
Chapter 9 Malice between the lines

Just seeing the title of this article is enough to make people feel slightly depressed.

The word "sinner"... the meaning contained in it is not as simple as "accusation".

It has almost risen to the level of an accusation.

Starting from the title, the subject of the article - God's Hand Team - is positioned in an extremely serious position.

Lin Feng continued to read the specific content of the article.

The more I look.

The more shocking it is.

Such an article report is obviously written by an experienced author. The writing style is sophisticated and vicious. The words and sentences are carefully considered and seem to be from an extremely objective and fair perspective, as if he is listing an issue with the readers. A fair fact, and in fact...

But quietly, a large net full of malice was slowly spread out, completely surrounding the God-Hand of God team.

There are many tiny details mentioned in the article, which seem to be inadvertent, but they are all buried in the pit——

Including rest time for God team members’ daily training, meal services and entertainment and relaxation facilities.

Including God Club’s accompanying personnel in Europe for this finals trip.

As well as the standards of food, accommodation and transportation during the finals.

Etc., etc.

The data is detailed and comprehensive.

Originally, all this information was disclosed on the Internet without reservation by the God Club. No one would have thought it was controversial before, especially as the top seed team representing the LPL division. In order for the players to be fully prepared without any worries, These logistical preparations are completely reasonable.

But now in the writing of the author of this article, it has become a strong basis for the God team to be "arrogant and arrogant", "covetous for pleasure" and "playing with things to lose one's ambition".

There's more to the article than that.

The author has obviously put a lot of effort into this article, and has also learned about the specific preparation and training arrangements of the God team during the finals. Based on the number of training matches and training objects of the God team, he made a conclusion——

I think there was a problem with God's attitude during the finals training.

Most of the time, he only competes with teams in his own division, but does not take the initiative to seek more opportunities to compete with teams in the Korean division.

At the end of this part, the author said lightly:

"I don't know the thoughts of the God Club coaching staff and leaders, but if we can find more opportunities to compete with teams like SSK during the training matches, then maybe we will have more ways to deal with it in the finals, right? ?”

"Or maybe it's just that our top seed is too confident and doesn't care about the opportunity to compete with the Korean team. And this dismissive attitude became the foreshadowing of losing the championship trophy."

"What a foreshadowing!"

Seeing this, Li Shiyi couldn't help but cursed angrily:

"Why don't you take the initiative to seek opportunities? It's because SSK has only been doing internal training and competition, and has never played a few games with other teams in the division."

"There are only two games, one is a wild card, and the other is against God!"

Zeng Rui also answered with an angry look:

"You also said 'contemptuous attitude', you really dare to slap this hat on casually."

Lin Feng shook his head and looked at the article again:

“Isn’t this guy’s hat on God enough?”

In the third part of the article, the author changed his writing and began to lyrically describe the huge expectations that players and fans of the Chinese server have for Team God this time. He used himself as a real-life example to show that he was also a loyal old fan of Team God. I really hope that this year's God team can strive to win the first world championship trophy for the national server...

"But God still let us down."

"They themselves confidently made their promises to us fans in interviews and on major social platforms."

"Weaving an extremely illusory and beautiful dream illusion for us."

"Finally, I personally broke it in front of all LPL fans."

"How many years?"

"The most promising event this year, but because of the arrogance, carelessness, pride and arrogance of this top-seeded team in the LPL, it once again ruined the dreams of all our LPL players and fans, and cut off the long-awaited future of our entire LPL division. "

"So, no matter how heavy it is and how reluctant it is to give up, as the author, I have to go out and say a fair word here -"

"The hand of God used to be so glorious and great in my mind, but now it is so painful and angry."

"The number one seed will eventually become the number one sinner!"

Seeing these last few sentences, Li Shiyi was almost so angry that he gritted his teeth:

"This person dares to call himself a die-hard fan of Team God?"

"Who gave him the face?"

Even Tang Bingyao on the side couldn't help showing a look of disgust and commented unceremoniously:


Zeng Rui sneered and answered:

"Those who work in this kind of unscrupulous media have lost their shame for a long time. They are all flies and parasites. They will crawl wherever there is a smell. It's okay if you don't fall down. Once you fall down, they will swarm up. I can't wait to see you." Suck out two more mouthfuls of blood from you——"

Lin Feng scrolled down the article and saw the number of clicks and comments at the bottom:

"This is not just a mouthful or two of blood...it's almost full."

Such an article report, with such a gimmick headline and so much carefully designed copywriting, has achieved the great success expected by the author, and its popularity has exploded.

Even looking at the message area, it is not difficult to guess that the author should have taken the initiative to buy a lot of trolls and leave messages of support below.

"Did you see it too?"

a voice sounded.

Lin Feng and others subconsciously turned their heads and saw that the God Club's Chief Team Leader Zhang had walked over at some point. The rush all the way made the God Chief Team Leader have a look of exhaustion on his face.

As if casually looking at the screen of the mobile phone in Lin Feng's hand, Leader Zhang smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"This article... seems to have really exploded."

Zeng Rui looked at Leader Zhang and asked worriedly:

"Brother Zhang, how are God Club going to handle this matter?"

This is a very real and urgent problem. If the club's crisis public relations is not handled well, it will soon bring about even worse consequences. Even with the status of God-God's Hand in the national server, Still can't be a little bit lax.

Li Shiyi interjected from the side and asked a more critical question:

"Have the team members also seen this article?"

Leader Zhang glanced at the team members lining up in front and shook his head again:

"I collected my cell phone in advance on the plane."

"I haven't let them see it yet."


"It's also a matter of time."

As he spoke, the chief leader of the God Club showed a look of determination on his face:

"You'll have to face it sooner or later."

"I'll come and explain the situation to them in person later."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around eleven o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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