
Chapter 3 Never give up

London was speechless all night.

Only heavy rain.

Early the next morning, the LPL players and staff woke up from their sleep, got up and opened the curtains in their hotel rooms. What they saw was the sight of London once again shrouded in rain.

The sky was dark and heavy, and the pattering rain fell on the leaves and window sills, making a crackling sound.

After waking up, the physical fatigue has not completely dissipated, but the memories of yesterday's finals at Wembley Arena flooded into my mind, making my heart even more heavy. .

The members of the God Club washed up briefly before going out and taking the elevator downstairs to the cafeteria to enjoy their last breakfast before leaving.

In the restaurant, many official staff from the Electronic Association and the national server had already sat down at the dining table. When they saw the God team members coming downstairs, they all smiled and said hello.

But behind the smiling face, there seemed to be some complex emotions hidden.

Especially after briefly saying hello and watching God's team members go to get plates and prepare meals, the staff couldn't help but look at each other and exchange looks, with a bit of helplessness and sadness on their faces.

You can vaguely hear some low-pitched exchanges and discussions that were deliberately lowered in volume:

"The Internet...has started."

"It's really too much. Those people...have no regard for the facts."

"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, we lost -"

"You can't let God's team members see it, otherwise it will affect your mood too much."

"But you can't hide it for long, you'll see it sooner or later -"

"Hush, people are coming!"

Huangxue Yege and Dawn Chenxing carried dinner plates to the dining table where Lin Feng, An Xin and Li Shiyi were sitting. Huangxue Yege raised his eyebrows:

"Just a squeeze, is everything okay?"

Lin Feng raised his head:

"It's okay, sit down wherever you want."

Huangxue Yege saw this when he raised his head.

I couldn't help being shocked:

"Holy shit, what's going on with you?"

There was a pair of big dark circles on someone's face, like an authentic national treasure panda that hadn't slept all night.

Lin Feng rubbed his face and said in a nonchalant tone:

"I played a few ranked games last night and slept a little late."

Huangxue Yege's mouth twitched when he heard it: "You are a little late. To reach this level, I think you haven't slept all night, right? This posture... Why did I feel like you lost the game yesterday? Even harder than us."

Tang Bingyao, who was sitting next to her, raised her head and said:

"Fengzi has always worked hard like this."

She just habitually defended someone with such a rebuttal, but the girl also exposed her little face completely.

Huangxue Yege suddenly took a breath of cold air:

"I go--"

"Sister Tangtang, what's going on with you?"

Sitting next to Lin Feng, Tang Bingyao's raised little face had a pair of big dark circles under her eyes, like the second red panda that hadn't slept all night. Of course, she looked much cuter than someone else. It's just essentially the same.

An Xin looked at Tang Bingyao and smiled:

"Tangtang was trained by Senior Bullet again last night. You should also pay attention to your body."

Only then did Huangxue Yege suddenly realize and slap his head:

"Oh, that's reasonable, reasonable."

As he said that, he looked at Tang Bingyao with a bit more envy.

After all, he was personally guided by the number one legend in North America in the past generation, so he naturally had to seize the opportunity and make the most of every minute and every second.

Dawn Morning Star also seemed to have thought of something and looked at Tang Bingyao:

"Tangtang will go back together today, right? The time we can spend interacting with Senior Bullet is very precious."

Tang Bingyao nodded, then shook her head:

"Master said he would come to see me in the Magic City in two days."

"We have to continue to train hard."

The first half of the sentence was enough to make everyone at the table stunned again. Not to mention the title of "Master" that the girl accidentally mentioned, it has basically established the relationship between the master and the top legend of the previous generation in North America. The relationship between disciples, and more importantly, the other person is actually willing to personally accompany the disciple back to the country regardless of the hardships just to continue to give guidance——

This kind of treatment is enough to make the entire e-sports circle jealous.

"Of course it's because of our Tangtang's talent that senior Bullet is so interested in us." An Xin smiled and stretched out her hand to rub Tang Bingyao's head, somewhat proudly showing off how well her cabbage was sold.

Everyone present was speechless and could only admire him silently.

Huangxue Yege looked at the dark circles on the faces of Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao again, and became serious:

"Then we can't be left behind."

“I’ll just start practicing when I get back, I didn’t say anything!”

Originally, for God's players who have finished the finals, even if this season has come to an end, even if they are preparing for the new season, they still have some vacation time before that to rest and adjust.

But it was obvious that looking at the looks and attitudes of Huangxue Yege and Dawn Morning Star at this moment, it was clear that taking a vacation and rest was completely out of their consideration.

Everyone chatted while eating.

Zeng Rui on the side suddenly let out a low cry, attracting everyone's attention. Huangxue Yege looked over curiously:

"What are you doing, browsing the web? Let me take a look -"

Zeng Ruizheng hurriedly put his phone on the dining table, showing a somewhat embarrassed look: "No, it's nothing."

Huangxue Yege glanced at Zeng Rui and suddenly laughed:

"Did someone start trolling on the Internet?"

Zeng Rui was stunned for a moment, then nodded silently, and everyone else at the table suddenly fell silent.

The atmosphere became a little strange.

Huangxue Yege, however, still smiled freely and waved his hand: "It's okay, this situation is normal. We are LPL professional players. If you don't have this kind of psychological quality, don't play professionally."

Zeng Rui couldn't help but look around. Many other members of the God Club were looking at something with their phones at the moment. The expressions on their faces were obviously downcast and heavy.

"After all...it will still have an impact." Zeng Rui whispered.

Dawn Morning Star next to her shook her head, her expression calm and indifferent:

"We deserve that too."

"If you don't play well, just stand up straight and accept the training honestly. It's okay."

After such an incident, everyone at the dinner table was no longer in the mood to continue chatting.

After a quick breakfast, everyone went back to their hotel rooms upstairs, picked up their packed luggage and took the elevator downstairs to prepare to leave for the airport.

Lin Feng and others followed the players from the God Club through the hotel lobby and walked out of the glass revolving door.

The emotional atmosphere among the God team members is still low, and they have not yet completely recovered from yesterday's defeat.


When everyone came outside the lobby, they suddenly discovered something unexpectedly.

"so many people--"

Tang Bingyao opened her eyes wide in surprise.

Just at the entrance of the hotel lobby, at least a few dozen people had gathered at some point. They all looked like young Chinese students studying abroad. Their clothes were all wet from the rain and looked a little embarrassed. Those who were wearing thinner clothes were still in the slightly cold autumn wind. They were shivering unconsciously, but everyone insisted and stood together neatly, holding a long red banner in their hands.

The moment they saw what was written on the banner, all the God members, including Huangxue Yege and Dawn Morning Star, were stunned.

Written above are two lines of words——

[God-The hand of God never gives up].

[LPL will never give up].

"Prepare, 3, 2, 1——"

In the crowd of international students, someone was heard shouting slogans in command. The next moment, everyone was heard shouting with all their strength:

"GOD! Come on!"

"LOL! Never give up!"

They were faces that were reddened by shouting slogans with all their strength.

That is the most sincere and sincere look.

There is also the same trust and expectation that seems to have never changed.


Including Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege, all the God team members had red eyes.

The update is here, friends, go to bed early and have a good night. Tomorrow there will be a minimum of two updates, try your best to get three updates.

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