
Chapter 47 We can talk

When Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao, Li Shiyi and others were also preparing to leave, Lin Feng suddenly remembered business and briefly talked to several teammates about what he heard from Fang Hao in the Electric Association Building this afternoon. , and then made an appointment to come to God’s base for training as usual tomorrow afternoon.

Several people nodded in agreement, even though the instructions and arrangements they had just heard from Senior No. 3 made them all turn pale, but when it came down to it, no one chose to back down.

One point of pain is exchanged for one point of gain.

Today's training was enough to make them more deeply aware of their own problems and the flaws in their new team's cooperation and tacit understanding.

It's more than enough to play in the passersby game and ordinary small games, but if their goal is the professional league, they can't just meet this standard.

Each and every one of them... has their own pride in their hearts.

Even if they enter the professional arena later, no one will be willing to succumb to others.

Seeing the promises made by several partners without hesitation, Lin Feng also showed a smile on his face——

Although the situation is not ideal, as a new team, if every member can have the drive to persevere and work hard, then there must be hope for continuous improvement.

Although one and a half months are tight, he can at least be sure now that the team in one and a half months will undergo earth-shaking changes compared to now.


He really can become a blockbuster in the competition field at that time!

After explaining to Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao and Li Shiyi, Lin Feng realized that he was missing a partner. When he turned around, he saw Chen Ting standing aside and listening respectfully to No. 3's instructions.

Walking up to the front, I heard the lesson No. 3 gave to Chen Ting:

"It's better in the evening than in the afternoon."

"But not enough, you know?"

"Your greatest advantage still lies in personal operation. Now in your team, apart from Xiao Feng's mid laner, you, the top laner, must find a way to stand out and become the second core ca.

y point. "

"The tactics match these things,

It is the foundation of the team and determines the lower limit of overall strength. "

"If you can turn yourself into the second ca after Xiaofeng

At point y, what is increased is the upper limit of the team. "

"Go home in the evening and take Mi

Take out the video of Team

How is d aligned? "

"Be fierce and ruthless, but do it with brains."

"Watch the video tonight to understand. Come over early tomorrow and call me again."

Compared with current students such as Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui and Lin Feng, Chen Ting now has more freedom and initiative in managing his personal time, so naturally, it means receiving more intense and longer training.

In fact, he had already made corresponding mental preparations, so after hearing No. 3's instructions, Chen Ting took a deep breath and nodded vigorously in agreement.

Then No. 3 waved his hand and asked Chen Ting to leave. Then he raised his eyes and saw Lin Feng:


Lin Feng came up and smiled apologetically:

"Senior, you have worked hard—"

These words are not pure flattery, but someone himself knows very well that although several of them trained extremely hard today, but really speaking, as a coach and instructor, No. 3, during this day's training The effort put in was no less than theirs.

Watch every match.

Observe the performance of every player on the court.

Grasp every mistake and every detail problem, and then provide the most appropriate and reasonable solutions and guidance accordingly.

Generally speaking, in a professional team club, this kind of thing is the responsibility of the entire club's coaching team and analyst team, but now No. 3 almost shoulders most of the workload alone. , and the effect achieved is better than the combined efforts of those coaches and analysts.

This is the true strength of the top legendary powerhouse of the previous generation.

It is also the foundation that the entire competition region relies on.

No. 3 didn't take it seriously for someone's flattery. He just glanced at someone sideways and rarely gave him a word of praise:

"Your fight tonight was pretty good."

Lin Feng scratched his head:

"Oh, I went for a walk with Axing, and he gave me some advice——"

No. 3 nodded and said "Yeah":

"Just understand. The one and a half months mentioned by No. 1 is not only the expected time limit for your new team, it is also a personal requirement for you."

"The next new season... is for you to progress one level at a time."

"Every level must not be missed, but the last level is the key to victory or defeat."

Speaking of this, No. 3 paused and looked at Lin Feng:

"It's time to hit a bottleneck, right?"

Lin Feng paused and nodded, not hiding anything from the senior in front of him.

As if he expected this to be the case, No. 3 nodded and said in a casual tone: "At this point, if you continue to move up, it will be difficult to have other things from the outside world that can help you learn from it. You can only rely on yourself to explore. , but...if you really encounter any problems, you can talk to me, and I can still give you some advice."

He spoke casually and normally.

But the weight in it is extremely heavy.

Lin Feng nodded solemnly. It was indeed as Senior No. 3 said. Although he has not yet reached the state of Han Shihao before the final battle in the finals, after returning to his peak, he has actually already stood there. before the threshold.

There is still one and a half to two steps left.

And whether it is the half step ahead or the step behind, it is destined to be extremely difficult to move forward.

There were almost no people around him who could help him.

Even a few seniors may only be able to give him a little reminder and reference, but even a little help will definitely require a lot of energy from these seniors.

In fact, along the way, the support and help given to him by several seniors are already too great to be described in words.

There is almost nothing in return.

And the only best way to repay is to hand over a perfect score sheet in the near future.

No. 3 suddenly seemed to have thought of something again and looked at Lin Feng:


"They won't be able to come back for the time being on the 1st. However, in addition to communicating with me, if you have a chance, you can also try to talk to Bullet."

This suggestion made Lin Feng stunned for a moment:


"Senior Bullet?"

No. 3 nodded:

"In this regard, perhaps he is the most powerful person besides No. 1, Lee Do-jae, and C

Besides ow, he is the one who has more say than the other old guys among us. "

Lin Feng had a look of surprise on his face:

"Senior Bullet, are you stronger than senior?"

This was the first time he heard of it.

No. 3 shook his head, looked into Lin Feng's eyes and said:

"Not stronger."

"It's more pure."

The tone of this sentence was so meaningful that Lin Feng was suddenly startled when he heard it, as if he had grasped something vaguely.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 12 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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