
Chapter 2 7 points

The finals are over, and all the members of the God team have packed their luggage and will be leaving tomorrow morning after resting tonight.

But the equipment in the hotel’s training room has not yet been completely emptied.

After a simple dinner, Lin Feng came to the training room alone.

Sit down in front of a computer.

Close your eyes.

As if resting, as if contemplating.

The scenes from today's BO5 showdown on the field are still flashing through my mind.

Every wave of intense and exciting confrontations and collisions.

The natal card of the Dawn Star in Game 4.

There was also the textbook-level Ryze in the fifth decisive game, and Han Shihao’s trick witch.

Lin Feng shook his head, and his thoughts were diverted at this moment. He remembered the scene when several seniors handed the thin document into his hands, and what senior No. 1 told him when his mind was shocked. talk.

There is also the words that Senior No. 1 said to everyone in the player lounge of the previous venue.

And on the parking lot, senior No. 1 patted him on the shoulder as he walked towards the bus.

Lin Feng took a breath.

It was as if he was trying to digest it all.

Then he opened his eyes, looked at the computer screen in front of him, moved the mouse to click on the League of Legends game icon, and skillfully typed in a string of account passwords on the keyboard to log in to the European server.

login successful.

The game enters the main interface.

Just when he was about to click on a single room to start a solo queue match, a chat box popped up at the bottom of the interface, attracting his attention.

The moment he saw the friend's ID name clearly on the chat pop-up window, Lin Feng was stunned.

Of course he was very familiar with this ID.

Because just a few days ago, he had an affair with the owner of this ID,

For several days, they practiced solo late at night in the hotel training room at that time, and the opponent also relied on the trick in the decisive game today to lead SSK to win the championship trophy and reach the top of the gods again in today's finals.

Lin Feng moved the mouse and clicked on the chat window.

The window is enlarged.

A message typed in English caught his eye.

The content of the message was just three simple English words, as if it were the style of the world's number one mid laner.


't-wait. "

The translated meaning is equally effortless to understand——

I won't wait for you.

Lin Feng remained silent and tightened his grip on the mouse.

The hotel corridors are lit with lights.

The girl in a dress was leaning against the wall with her hands behind her back. When she raised her head, she could see that the door of the training room diagonally opposite was ajar, and rhythmic clicking sounds of mouse and keyboard could be heard from inside.

"At this time, don't disturb that boy."

The voice sounded.

An Xin subconsciously turned her head and saw No. 1 walking leisurely.

As if she was a student caught red-handed by her teacher, the girl who was caught off guard showed a bit of embarrassment and shame on her face:


Looking at the girl in front of him, No. 1 laughed and glanced diagonally in the direction of the training room:


"I care too much about Xiaofeng."

An Xin, who quickly adjusted her mood, returned to normal, and replied with a smile: "Senior, aren't you the same?"

Number One shrugged:

"After all, I am also his master. It is reasonable to care about him. What about you?"

The tone was somewhat teasing and playful.

An Xin's expression remained calm: "Being childhood sweethearts is not any worse than being a master."

Not taking advantage of the girl in the conversation, No. 1 didn't take it seriously. He smiled and shook his head and commented: "You girl, you are still so sharp-tongued."

"Thank you for the compliment~" An Xin accepted the compliment with a smile, and then looked at No. 1: "Senior seems to be in a good mood tonight."

No. 1 laughs:

"What else?"

"A frown can't solve the problem. Whatever the situation is, you still have to face it with grit."

Listening to such words, An Xin thought of the contents of the proposals listed in the document and frowned slightly:

"If I remember correctly... among the nine proposals, the specific arrangements for several events are different from regular international competitions."

After hearing the first half of the sentence, he had already guessed what the girl was thinking. No. 1 nodded slightly: "You understand correctly, so next year will be a big event. Old bones like us can only come out and move around."

Speaking of this, No. 1 also had some emotion in his tone:

"When I retired, I thought I could live a leisurely life, but I didn't expect... that I would have to worry about it myself again."

An Xin looked at No. 1 and spoke sincerely:

"Senior, you are not old at all."

"Besides, it would be very exciting to see you take action in person, senior."

This is natural.

Even the compliments given by the girl at this moment are already quite euphemistic. If those hardcore e-sports players and professional players of the previous generation were to know that "this person" in front of them would one day come out in person again, It is estimated that the entire e-sports circle of the previous generation will be completely stirred up.

In today's new generation of world e-sports circles, F-Han Shihao's name is undoubtedly at the top of the pyramid, unrivaled.

But that NO.001 name back then...

In the hearts of the e-sports people of the previous generation, the weight and significance it represented still had to throw younger generations like Han Shihao out of countless streets.

Regarding An Xin's compliments, No. 1 just smiled casually:

"I'm so old, I can't compare with you young people."

Then his eyes fell on the girl in front of him, and he spoke quite meaningfully:

"If you really want to say it, I look forward to this kind of words..."

"It should be me who has to say it."

The girl was slightly startled, then shook her head slightly and smiled: "Senior, why do you say such things again?"

Number 1 also laughed: "It's nothing, it's just that during my break these days, I dug out some interesting things from the materials compiled by your senior No. 4."

An Xin looked at Number 1 with some confusion, and the latter spoke calmly:


Gale-Nightingale secretly fights, you know, right? "

A gentle word.

Like thunder falling on a lake, the waves rippled.

The girl paused slightly, still looking indifferent: "Yes."

"There is an ID called Ax, have you heard of it?"

Another thunder.

The girl took a deep breath, raised her head and looked steadily at the senior in front of her.

No. 1 laughed and waved his hand: "Okay, okay, I'm just asking casually. In the end, it's you who makes the decision. If I want to force you to do something, your sister Xiaowu won't be able to forgive me first." "

An Xin breathed a sigh of relief, but heard the voice of No. 1 ring again:

"However, there is one last question."

The girl looked at the senior helplessly, took a deep breath, and compromised: "Senior, you ask."

The smile on No. 1’s face became even stronger:

"Today's final decisive game, how much do you understand?"

As this question came out, the atmosphere in the entire hotel corridor seemed to suddenly become silent.

An Xin paused after hearing this.

Then he frowned slightly, and after thinking carefully, he slowly spoke:


Number 1 raised his eyebrows, looked at An Xin, and didn't answer.

The girl pursed her lips, and finally corrected herself and gave the real answer:

"Seven points."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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