at the headquarters of the Beijing Electric Power Association.

There is a computer on the desk with a remote conference video on.

On the other side of the video, there is No. 4 on the other side of the ocean, and Fang Hao from the Shanghai Electric Power Association Branch.

"There is basically no problem with the content logic."

After carefully reviewing the contents of the draft again, No. 4 in the first small shot on the video screen raised his head and gave his own evaluation and judgment. Then he paused and held up the gold on the bridge of his nose. Silk glasses, continue to speak:


"If such content is published directly, it might cause quite a bit of controversy, right?"

In Beijing, Number 5 in front of the computer also nodded slightly:


"For the existing LPL and a small number of LSPL teams, they may have an unfair feeling."

Over in Shanghai, Fang Hao, sitting at the desk in his president's office, nodded slightly:

“It’s normal to feel it’s unfair.”

"After all, according to the normal league system, if a professional team wants to step up step by step, it will take at least two years of hard work."

"The current situation... is equivalent to giving all new teams a chance to reach the top in one step."

This feeling is actually easy to understand and experience.

After all, those senior and established teams have indeed spent at least two or even three or four years working hard in the league to achieve their current strength and status, and have put in unimaginable hard work and sweat. .

But if they discover that today's rookie team can reach the top easily, then it seems that all their hard work in the past years will be meaningless.

Naturally, people will feel resentful of disobedience and injustice.


How come we have been fighting life and death for so many years, but you can easily rise to the top just because of a new decision-making adjustment?

"In this way, some people may even directly doubt and criticize the fairness of the draft itself."

Four pointed this out cautiously.

Everyone in the meeting was silent for a moment. This kind of thing is indeed very likely to happen.

And then, No. 1 in front of the computer video shrugged with a relaxed expression:

"It's okay, anyway, the final right of interpretation belongs to the Electric Power Association."

"Some people really question it. It is Lao Lin, the chairman of the headquarters, who is taking the lead. It is not our turn to bear the pressure."

Although it's just a joke.

But the expression on Lin Songshi's face remained calm:

"Then let them come."

"E-sports does not need to be ranked based on seniority. The capable will come first and the weak will be eliminated. If we don't even have this awareness and determination... we will have no chance of winning the battles next year."

Fang Hao on the other end of the video also nodded solemnly:


"Furthermore, just because a new team gets a chance, it doesn't mean that the established team doesn't have an advantage."

"If, with open and fair opportunities, the established teams cannot compete with the newcomers, it only means that they have been in vain for so many years. Even if they are eliminated, they do not deserve sympathy."

Hearing this, No. 4 adjusted his glasses again:

"That being the case"

"Then I have no other opinion."

Number 1 laughed:

"It was originally a big gamble, so... we didn't leave ourselves any room for retreat."

"The war is coming"

“Using the power of the entire national server to select the strongest candidates from millions of players and teams, only in this way can we seize every opportunity and hope we can. "

No. 5 nodded slightly and answered:

"For the new team, although they have the opportunity to reach the top in one step, there is only one spot for this opportunity..."

"It will cause crazy looting."

Number 1 narrowed his eyes:


"So, it is destined to be an unprecedented fierce competition."

"If it can fight its way out of such competition, even a new team will have the ability to make all the world's top teams... fearful and fearful."

"No lie, I discovered the secret hidden in the second document draft!" 》

At first glance, the title of this post may seem a bit sensational and a gimmick to attract attention.

The first paragraph of this post reads like this:

"To be honest, when I first saw the official draft of the document, I couldn't believe it and wondered if I was wrong. But I carefully read the material over and over again several times. Now, I can conclude that A very definite conclusion”

"That is, if the content of this press release is correct, then in next year's new season, not only our LPL team, but maybe... a newly formed rookie team will have a chance to compete in next year's S League finals! "

After seeing this, the netizens who read the post still thought it was nonsense and the poster was crazy.


How could such a thing happen?

The rules of the competition system have always been clear. There are only eight LPL teams in their LPL division that are qualified to compete for the finals. They are not even in the LSPL, let alone the newly formed rookie teams. If you want to have such an opportunity, you must at least take one step. It took several years to climb up.

How is it possible to reach the sky in one step?

But netizens were a little patient and continued to read the content of this post.

Originally... I just wanted to see how the author of this post could continue to make things up.

Didn't expect

The more I look.

The more frightened he became.

His eyes widened and his mouth widened.

to the end.

Completely horrifying and moving!

After the speech in the first paragraph, the author of this post quickly launched his own analysis. The logic of the analysis was extremely concise and clear, and he peeled off the contents of the original rather official and complicated draft... Pulling away, an extremely shocking truth was placed in front of everyone's eyes.

The poster’s analysis logic is divided into three steps:

First, one and a half months later, the domestic electronics association branches will lead the regional selection competition, so eventually 6 passerby teams will advance to the LSPL league.

Second, the promotion competition from LSPL to LPL will be restarted at the end of next spring. If the six previous passerby teams are strong enough and fight to reach the top four in the LSPL league, they can go one step further and become a member of the LPL division.

Third, and most importantly.

Of the three S-League quotas in the LPL division, the first and third seeds are the teams that rank first and second in total points throughout the year, while the second seed is the team that won the summer championship.

For the rookie team, because they missed the LPL Spring Split, it is basically impossible to reach the top three in the LPL in terms of total points.

But... there is a chance to win the summer championship.

That is to say.

If a rookie team can advance to the top six in the country from the regional selection one and a half months later and advance to the LSPL, and then advance to the top four from the LSPL league next spring, advance to the LPL, and finally win the championship in the summer split of the LPL league, You can qualify for the second seed in the S League.

At the end of the post, the poster concluded with a solemn tone:

"That is..."

"An opportunity to reach the sky in one step!"

The update is here. I have been busy all night... After coding this chapter, I almost have to go to the high-speed rail station...

High-speed text hand-typing Chapter list of League of Legends’ final victory

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