
Chapter 52 Special arrangements

There is no need to be polite and pretentious between teammates who fought side by side in the past.

So after hearing what Lin Feng said, Tian Tian just nodded, changed the subject, and started to help Lin Feng analyze and evaluate Chen Ting's current situation seriously.

After all, he is currently the top professional top laner in the national server and even the world. Although Lin Feng has also returned to his peak form, his understanding and knowledge of the top laner position is still inferior to Tian Tian.

Many of the analyzes made by Tian Tian were enough to make Lin Feng suddenly realize and benefit a lot:

"Ating's biggest feature is his line offensiveness."

"That's an advantage and a disadvantage."

"The advantage is that this style of play can maximize his personal operation ability. If he encounters an opponent with inferior strength, he can directly and quickly crush him. And if he encounters a master with a similar style to him and the same operation - even if It's The-Swo

A top laner of that level can find more opportunities in the fight. "

"In this regard, Ating may actually be able to do better than me."

Tian Tian was honest with Lin Feng, but then the conversation changed:

"However, if he encounters an opponent of comparable strength, or a top laner who is good at defending and resisting pressure - like me, or even a little worse than me - he will be better than top laners with other styles. It’s easy to suffer.”

Lin Feng nodded:

"You can't be extremely aggressive. If you're completely suppressed, it's basically gone."

This has been clearly reflected in the recent solo games and the 5V5 top lane battle between Chen Ting and Tian Tian.

Tian Tian said "hmm":

"However, there is nothing wrong with this style in itself. It is just a double-edged sword. It can hurt others as well as yourself. If you want to maximize the effect of hurting others, you have to improve your personal operation level even higher—— As long as your personal ability is strong enough and you can forcefully break through the opponent's defense, then everything will be easy."


d is so.

No. 3 is even more so.

"So if we leave this aspect to Senior No. 3, it won't be a problem at all."

Tian Tian made a short summary, paused, and continued:

"But on the other hand, it's going to be more troublesome."

"A qualified top laner is just as important as his personal laning ability, which is his ability to control the pace of solo play and team participation."

"In this regard... even if you are teaching, it is difficult to achieve it overnight. You must slowly rely on a lot of practical training to hone and accumulate experience."

"Until the experience is accumulated enough to form a qualitative change, Ating's shortcomings in this area can easily have some impact on the team."

Tian Tian's words were actually said very tactfully, but it did not prevent Lin Feng from understanding the meaning.

To put it bluntly, if a top laner lacks sufficient experience in this area, it will naturally become an unstable factor in the team, and it will also be easier for the opponent to focus on it.

And if you can't solve the problem by relying on the top order alone...

Then, you need the help of other teammates.

in other words--

It just needs someone to take charge of everything.

On this issue, several other teammates in Lin Feng's team have not reached a level where they can spare their energy to help.

So there was only one suitable candidate left.

"Just let me help with the driving."

Lin Feng smiled and said this nonchalantly. He looked at Chen Ting, who was sitting in front of the computer on the field. He could see that the latter was concentrating on controlling the mouse and keyboard:

"Before he really grows up—"

"I'll protect you."

The tone was understated, but it carried undeniable power.

Tian Tian looked at Lin Feng.

Wei Wei was dazed for a moment.

It was as if the words of my partner in front of me overlapped with some scenes from the previous S1 season, making them extremely familiar.

Fengzi must have treated him like this back then...

Silently muttering to himself, Tian Tian turned to look at Chen Ting on the field, as if he saw his own shadow in a trance. He shook his head, retracted his thoughts, and laughed:

"To be honest, I'm a little envious of Ating."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, showing a bit of curiosity:


Tian Tian subconsciously said "hmm" with a somewhat nostalgic sigh:

"Back then... when there were still five of us, it was probably the same."

Such mutual dependence and mutual support.

Then they became intimate and fought side by side.

And now...

"A lot has changed."

Tian Tian's heartfelt sigh is actually from his heart. Although he is now the core ace of the KG team, he has also become the person who has to shoulder the most responsibilities in the entire team. Compared with back then, it is less. A bit of pure and relaxed happiness.

But these words, even though they fell in Lin Feng's ears unintentionally, made him pause for a moment.

Then someone lowered his head and said "hmm".


So much has changed.

When the time came to evening, Lin Feng and the other three team members finished their half-day training. They walked out of the training room and went downstairs to the living room. They saw the coaches of each club carefully collecting documents and materials. The team leader also saw Chu Fangnan standing in the living room.

"Brother Chu——"

Lin Feng stretched out his hand and said hello.

Chu Fangnan turned around and looked over, smiling and raising a document in his hand:

"Have you finished training?"

"Just in time, I was just looking for you."

Lin Feng stepped forward, and Chu Fangnan handed over the documents in his hand and asked, "Brother Fang, have you made it clear?"

Lin Feng said "hmm" and looked at the materials he received. As expected, there were several thin forms of personal information:

"Is it enough to fill this out?"

Chu Fangnan nodded:

"Yes, all five of you fill it out. I will take it back to the Electronic Association to upload the archive later."

Tang Bingyao, Li Shiyi, Zeng Rui and Chen Ting who followed also took the form from Lin Feng's hands. After looking at it carefully for a few times, they were ready to find a pen to fill in their information on it.

Shi Hang couldn't help but come over and take a look, curious:

"Hey, what is this, a team member information sheet?"

"However, matters like team formation and declaration are usually left directly to Riot Games. Why is it now handled by the Electronic Arts Association?"

The team members from the other three families nearby also showed a bit of curiosity.

When they first became professional e-sports players, they did not go through the same process as they do now.

Then I saw No. 3 walking over, waving his hands like a fly, saying he didn’t like the lesson:

"Okay, it's time to go eat. Where do all these questions come from?"

Chu Fangnan didn't take it seriously, smiled and waved his hand:

"It's nothing."

"It's just that there are exceptions, so we have to do something special."

"The specific situation... you will all know in two days."

The update is here, two updates are done, friends, take a rest early, see you tomorrow.

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