
Chapter 27 Meeting someone

As the saying goes, "A good man does not mention his former courage."

Lin Feng has always agreed with this truth.

And for him, it seemed that all the various people and events he had encountered over the past year had not given him a chance to mention his "brave days".

After all, he is either an old friend or an opponent that he has been familiar with before. There is no need to talk nonsense about what happened back then. Everyone knows it in his heart. Otherwise, he encounters some minor troubles and problems. He can defeat them simply by relying on his personal strength. It can be solved as easily as chopping melons and vegetables, and there is no need to waste any time.

Until today, in the four-person private room of this 72° Internet cafe, his summoner ID name "Maple" from the S1 season seemed to have finally come in handy for the first time.

The two brothers, Chen Ting and Chen Guo, have been exposed to League of Legends since the end of Season 2, and are not familiar with the ID Maple.

Fortunately, there is still this jungler of the 72° Internet cafe team, who happens to be an old and hardcore S1 player who is extremely rare nowadays——

As for any Chinese server players who came out of the S1 era, it is naturally impossible that they have never heard of the name Maple.


After someone announced his family name, the jungler of the 72° team, nicknamed Hu Zi, was immediately shocked.

Almost unbelievably, he looked the person up and down, repeatedly asked for confirmation, and after receiving someone's tireless affirmative answer for the nth time, the Huzi classmate's attitude instantly changed 180 degrees. , directly turned into a die-hard fan, extremely excited and eager to request to take a photo with someone and leave a message:

"Damn it, Master Maple! I was your absolute fan back then!"

"Damn it! Damn it... you actually let me see a living person!"

"Can we take a photo?"

"Can you take two more pictures and sign the whole thing for me later? Just sign it on my clothes. I'll get the pen right away!"

The two brothers Chen Ting and Chen Guo next to them were stunned for a moment.

Chen Guo couldn't help but have some doubts: "This guy...has been playing professionally since the S1 season? How old was he then? He was still a minor, right? Besides, was he really that good back then?"

"Of course!"

As someone's biggest fan in the private room, Huzi answered decisively and forcefully:

“You haven’t experienced that season.


"The Maple God back then was the strongest mid laner in the world. He and the current F played five full BO5 games in the World Finals!"

"Phoe, the third best among the Yonko

ix, they were all knocked down by him back then. The phoenix was beaten to death and was tortured to the point where he had no temper at all! "

Lin Feng scratched his head: "It's not that exaggerated..."

Chen Guo looked Lin Feng up and down, looking like a monster:

"Play five BO5 games with F? Isn't that almost the same as Star King two days ago?"

Huzi directly interrupted:

"That's different!"

"Although I am also a fan of Star King now, to be honest, in this BO5 finals, F is obviously better, but in that BO5 back then, Maple God and F were really evenly matched until the last moment. There’s no way to tell the winner in a team fight!”

After finishing this long sentence in one breath, Huzi looked at Lin Feng with excitement and expectation on his face:

"I didn't expect you, Maple God, would come out of the mountain again!"

"What are your plans next...?"

Lin Feng scratched his hair again: "Yes, I'm building a team to find a suitable top laner -"

As he spoke, he turned his eyes to Chen Ting.

Chen Ting took a deep breath and nodded:

"I promise you."

"As long as... you can fulfill the promise you just made."

A bright smile appeared on Lin Feng's face: "Don't worry, there will be absolutely no discounts on what I promised."

Chen Ting stretched out his hand to Lin Feng: "Then, please give me more advice in the future."

Lin Feng reached out and shook Chen Ting's hand, and then suddenly thought of something: "By the way, do you have anything else to do this afternoon?"

Chen Ting was stunned and shook his head:

"No, what's wrong?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly: "Then you can go meet someone with me first."

Taxis drive down the street.

In the back seat of the car, Chen Ting asked someone sitting in the front passenger seat uncomfortably:

"Is this...appropriate?"

Lin Feng replied nonchalantly: "Nothing inappropriate, we are all acquaintances, I just want to say hello -"

As he said, the phone number dialed in his hand was connected:

"Hello? Lao Ye, are you still reviewing the game?"

"Oh, it's over. That's just right. Is Senior No. 3 here? OK, OK. I'll go over now and bring someone with me. Let's talk after we meet."

The call was quickly hung up.

Chen Ting, who was sitting in the back seat, was confused by what he heard. When he came back to his senses, he couldn't help but asked cautiously: "Just now..."

Lin Feng replied casually: "Lao Ye, Huang Xue Ye Ge, God-God's Hand's ADC."

Chen Ting swallowed:

"I know, so...are you really familiar with God's people?"

Lin Feng nodded matter-of-factly: "Yeah, it was just normal in the past, but wasn't it the finals a while ago? I helped them, Hayami and KG as a sparring partner for more than a month. I got to know each other after hanging out together every day. They are all very nice people." , you will get familiar with it after seeing it a few times.”

Chen Ting's eyes straightened slightly when he heard:

"How many times will I... see you?"

"Yeah, if you have nothing to do next, you should come here often." Lin Feng said and thought of something again, turned to look at Chen Ting in the back seat, and kindly reminded: "By the way, I'll see you later." I’ll take you to meet a senior. Remember to behave a little better in front of others.”

This sentence made Chen Ting stunned, and then he couldn't help but become nervous:


"What senior? Hey, please speak more clearly..."

Chen Ting actually started to regret it a little now.

He just agreed too quickly in his own Internet cafe, and now he seems to be tied to a pirate ship in a daze. He is going directly to the God-Hand of God team club base to meet his seniors... But what is his current situation? I haven’t figured it out yet, and I’m completely blind.

Lin Feng comforted:

"It's okay, you have to be more confident."

"Anyway, if you perform normally later, there will be no problem."

Chen Ting was still nervous: "You can tell me who you are going to meet, right?"

"Oh, you'll know it when you see it!"

20 minutes later.

Lin Feng and Chen Ting arrived in front of the God Club base.

The two of them entered the front desk of the base hall. Someone said hello to the front desk staff familiarly, and then pulled Chen Ting, who was a little embarrassed, inside.

As soon as he walked into the living room, he saw Huangxue Yege coming out to get water from the water dispenser with a disposable cup.

Huangxue Yege was slightly surprised when he saw Lin Feng:

"Oh, it came pretty fast."

Lin Feng smiled: "I was on the way when I made the call."

Huangxue Yege nodded, his eyes fell on Chen Ting behind Lin Feng, and he raised his eyebrows:

"Who is this?"

Lin Feng introduced:

"Chen Ting, my team's future top laner. "

Chen Ting quickly came up and shook hands with Huangxue Yege: "Hello, Ye Shen, I have long admired your name, and I like your game very much——"

Huangxue Yege nodded subconsciously:

"Oh, you're welcome..."

Suddenly he came back to his senses and widened his eyes:


"Your team's top laner?"

Lin Feng looked around: "Hey, where is senior number three?"

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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