
Chapter 10 Responsible

Leader Zhang, who worked vigorously and resolutely, did not delay for too long.

When everyone passed the customs and border inspection and came to the luggage area and waited by the rotating track to pick up their luggage, he gathered the members of the God Club together and then told the situation without reservation.

The atmosphere became a little quiet for a while.

Zeng Rui, Li Shiyi and Tang Bingyao looked at the members of the God Club with worried expressions on their faces.


This kind of thing... would be difficult for anyone to face and accept with a normal heart.

Just losing the finals and missing out on the championship trophy is enough to cause a huge blow to any professional e-sports player, not to mention the fact that he had to barely cheer up, but something happened in his own backyard. On fire.

For a professional e-sports player, losing on the field is certainly heartbreaking.

But what is even more saddening is undoubtedly the accusations and reprimands from fans after the game.

The article "The Number One Seed or the Number One Sinner" is so cruel and sinister that it almost makes anyone angry. The current popularity and impact it has caused cannot be ignored. It doesn't take much thinking. As you can guess, the trend of public opinion, fueled by this article, has become increasingly unfavorable to the God Club.

And among such turmoil, the one who will bear the brunt of the biggest impact——

This is the mentality of the God Club players.

In front of the rotating track in the baggage waiting area, the atmosphere was quiet and no one spoke.

Next to them were several coaches and other staff members of the club’s coaching staff. They were gritting their teeth and tapping the screen on their mobile phones, seemingly trying to counterattack and report in the message area. Chief Zhang, on the other hand, looked at the group of his own players in front of him and slowly Speaking again:

"That's the way it is."

"If you have any thoughts or grievances, you can say them now."

It is better to block than to open up.

As an experienced chief team leader, I know very clearly that instead of letting the team members keep their negative emotions in their hearts, the best option is for everyone to face the problem honestly and work together to find a solution.

Finally, a voice among the team members sounded,

He is a member of the second team of a team:

"Actually...it's nothing."

Everyone followed the sound.

The member of Team God's second team was stared at by so many eyes. He couldn't help but shrink his head and straighten his body again:

"Anyway, I think it's okay."

Such an answer made Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao and others next to them a little stunned.

Zeng Rui couldn't help but ask:

"Did you read that article?"

"I saw it."

"Then don't you think that guy is going too far? He just wants to be black for the sake of being black, and he pretends to be your fan-"

The members of the second team nodded: "It's very excessive, but didn't you also say that people just want to be black for the sake of being black? Isn't it a waste of time to get angry with such people? Besides... what they said is not entirely wrong. We It is true that we did not play well and did not live up to the expectations of the national server. This is our own problem and we should reflect on it.”

Unexpected answer.

Zeng Rui opened his mouth: "But, but -"

The members of the second team shook their heads and continued talking to themselves:

"Furthermore, senior No. 1 has also said before that we are not worthy of complaining here now. In the new season next year, there will be a heavier burden waiting for us to bear."

"Instead of wasting time here with these idiots and wasting energy on one or two articles, I would rather hurry back to the base and quickly review the finals and start training - time is very urgent."

The words were said in one breath without pause.

The other members of the God Club next to them looked at each other and nodded slightly in agreement.

Dawn Morning Star looked up at his chief team leader and spoke slowly:

"This is also... what we all think."

Looking at the morning stars and then at the players of his own club in front of him, a smile gradually appeared on Team Leader Zhang’s face:


"This is the attitude that our God-Hand team members should have!"

A trouble that was thought to be difficult to solve seemed to be swept away unexpectedly.

The members of the God Club took away their backpacks and suitcases on the rotating track. Seeing this scene, Zeng Rui couldn't help but ask Team Leader Zhang:

"Brother Zhang, is this the end of the matter?"


Leader Zhang raised his eyebrows and answered decisively without hesitation:

"of course not."

As he said that, he glanced at his team members again, a hint of relief flashed across his face, which was quickly replaced by coldness:

"Our team members don't need to worry about these clowns."

"Trivial matters..."

"Our club will take care of it!"

The words came out loud and clear. For the first time, the chief leader of the God Club showed such fierceness in his tone.

If there are only one or two such articles, and one or two such authors, then it is indeed just a clown who cannot reach the level of elegance.

But if someone really pays attention, they can detect something wrong in the current situation.

The momentum… picked up too quickly.

The popularity is also too high.

Even though this World Finals in the national server has attracted the attention of the entire Internet, the topic posts that appeared in groups, as well as the rhythm and techniques of public opinion building, are obviously beyond the capabilities of ordinary players and netizens.

"There are people pushing behind the scenes."

Lao Mi put down his phone and spoke in a deep voice:

"And... you are not an ordinary person. This method and operation are definitely not simple."

Several official LPL commentators followed the film crew and staff from the official headquarters on the same flight and returned home a little later than the God Club players. At this time, the plane had just landed at Pudong International Airport and had not yet disembarked. Several commentators I have already seen the chaos on the Internet on my mobile phone.

As soon as Lao Mi said these words, Feiyan, Mo Sheng and Su Xue couldn't help but look slightly tense.

Mo Sheng tentatively spoke:

"Brother Mi, what do you mean-"

Lao Mi nodded, his expression solemn and solemn:

"Someone doesn't want to see us well."

"I want to take advantage of others' danger and add insult to injury."

Fei Yan showed a somewhat bewildered look: "But... if it is a domestic media, no matter how hard it is to attract popularity, it will not go so far."

To put it bluntly, everyone is actually a grasshopper on the same rope.

If the current situation continues to worsen, it will have a huge damaging impact on the entire e-sports ecosystem. Once the domestic e-sports ecosystem is destroyed, the e-sports media who make a living from it will also be in trouble. to any benefit.

Mo Sheng suddenly looked shocked and looked at Lao Mi:

"Not domestic?"

Lao Mi nodded slowly:

"If I guess correctly, it shouldn't be."

Su Xue on the side couldn't help but feel anxious: "Well, what should we do now? Just watch people making trouble online? Isn't there anything we can do?"

Lao Mi had a solemn expression on his face:

"It was a large-scale and planned operation, and they were very well prepared."

"The few of us have to take into account our status as official commentators, and there are restrictions on our speeches - and if we only speak in our personal capacity, it may not have much effect..."

Mo Sheng couldn't help it anymore: "Then you can't just watch it, right?"

at this time.

Lao Mi's cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

Subconsciously looking down at the incoming call reminder on the phone screen, Lao Mi's eyes suddenly lit up:

"You...wait first!"

An update is here, I'm not sure if I can finish the third chapter tonight, I'm a little sleepy. .

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