
Chapter 60 Teaching Demonstration

Hearing Bullet's words, Lin Feng suddenly became energetic.

The real drama is here.

He came to see Bullet tonight with Tang Bingyao, not only to observe Tang Bingyao's training, but more importantly because he had questions and doubts and asked for help from this legendary senior of North America's previous generation.

Tang Bingyao had just played two games of passerby ranking. Although she played beautifully, Lin Feng felt a bit sincerely surprised and praised, but after all, the girl's current level of strength is not yet up to the mark. Although the playing style has taken a prototype, it is far from perfect. To the extent that someone can learn from it.

What he needs to observe now is a more mature style system.

It is the very few people who need to truly stand at the top of the pyramid to give him some inspiration to break through the bottleneck.

And among them——

Bullet is one of the most ideal candidates.

Tang Bingyao obeyed the master's instructions and obediently gave up her seat, replaced Bullet and sat in front of the computer. While clicking the mouse to start the ranking for a new game, he said to Tang Bingyao in a calm tone:

“I didn’t do a good job early in the second game.”

"Sivir's proficiency still needs more practice."

"This hero can be stronger in the early stage."

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but touch his nose.

Strictly speaking, in fact, the girl's playing style is consistent in these two pub ranking games. The active offensive style has been implemented very thoroughly, even if the wheel mother in the second game is better than Vayne in the first game. Slightly inferior, but compared with other professional ADC players who use Sivir, they are definitely strong and aggressive.

Only when we got to Bullet, we only got an "insufficient" rating.

But Tang Bingyao listened very seriously and nodded vigorously:

"I'll keep practicing."

After saying that, the girl turned to look at Lin Feng and added in a low voice:

"Master's Sivir is particularly powerful."


Lin Feng didn't even react after hearing this.

In front of the computer screen, Bullet was already moving and operating the mouse, waiting for the passerby game in the new round.

Confirm and lock your own hero in the selection interface——

Sivir, the goddess of war.

Lin Feng couldn't help but straighten his body subconsciously, with a look of more concern and expectation on his face.

Comparative teaching with heroes...

Speaking of which, it seems that Sivir was a hero that he had seen used by Sister Xiaowu in his competition with Sister Xiaowu a few months ago.

And that was also the first time he truly saw how terrifying Sivir, a hero, was when he reached the extreme.

At that time, almost everyone on his team focused all their firepower on the bottom lane in the early stage, but they just couldn't find any chance from Sister Xiaowu's Sivir.

Take your time and ease.

That kind of aura was most vividly and perfectly demonstrated in the hands of Sivir controlled by Sister Xiaowu.

The team battle output and harvesting in the middle and late stages can be called the most classic textbook-level interpretation of the goddess of war.

In Lin Feng's view, that may already be the ultimate limit for the hero Wheel Mom.


If the person controlling Sivir at this moment is the senior Bullet in front of him.

Perhaps, he will see another limit of the wheel mother.

Lin Feng still remembers what he heard from senior No. 1 or No. 3. Judging from the overall personal strength, Sister Xiaowu and Bullet are easily indistinguishable, but in terms of style, one is good at defense and the other is good at offense. There is no direct actual combat. , no one can tell whether the shield can block the spear, or whether the spear can break the shield.

But one thing is clear -

That is, these two top legends of the previous generation, when facing other opponents whose strength is far inferior to them, no matter whether their respective styles are spears or shields, they can easily and perfectly crush them.

For example, the current battle between passers-by and kings.

The fourth minute of the game.

Using movement and distance to pull the opponent's purple ADC, Obama's Bullet, whose health was depleted during the exchange of blood, flashed out of his face in a wave. After cooling down, the Q skill connected with A and then W to reset the basic attack, and he took it directly and decisively. The next man's head was bloody.

Then relying on the [Healing] of a summoner skill and the body cover of his auxiliary teammate Morgana, he once again pulled the kite to the limit, and relied on the few remaining blood lines to kill the purple auxiliary Japanese girl on the opposite side who originally tried to kill him. Counterattack and take away.


Tang Bingyao, who was standing aside and watching the battle, was excited:

"Master is so strong!"

Lin Feng's eyelids twitched slightly.

In this wave of double kill operations, it is no exaggeration to say that if it were him, he might not even be able to capture the head of the first opponent Lucian, let alone the head of the second auxiliary Japanese girl.

So fierce!

And... so fierce and fierce.

It's as precise and meticulous as a scalpel, but it's done at such a dazzling speed.

Suddenly a thought flashed through someone's mind -

I don’t know... what is the performance record of this Bullet senior?

In the early stage, you can get a double kill immediately after going online.

Such a start, for the war goddess Sivir, who only really exerts her strength in the middle and late stages, will undoubtedly greatly advance her period of strength.

Not to mention falling into the hands of Bullet's operators.

The terrifying power of the wheel mother has just begun to show.

5 minutes and 30 seconds.

Almost not long after the last wave of double kills in the bottom lane, the bottom lane combination of both sides was able to return to the line. Within half a minute, the jungle prince of the purple side had already wandered away.

K arrived, and the opponent's mid laner, Huo Man, came with him.

At this time, you can see the high-end aspects of this passer-by-king game.

Less than six minutes into the game, even when his teammates in the bottom lane had just fallen into a disadvantageous and passive situation, the purple midfielder quickly and decisively made the first wave of linked roams.

He directly planned to kill the opponent's blue ADC wheel and cut off the former's development rhythm.

And under such circumstances, Sivir, who has two friends, basically has no chance or hope of escape.

Lin Feng was sure that if he did it himself, there would be no other accidents.


He then saw a moving scene that almost took his breath away.



ee (a hero has made a killing). "



(end). "

Several kill announcements from the system's female voice echoed in the bottom lane of Summoner's Rift.

On the ground in the bottom lane, the bodies of three heroes lay.

ADC Sivir, who became the target of the opponent's purple side army's concentrated fire, naturally fell down without suspense, but not far from Sivir's body, there were also two purple side mid laners, Huo Man and ADC Obama, lying down.

1 for 2!

Even Lin Feng took a deep breath at this moment and felt his scalp was slightly numb. Bullet's eyes couldn't hide the shock when he looked at the computer screen:

This wave...

It’s so exaggerated!

The update is here, the next chapter will be around 11:30, so go away and continue typing.

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