
Chapter 48 New top order and old top order

On the way back to school, Lin Feng, who was sitting in a taxi, thought about what senior No. 3 said to him before leaving, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Tang Bingyao.

The message asked the girl about the specific time of Senior Bullet's arrival in the Magic City.

By the way, I also asked the girl to help me and asked myself if it was convenient for me to come and observe the girl's training and guidance.

When this message was edited and sent, Lin Feng was actually a little embarrassed.

Because in fact, he also knows that the top legends of the previous generation like Bullet have their own rules. It is already extremely rare to be able to impart all their skills to the chosen successor disciple, let alone It may be easy for others to watch or even steal lessons.

Especially with a withdrawn, cold and arrogant character like Bullet, it is difficult for ordinary people to get close to him. Even his first apprentice was probably always trembling with trepidation when facing his own master. How could he dare to ask his master for anything?

So this matter has to be left to Tang Bingyao. Even with his relationship with the girl, it seems a little overwhelming.

But the girl quickly replied to the message with one simple word:


There was almost no hesitation or hesitation.

Lin Feng, who was sitting in the back seat of the taxi here, received Tang Bingyao's message reply. He was slightly relieved and at the same time felt embarrassed. He thought about typing another few words: "Just ask me casually, if it's inconvenient. It’s okay, don’t force it—”


This carefully considered message has not even had time to be sent.

But a reply from a girl popped up on someone's phone screen again:

"Master agreed and said it's okay."


Lin Feng was stunned and looked confused:

"You...have already asked?"

The girl sent a cute smiling emoticon: "Yes, the master is very talkative."

Tang Bingyao, who had received Lin Feng's first message earlier, immediately sent a message to her master to explain the situation without hesitation.

At the end of the message, there was a hopeful "Can I" question and a pitiful begging expression.

It was easy to get the reply from the North American legend of the previous generation:


"But only him."

Looking at the explanation sent by Tang Bingyao on the phone, Lin Feng couldn't help but scratch his head:

"It seems...it's easy to talk to?"

Of course, the truth is never a question of "easy to talk" or "hard to talk".

The top legend of the previous generation in North America has never been an easy person to talk to, and even the No. 1 face may not buy it.


When he received the girl's message, Bullet, who was far away in North America on the other side of the ocean, looked at the last sentence of the girl's message "Please" and the pitiful begging expression. There was something on his face that would make anyone see it. With a stunned and doting look on his face, he gave his reply without any hesitation.

After receiving another excited thank you from the girl, and thinking of his beloved disciple's cheerful and happy appearance on the other side of the ocean on the other side of the phone, the top legend of the previous generation in North America showed a faint smile on his face:

(Just a little thing.)

For him, as long as it is the request of his beloved disciple, then nothing is a problem.

In the afternoon of the next day, Lin Feng and others came to the God Club base again.

I still plan to train the same as yesterday.

But today, the God Club base also welcomed another group of guests.

They are also old acquaintances.

Members of the KG and Hayashi clubs also came here today under the banner of exchange training, led by the coaches and leaders of their respective clubs.

When everyone met, there was naturally a lot of excitement, and the atmosphere in the living room of the God Club base was cheerful.

It was the first time that Shi Hang saw Chen Ting. He looked him up and down, marveled and asked Lin Feng beside him:

"Is this your new top laner?"

"It doesn't look good...how are you doing?"

Lin Feng touched his nose:

"Would you like to try soloing with him?"

Huangxue Yege came over at some point and enthusiastically suggested: "Let's try it. We can bet on a few late-night snacks..."

Shi Hang rolled his eyes:

"Do you think I'm stupid? You want to take advantage of me... I'm not as discerning as you -"

Even if he doesn't know the specific strength of Chen Ting in front of him, Shi Hang only needs to know one thing, that is, since he can be selected by Lin Feng, the opponent will never be too weak.

not to mention……

"I'm a mid laner, why do I do a solo with the top laner?"

Shi Hang said and pulled Tian Tian next to him: "If you want to go solo, it should be Lao Tian who takes the initiative!"

Huangxue Yege's eyes lit up:

"It makes sense! This solo is justified! There should be a battle!"


It's not that Huangxue Yege and Shi Hang were the ones who instigated the fight. This battle was really justified and deserved.

After all, one is the current top laner of Lin Feng's team, and the other is Lin Feng's former top laner partner. Now they are in the same room. It is worth comparing the strength of the two, and which one is stronger.

Tian Tian was also pulled by Shi Hang and walked to Chen Ting. He looked at him, extended his hand in a friendly manner and showed a simple smile:

"Hello, I heard Fengzi mention you before."

Chen Ting looked a little restrained and quickly reached out to shake Tian Tian's hand:

"No, no, Madoka, you are... the name I have admired for a long time!"

Although Chen Ting's personality is quite casual, after all, he is facing Tian Tian, ​​who is now recognized as the number one top laner in the national server, and even the number one top laner in the world. Almost all top laners in the national server will He regards him as an idol, and it is inevitable that he will still be a little nervous when he is in such close contact with her.

What's more important is that Chen Ting knows that the opponent's identity is not only a famous "Yuan Shen" in the national server, but also someone's top laner partner who fought side by side in the past.

Now I... have taken over the other person's position.

Just like when a concubine meets her first wife, she will definitely feel a lot of pressure.

And listening to the instigation of Huang Xue Ye Ge and Shi Hang, Lin Feng also touched his chin and felt that this was a good idea, and looked at Chen Ting and Tian Tian:

"How about...have one?"

Chen Ting was still a little hesitant:

"Ah, are you really coming?"

Tian Tian's eyes lit up slightly, showing a bit of excitement:


"I hope I can learn from the level that senior No. 3 can appreciate and respect!"

After learning about the conversation between Lin Feng and others, almost all the players from the three LPL teams in the living room became energetic. They immediately followed Chen Ting and Tian Tian and swarmed to the training room upstairs.

It just so happened that it wasn't the afternoon training time yet, which was enough for them to play a few solo games.

In the training room, Chen Ting and Tian Tian had already sat in front of the computer seats.

All the team members from God, Hayami and KG stared at the two with countless pairs of eyes, filled with excited anticipation.

Shi Hang pulled a chair from the side and sat down, holding a bag of red stew-flavored potato chips that he found somewhere in his hand. He also generously distributed a few pieces to Lin Feng, Huang Xue Ye Ge, Dawn Morning Star and others around him:

"Come on, come on, have some."

"Who do you think wins?"

The update is here, two updates are done. Happy National Day, friends. Speaking of which, this year’s finals are about to begin!

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