
Chapter 61 Another extreme

Although he is not the main ADC position, Lin Feng's familiarity and understanding of the ADC position is no worse than any professional ADC player.

ADC is a character who dances on the edge of a knife.

Even Lin Feng himself has achieved the ultimate show and harvest in desperate situations countless times in various games with perfect and extreme operations.

He has also seen top legends like Sister Xiaowu, who can still be calm and at ease even when they are surrounded by fire, ensuring their own survivability while delivering perfect damage output.

But even he——

It has almost never been seen that an ADC would actively choose to step on the tip of the knife and perform such a thrilling dance of death and harvest in this almost desperate gamble.


This wave of purple square, mid and jungle roaming ga

k, from the beginning, ADC Sivir, controlled by Bullet, had no intention of leaving.

He even directly took the initiative to attack the opponent's mid laner Huo Man.

It's like a choice to commit suicide.

However, when he was almost surrounded by four opponents and concentrated fire, he made the most extreme and bold perfect positioning operation.

Almost all of Fire Man's non-directional skills were dodged and dodged by his movement and the control-free shield of his E skill. While the health bar on Sivir's head continued to drop, the level A and skill output in his hand were smooth. There is no pause.

Stable output in desperate situations.

Even the fierce and brazen counterattack momentum almost suppressed the four opponents from the purple side.

This is not like four people surrounding and killing a wheel mother at all, but more like a wheel mother outflanking four people on the opposite side.

It is the most extreme positioning and micro-management in the narrowest and cramped space. It is like a dragnet is laid out, but it is still able to flexibly move through the narrowest gaps to find output opportunities again and again.

Then... instead, it was the four members of the opponent's purple army who disrupted their position first.

I was stunned for a moment by Wheel Mom's fierce counterattack.

There was an error in the operation.

This gave Wheel Mother more time to counterattack, and finally killed the fiery man first, and finally replaced Obama's life.

And all this——

All must be attributed to Wheel Mom’s decisive decision-making in this wave of counterattack.

If the wheel mother hesitates for one or two seconds, or subconsciously chooses to run away first, then at least three to four hits of flat A damage will be lost, and the best active first output environment will also be missed. Then the most ideal result is probably just to change One head may be lost, or even one head may not be taken off.

Lin Feng tried to think about it again, if it was Sister Xiaowu who was in charge of this wave just now, how he would choose and respond.

Then he shook his head.

Because this idea is meaningless. If it is really Sister Xiaowu who is operating this ADC wheel mother, then the opponent's midfielder and jungler will have no chance to successfully touch the bottom lane. With the former's delicate thinking and calm style, it is impossible to give Any opportunity for the opponent——

As long as the early stage is passed steadily and smoothly, in the middle and late stages, with Sister Xiaowu's operational strength, it will be a matter of calmly taking over and directly sealing the victory.

This seems to be the difference in style between the two top legends of the previous generation.

A sound one that leaves no flaws.


He takes the initiative to use his own weaknesses as bait, and then launches a more fierce and fierce attack.

Lin Feng saw the current situation very clearly. Although this wave of wheel mothers were killed, he had actually managed to clear out a wave of minions with the ejection and range damage of his Q and W skills before he died. He would wait until later There will be no loss of troops if you resurrect and return to the line.

In addition, he scored a double kill before dying, and now the wheel mother's record data is 4/1/0.

The first big piece of equipment is about to be made.

This directly speeds up the pace of development by a whole lot. From now on, the wheel mother seems to be entering a period of no solution.

So this wave has actually ensured a steady profit.


Lin Feng glanced at the blue side assistant Morgana who retreated to the tower and chose to return to the city on the game screen. In fact, this wave could have been handled more perfectly. If the assistant Morgana just trusted her ADC teammate more, , and cooperated with Senior Bullet's counterattack, maybe Wheel Mom even had hope of survival, and could at least replace one more head from the opposite side.

Of course, these are not important anymore.

Just this wave of counterattack decisions and detailed micro-management were enough for Bullet to teach the two juniors watching behind him a good lesson.

Tang Bingyao was even more fascinated, with a bit of admiration and yearning in her eyes:

Such mental decisions and operations...if it were her, I don't know how long it would take for her to be able to do it.

Bullet's voice also sounded calmly at this time:

"A strong AD can play steadily and conservatively, and a weak AD can also suppress the attack in the early stage."

"If you think outside your original cognitive framework, the characteristics of the hero itself are not as static as you think."

"The decision-making power lies only in the operator's own hands."

"What's your style?"

"That's what the hero you control is."

It seems to be just to prove this truth.

What Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao saw next was a one-sided massacre caused by the ADC wheel mother under the operation of Bullet.

If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes at this moment, neither of them would have imagined that in a high-end game where the electric laner king was the king, Sivir, the ADC who had been targeted enough in the early stage, could be so fierce and domineering.

At 9 minutes, the outer tower of the purple square bottom road was broken.

At 12 minutes, the Goddess of War, who switched to the middle lane, brought her own support and mid laner to bulldoze the opponent's middle defensive outer tower in one fell swoop.

At 13 minutes, in the river Xiaolong Gorge, the fire dragon spawned.

A wave of team battles broke out between the two sides.

The goddess of war achieved three kills.

Nearly staggeringly terrifying damage and harvesting abilities.

The strong phase of the wheel mother should not have appeared until thirty minutes later, but it was already fully displayed in Bullet's hands less than 15 minutes into the game.

In 15 minutes, the second tower on the purple square road was broken.

The military line went straight to the high ground.

In the 16th minute, the summoned crystal from the high ground in the middle of the purple side turned into ruins.

The pace was so fast that people had no time to react. A few minutes ago it was a balanced situation, but now a few minutes later, the purple army has almost collapsed.

Obviously, all of them are top players at the level of Electric One King, but they are losing ground due to such ferocious offensive momentum and have no ability to fight back.


It’s all just because of the rhythm set by the goddess of war, Sivir.

At this moment, not only Tang Bingyao, but also Lin Feng felt a little dazzled. This was something he had never thought of before. A single ADC could achieve such terrifying dominance in the early and mid-term, influencing the battle situation and controlling the wind and rain. ——

Moreover, the hero used is still a wheel mother.

19 minutes.

The purple side chooses to surrender and admit defeat.

In the middle of the game screen, the purple side's base crystal exploded, and the blue side's "Victory" emblem slowly emerged.

In front of the computer screen, Bullet's face remained calm and indifferent.

It seemed like he had just done a simple little thing.

The update is here, two updates are done, friends, take a rest early and see you tomorrow.

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