
Chapter 69 See you at the Bird's Nest

How does it feel when a dream that you have been dreaming about for many years becomes a reality?

This ecstasy is even greater than God's team advancing to the final battle in this year's finals. God-Hand of God used his life card in the fourth set of BO5 to force SSK team into a life-or-death decisive game.


Countless Chinese players and netizens have dreamed that one day their own LPL team would be able to win the glorious Summoner's Championship trophy in the S-League.

But compared to this scene, there is another scene that makes people's hearts sway and look forward to——

That is if one day...

More than just lifting the championship trophy.

And it is their LPL team that can win the championship and create a legend in their own home court in China, amidst the cheers of hundreds of millions of Chinese server players and fans.

That is true perfection!

That is the truly perfect dream!

Just imagining such a scene is enough to make people's hearts agitate and their blood boil.


When this year's finals finally ended with regret, and when all the players in the Chinese server were immersed in a huge heaviness, such a news came unexpectedly, making people unprepared and stunned on the spot.

Their extravagant dream, which they thought was the most distant dream...

Actually, it’s already half achieved?

And it even far exceeded expectations. Not only will next year's finals be held in China, but the final location will be the Bird's Nest in Beijing!

National Stadium with 100,000 people!

It was once the only and most exciting Olympic Games hosted by China, symbolizing the highest stage of professional competitive sports.

Now, it is about to include the highest event of e-sports.

Share the glory of an entire sports competition!

No matter how shallow and dull people are, they can effortlessly feel the weight and profound meaning contained in it.

For Chinese professional e-sports, this will be an era-changing step for the entire field and the entire industry, an almost unprecedented epic change!


The entire national server was shaking and boiling!

At this moment, countless Chinese server players and netizens stared blankly at the screen on their mobile phones, looking at the line of explanatory text about the S-League next year. Gradually, their hands began to tremble, and their whole bodies began to tremble. They were so excited and shocked that they couldn't help themselves.

Through these lines of seemingly ordinary words, they vaguely seemed to be able to see an extremely majestic scene——

In that magnificent 100,000-person stadium made of steel and iron.

Amidst the screams and cheers that shook the mountains and the sea.

Their LPL team stood at the center of the stage, carrying the glory of sports competition accumulated in the Bird's Nest Stadium, and holding the championship trophy, which symbolizes the highest honor of League of Legends e-sports.

With such a picture appearing in his mind, people couldn't help but feel their blood start to heat up.

It was as if the whole person was trembling with excitement.

Compared to the past...

Next year will be the season that truly determines glory.

Next year's finals are truly an opportunity that cannot be missed!

For a time, the eyes of countless Chinese server players and netizens were red:

next year--

Must win!

The championship of the Bird's Nest must be won! !

However, at the moment when the entire national server was in a state of excitement, there were also people who were slightly shaken off from the excitement and couldn't help but feel a bit surprised and confused.

That is such a huge sensation, why there is still no movement from their national LPL club team.

Before...that's all.

But even if there is no life left, at this juncture, it is time to speak out, right?

So surprise and confusion gradually began to turn into worry.

Could it be that the defeat in this year's finals has really wiped out the confidence and morale of their LPL team?

Shangcai dormitory building, dormitory 514.

Qiu Le in the dormitory was anxiously looking back and forth with his mobile phone:

"what's the situation?"

"It's been more than ten minutes since this press release was released. Why haven't our teams in the national server spoken out yet?"

"God, Hayami, KG, Mingguang, Kuoyao... one by one, please stand up and say something!"

Shen Zhuang also showed a somewhat worried look on his face:

"You really haven't cheered up yet, right?"

Qiu Le stamped his foot angrily:

"How can that be done!?"

"If this year is gone, it's gone. It's all in the past. We can't still be immersed in the shadow of failure. Next year's new season is the most important thing, okay! Next year's Bird's Nest decisive battle, but we must definitely do it." It must be our LPL team that wins the cup!”

Feng Tao said in a deep voice:

"Yes, it's actually not bad that we lost this year."

"But next year we will host it ourselves, and the decisive battle will be in the Bird's Nest. If there is any mistake and let other regions win the championship trophy, that is really something that cannot be allowed to happen."

"Then if we lose...it will be a really devastating blow!"

Qiu Le was so anxious that he began to pace back and forth:

"Isn't it?"

"Hey, there's been no sound for a long time..."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but pick up his phone and swipe it a few times. Suddenly his eyes lit up, showing an ecstatic look:

"Look! Yes, yes!!"

8:20 am Beijing time.

It has been 20 minutes since the release of this press release that shocked the entire world of e-sports.

Domestic, Weibo platform.

God-God's Hand Team Club's official account homepage posted a message status.

No stickers.

There was no funny banter that he usually does to interact with fans.

There were only a few lines of plain text, but in an instant, it attracted millions of eyes from the entire national server.

"We have been defeated too many times."

"I have let you down too many times."

"We were once so close to that coveted glory trophy, but so far away."

"We cannot defend ourselves and we do not deserve to defend ourselves."

"Because words are pale and cannot compare with reality."

"But this time-"

"We have no way to retreat, so we can only move forward and fight to the death."

"next year."

"See you at the Bird's Nest."

Within 30 seconds after the status was released, the official homepages of the top teams and clubs in the Chinese LPL division were forwarded simultaneously in no particular order.

There were also no more words, only three simple words passed from team to club.

KG team: See you in the Bird's Nest.

Dust - Team Dust: See you in the Bird's Nest.

Team Mingguang: See you at the Bird's Nest.

Hayami Sentai: See you at the Bird's Nest.

Team Black: See you in the Bird's Nest.

Finally, the baton was passed to the last person, which seemed to be a conclusion and a solemn declaration of calm and decisiveness.

Forwarded by the official account of China Electricity Association Headquarters:

"Next year at the 100,000-person Bird's Nest Stadium, let us keep the Summoner's Trophy."

I fell asleep watching it again last night. . Ah, the match between RNG and SKT was really exciting. . . Next chapter after ten o'clock.

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