
Chapter 26 You should have heard my ID

Lin Feng's previous acceptance of Chen Ting's invitation to fight was just a matter of observation and examination.

After all, when our own team is about to be established, the top laner position is definitely the top priority and cannot be treated lightly or casually.

Although Chen Ting half a year ago left a very deep impression on him, half a year was enough time for a lot of things to happen and many variables to happen, so he had to confirm it in person before he could rest assured.

And after four battles, the result... was unexpectedly satisfying.

In fact, Lin Feng has been mentally prepared in advance. As long as Chen Ting's personal strength is not much worse than half a year ago, and maintaining a level comparable to the previous one, it is already within the acceptable range - after all, passerby players themselves There is a big difference in nature between playing casually in ranked games and receiving specialized training at a club with professional players.

A passer-by who wants to continuously improve his skills without professional guidance will encounter bottlenecks no matter how talented he is, and will be unable to make any progress in the future.

But Chen Ting's four solo performances just now not only maintained the level of half a year ago, but even improved a lot on that basis!

This really gave Lin Feng a huge surprise.

It not only shows that the talent of the captain of the 72° Internet cafe team is stronger than expected.

It also shows that the opponent's training intensity is definitely not something that ordinary passerby players can achieve.


What does a passer-by player need such intense personal training for?

There is only one answer, because we have higher goal requirements for ourselves.

Therefore, this also led to what Lin Feng said to Chen Ting at this moment:

"If what you want to pursue is to keep getting stronger——"

"Then besides the professional arena, there is no other place that is more suitable for you."

Lin Feng made this conclusion with a firm tone, and then did not stop. Instead, he looked at Chen Ting again and raised his eyebrows slightly:

"If I'm not wrong."

"You must have encountered a bottleneck too, right?"

Chen Ting paused for a moment.

Then he nodded slowly:


Lin Feng laughed: "It's normal. You're just playing in an ordinary passerby ranking. This level of training has a limited effect on improving your strength. It's already very rare for you to reach this level, but if you want to go further... … Even the Korean server’s passerby game is still not enough.”

"Only professional games can do that."

Lin Feng concluded, staring closely into Chen Ting's eyes:

"It's not just the LPL league."

"There is also the World Championship."

"Only in such a top competition arena, you will constantly encounter the truly top players and opponents. Only such a competitive environment can give you enough pressure and motivation to make breakthroughs."

Hearing this, Chen Guo, who was standing next to her, interrupted with some dissatisfaction and retorted:

"Who said it can only be done in professional games?"

"My brother plays in various Chinese and foreign servers and has encountered many top professional top laners, such as KG's Yuan Shen, and North American Cog's Seve.

, and even SSK’s Wolf may not lose much to others, okay? "

In response to such a rebuttal, Lin Feng just shook his head indifferently;


"The pub game is different from the professional game."

"The status of professional players in the public rankings and in the professional arena are also different."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Chen Ting's face again:

"Of course you can gain something by playing high-end games with passers-by."

"But the question depends on one thing -"

"You want to be a passerby with strong laning skills."


"A true top laner in the world?"

Chen Ting lowered his head and remained silent. After a while, he looked up at Lin Feng and smiled:

"You convinced me."

"But, I have one last question -"

"Why should I choose you?"

From beginning to end, Chen Ting asked three key questions in the conversation between the two.

First, why did you choose me.

Second, why do you think I am willing to agree to play professionally.

Third, why should I choose you.

The first two questions have been perfectly answered by Lin Feng, but this third question is really the most critical core issue.

Because just now, both Chen Guo and Chen Ting themselves had actually revealed relevant information in their words, that is, many domestic professional teams and clubs had approached him and issued invitations.

Those are really big and mature clubs.

There are even veteran giants from the LPL.

Now, Lin Feng, who came to the 72° Internet Cafe alone, only had an incomplete team at hand, which seemed to be far inferior to his "competitors" from all aspects.

As the saying goes, a good bird chooses the right place to roost. For professional e-sports players, finding an ideal club is equally important.

For Chen Ting, if he even rejected those well-known domestic teams and clubs, what reason would he have to agree to Lin Feng's invitation at this moment?

However, Lin Feng’s answer was without thinking;

"Because the team I want to form will be the best in the country and the best in the world."

"in addition--"

Someone who said this paused and looked at Chen Ting:

"The bottleneck problem you encountered, apart from me, it is difficult for you to find a second person who is more suitable to help you."

If the first half of the sentence is just a confident self-expectation, then the second half of the sentence refers to the specific deeds someone has done in the past month, and it is true.

For now, someone's "resume" can be said to be quite glorious, even amazing, just in terms of helping people break through bottlenecks.

Because in this resume, the two people who recently broke through bottlenecks with his "help"...

It seems that they are the two top mid laners in the world's professional e-sports circle today.

However, the other three people in the private room at this moment naturally didn't know about such a thing, so after hearing someone's words, Chen Guo immediately rolled his eyes and commented rather rudely:

"Who do you think you are? You should be responsible for saying such things, okay?"

"Why should we trust you?"

This is indeed a problem.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and then looked at Chen Ting and the other three people in front of him:

"When did you get in touch with League of Legends?"

Chen Ting was stunned for a moment: "My words... S2 is the end, Guo Guo is the same."

On the other hand, the jungler of the 72° team raised his hand:

"I'm early."

“The real entry into the game was at the end of S2, but I have been paying attention to this game since S1.”

There was a sense of pride in his words.

Lin Feng's eyes brightened when he heard this. This would be a lot more convenient:

"Then you should have heard of my ID."

"In S1, my summoner's name was Maple."


The two brothers, Chen Guo and Chen Ting, were both a little confused. They subconsciously turned to look at their companions. The jungler of the 72° team who was currently the network manager had a look of deep contemplation on his face and murmured "Maple". , Maple..." After several times——

Suddenly, his expression suddenly changed.

His eyes suddenly widened and he looked at someone in front of him in disbelief, and he lost his voice in shock:

"Who are you……"


The update is here, the third update is done, ah, go to sleep, go to sleep, it's already past 4 o'clock. . So sleepy.

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