
Chapter 51 Not easy

In the past two days, the tide of public opinion on the Internet has gradually subsided.

On the one hand, it is naturally because the Electric Power Association took action, teaming up with the government and even major live broadcast and media platforms to forcefully suppress and eliminate those malicious elements hiding in the dark.

On the other hand, it is because most ordinary Chinese server players and netizens are also tired.

No matter how disappointed you are with your LPL team, apart from scolding and complaining, what else can you do?

Deep down in their hearts, in fact, the majority of Chinese netizens also know that the three teams in their LPL division have performed very well this year. There is not much that can be criticized, but they are indeed slightly inferior to others in terms of strength. They lost... ...There is nothing to say.

What else could it be?

Year after year, this is how it goes.

If you really can't accept it, then you will be disheartened and choose to quit the game, or never pay attention to professional competitions again.

As for those who can still persevere, just quietly adjust their mood, cheer up again, and continue to wait for the arrival of the new season next year with the meager hope and expectation.

But speaking of it, the only thing that puzzles the majority of Chinese netizens is the attitude of the three clubs KG, Hayashi and God——

In the past, several clubs should have spoken out long ago.

Whether it’s an apology or a new commitment.

At least I will give my fans an explanation, a summary of this year, and a plan for the new season next year.


But there was nothing.

This has caused many fans of the three clubs to become dissatisfied, and this dissatisfaction is not directed at the players and players of the three clubs, but falls directly on the coaches, team leaders, and media and public relations staff of each club——

To be honest, the players and team members are mainly responsible for playing games and training.

But isn’t it the responsibility of other staff members of your club to do public relations work such as speaking out on the platform?

How many days have passed since the finals, and there is not even a sound.

I don’t even say whether it’s a matter of dereliction of duty.

First of all, this seems too irresponsible.


Such criticism and evaluation are actually a bit unfair.

Because the coaches and team leaders of the three clubs naturally know that this is their responsibility, and the reason why they have been unable to speak out is not because they lack responsibility or unintentionally neglect their duties.

It's just because they already got some news early.

So they need to be patient and wait for an opportunity.

An opportunity for them to sincerely apologize and make a firm promise to all the players and fans of the entire national server.

And finally.

They had waited for this opportunity.

"It's not easy——"

When receiving a document from Chu Fangnan, the leader of Hayashi Club couldn't help but sigh.

The tone was full of complex and sad emotions.

The colleagues from the other two clubs nearby also showed similar expressions of recognition and sighs.


The outside world has criticized and dissatisfied them.

Internally, they had to temporarily hide the news from the players and members of their own club.

Just because the arrangements and plans for the next new season are really of great importance. Although they seem to have nothing to do on weekdays, in fact, in private, each club is working hard to make arrangements and contact arrangements to ensure that nothing goes wrong and that everything is done well. The most meticulous and exhaustive preparation.

The new season is a battlefield for LPL players.

It is also a stage where e-sports people behind the scenes need to put in more effort and sweat.

Number 3 also received a document, briefly opened it and glanced at it, raising his eyebrows slightly:

"It's all finalized..."

"The efficiency of the Imperial Capital's work this time is quite high."

Hearing No. 3's comments, Chu Fangnan smiled and nodded: "Of course, No. 1 and Xiao Wu personally took the initiative, and President Lin presided over it. This is the top priority for our LPL division in the new season next year. All plans Arrangements...are definitely given priority for implementation.”

Leader Zhang, the chief of God Club, took a deep breath and looked solemn:

"In this way, the battlefield will be set up first——"

The leaders and head coaches of the other two teams looked at each other and nodded heavily:

"The stage is set."

"But it depends on how our players perform."

While talking like this, the coaches and leaders of the three companies couldn't help but turn their heads and look towards the training room on the second floor.

You can still vaguely hear the mouse and keyboard tapping operations coming from the training room, and the shouts of the team members.

The coaches and leaders of the three companies couldn't help but smile with relief——

I believe that their team members...

All reliable!

At this time, Chu Fangnan, who was lowering his head to sort out the remaining documents and materials in his hands, seemed to remember something and raised his head to look at No. 3: "By the way, Xiaofeng and the others... are also here today, right?"

In the living room, the coaches and leaders of the three clubs are circulating materials and exchanging opinions with each other.

In the training room, players from the three teams are still training in full swing.

At this time, the lineups for the confrontation training began to be randomly adjusted and replaced. Players from the three companies no longer combined according to the original regular lineups of their respective teams, but interspersed and interlaced to find new confrontation modes.

Lin Feng was replaced, and Tian Tian handed over a glass of water. The former took it unceremoniously and took a sip. Then he looked at Chen Ting, who was about to start the next game on the field, and smiled and asked his former teammates beside him:

"How's it going? Is it okay?"

Tian Tian nodded seriously:

"It's awesome."

"If you give him a little more time, he can be perfectly qualified for the top lane position."

There was no hesitation in praise and praise in his tone.

Although the previous three solo games ended with Chen Ting's defeat in all three games, in fact Tian Tian's feelings as his opponent were the most direct and real.

Three solo games, each lasting longer than the last.

Each round is more thrilling than the last.

Others may not be able to see it, but Tian Tian can clearly feel that in the process of fighting, Chen Ting is constantly making various attempts and adjustments, and the pressure on him is gradually increasing.

This is something that very few other professional top laners can do in the current Chinese e-sports circle.

"With the guidance of Senior No. 3, as long as enough time is given, Ating should have a chance to compete with The-Swo in terms of pure laning operations.

d competed. "

Tian Tian added this.

and that Mi

The top Korean dark horses of Team

Lin Feng nodded:

"I hope so."

"The sooner the better."

Tian Tian paused for a moment and whispered:

"Fengzi, I'm sorry..."

Lin Feng smiled nonchalantly and waved his hand:

"Why are we talking about this?"

"Anyway... let's cheer together in the new season."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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