
Chapter 68 Crazy

According to the consistent character of the vast majority of Chinese server players and netizens, they can discuss with gusto and watch with great concentration on the gossip and tidbits published by various online e-sports media on a daily basis.

But if they were asked to ponder and study some official press release issued by Riot Games, they would lose interest.

After all, gossip news can be written in a fascinating and interesting way, and it can also allow them to see the daily life of the professional players they care about and are curious about.

But the official press release is different. What is written is straightforward and has no emotional color at all. Just looking at it is extremely boring, and it can't arouse people's spiritual interest.

It’s so frustrating. Only every time when an official update patch is announced, everyone will pay a little more attention to it. They will drag the patch content to the description of their commonly used heroes, and then take a closer look. Others have nothing to do with them and there is no need. Just look at the page and click the cross in the upper right corner to finish.

This press release that radiated across the entire network was no exception.

Everyone was indeed surprised and shocked at first that Riot officials made such a big news in the new season——

It is unprecedented to announce so many large-scale new events for next year in one go.

But after the surprise, everyone felt it was okay.

It shows that the game League of Legends has become increasingly popular and mainstream.

There will be more exciting games to watch next year.

However, that's the limit. Those heavyweight events cannot fall on ordinary players like them anyway, and the long and complicated instructions are a headache. It is better to wait until the game actually starts. Just listen to the analysis and explanation from professionals.

As for the so-called "special guests" mentioned lightly at the end of certain event descriptions, naturally not many players in the national server will pay attention to it.

Until they saw the section about the S League in the new season blueprint in the press release.

When I first saw the beginning, the majority of Chinese server netizens were a little surprised:


Isn't the S-League held every year? Why is it brought up again now?

Is there any new adjustment?

This makes people a little bit more interested,

After all, compared with the various new events that have emerged, the S Series World Finals has always been the most advanced League of Legends event in the minds of all Chinese server players, with unique status and weight.

But Chinese netizens patiently continued reading, only to find that there seemed to be no gain.

There are no adjustments or changes...

Why are you posting it to make up the word count for a press release?

Netizens of the national server are getting a little impatient here. It’s still the same as before. The rules of the competition have not changed. The event will be held in October next year and the venue will be——


The eyes of all Chinese netizens were glazed over at this moment.

There is rarely a time when the vast majority of Chinese server players and netizens react so sluggishly after seeing a press release.

Even when I saw Sword Girl being severely weakened.

Or even seeing the bad news in the finals.

Not like this moment.

Because in the last few lines of the S League description in this press release, there are simply these words -

Venue: China.

(The location of the group stage to the knockout semi-finals has not yet been determined.)

Final venue: Beijing, Bird's Nest.

For a moment.

It seemed as if the entire national server had gone silent, like deathly silence, and only countless heavy breathing and violent heartbeats could be heard.

Beijing, 37th floor of the Electric Power Association Headquarters Building.

In the president's office, No. 1 was looking out of the window in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

No. 5, who was sitting on the sofa nearby, picked up his phone, looked at it, and said softly:

"The draft has been sent out."

Number 1 in front of the window looked at the scenery in the distance. The sky was high and the clouds were clear, and it was as blue as the sea. He also smiled:


"Then this time...it's about to begin."

Lin Songshi, who was sitting at his desk, reached out and rubbed his temples, and sighed:


As the president of the China Electronics Association Headquarters, he knows very well what the section about the S League in today’s press release means to the national server.

Naturally, they clearly know how much hard work and effort they have put in to achieve this result.

Number 5 smiled slightly:

"Hard work will pay off. Finally... my dream for the national server has come true."

Even though the three of them are in the office on the 37th floor at this moment, they can still imagine how the countless Chinese server players and netizens will be shocked and ecstatic when they see the contents of this press release.

But Lin Songshi shook his head:

"No, it's still early to say that your dream will come true..."

Number 1 in front of the window turned around and nodded slightly:


"It's just beginning now."

"Next...it's time to realize your dream."

As I have said before, even though this press release lists various other new heavyweight events that will be held in the new season next year, in the minds of countless national servers and even League of Legends players around the world, the S series The World Finals is still the irreplaceable highest status.

The S-League has been held for six times so far.

The host venues range from Europe to South Korea to North America, and also include some cities other than these three competition areas, such as Shanghai, Taipei, Vietnam, Beijing, etc.

For countless Chinese server players and netizens, they always have a regret.

That is, there have been so many finals, and they have never really seen one hosted by themselves.

More often than not, they can only seize the time and stick to the computer, waiting late at night to watch the official live broadcast of the game online, but rarely have the opportunity to visit the scene in person and cheer for their LPL team at their home court.

This feeling of regret is not even worse than the fact that they have not won the world championship trophy in the LPL division for many years.

I don’t know how many Chinese players have complained and lamented like this after dinner:

"If the S-League is hosted in our country -"

"If only there could be such a day..."

"I just asked for leave and missed work, risking my life to go to the scene to cheer!"

It's just that this kind of sigh seems to be just a sigh.

No one thought about when such a day would come.

Coupled with the regrettable defeat in this year's finals, the majority of players in the national server are in a state of grief and heavy sadness, and they have no time to think about where next year's finals will be held——


But it was under such circumstances.

When such a press release is officially released, it radiates to the entire network.

Everyone saw the information that the host venue of next year's S-League was confirmed, and saw those few lines of text that were almost unbelievable to their own eyes.

That is……

It's a luxurious expectation that has lingered in people's minds for many years, and is even about to give up hope and never think about it again.

Just a few simple, ordinary words.

But it seemed to be as heavy as a mountain, hitting everyone's eyes hard.



bird's nest.

Not just how long the silence has been.


The entire national server went crazy.

Updates are here, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh watching the two games before reading the second chapter, come on LPL! !

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