
Chapter 2089 Stalemate and Pull

In professional e-sports, data analysis and evaluation are always mechanical and cruel.

The economic advantage of 4,000 can only give God-God's Hand a 60% chance of winning the overall battle.

The opposite team SSK captured an earth dragon and immediately regained 10% of the chance of winning.

More importantly, in the current so-called "50-50" confrontation between the two sides, the SSK team, which has the earth dragon buff and the advantage of head-to-head combat, still has the faint initiative to occupy the rhythm, so that God-God's Hand begins to fall into Passive situation.


Good thing.

So far, the outcome of both sides can only be calculated as a 50-50 result.

The SSK team on the blue side still has not really gained an absolute initiative advantage.

"Even if we take down this earth dragon, SSK won't be able to use the baron easily."

At the Chinese commentary desk, Lao Mi gave his judgment with a firm and solemn tone.

Next to her was Mo Sheng, who nodded slightly:

"Yes, if SSK really relies on this earth dragon buff to try to open the Baron immediately, then it may become a counterattack opportunity for God."

The principle of dragon ruining one's life is universal.

Although the SSK team's lineup has enough advantages in head-on battles, if it is in a terrain like the river Dalongfjord, and the blue side's lineup takes the lead in opening the dragon, it will instead give the purple side's God. The team has a perfect environment for poke harassment.

There are a bunch of live targets standing in the narrow fjord terrain, which can really bring out the poke ability of God's top laner Jess plus mid laner card and ADC Destiny Master to the extreme——

Jess hit QE twice in a row, and the card was a universal card. The fateful master's W fatal brilliance and ultimate move came to a perfect end...

A bunch of super long range poke skills.

As long as God controls the distance properly, he may even have a chance to pin down the five members of the opponent SSK team in the dragon pit and poke them to death.

"So now after SSK gets the Earth Dragon, it can only start to lay out the field of view in the Dalong area."

Fei Yan concluded:

"After having a good vision,

Then carry out an ambush and sneak attack. "


"God's lineup has many ways to deal with such things as opponents ambushing."

Generally speaking, in the middle and late stages of a team fight around the Baron, the advantageous side will often have a good view of the Baron to ambush and force the team, while the disadvantaged side will have to form a group to investigate the situation even if they lose the view of the Baron area. .

Probing into the grass with your face is a mistake that professional teams will rarely make.

Then at least two of the five members of the team will bring out the insight of the blue jewelry and use them alternately to confirm the situation in the dragon pit or whether there is an ambush in the grass.

Of course, after the two insights are used up, teams without other additional means of exploring the field of view may have to bite the bullet and take risks to explore the grass.

There is still a risk of being ambushed and attacked.

Fortunately, this problem is not particularly worrying for the God team's lineup.

Because it’s still the same sentence——

Team God has a Poke lineup.

The inherent advantage of this lineup lies in its long hands, which can be used to consume poke skills remotely, and can also be used to remotely explore the field of vision. This not only ensures that one is at a safe distance, but also can even be used once the skill is thrown at the right place. It can allow opponents lurking in the grass and fog to take a lot of poke damage, and if you fail to steal the chicken, you will lose the rice.

Not to mention the card’s ultimate move, Destiny. The moment it is activated, the whereabouts of the opponent in the entire map are directly determined, and even the opponent’s possible bypass plan can be easily detected.

"With Team God's experience and cooperation, we should be able to deal with this kind of thing without making any mistakes."

In the backcourt area, even Zeng Rui, who had been worried just now, after thinking about it carefully, heaved a sigh of relief and came to a conclusion.

Lin Feng nodded:

"So, SSK will not rush in."

"If they really want to open the dragon, they have to kill one or two people on God's side first."

An Xin, who was standing next to him, looked at the OB screen on the big screen:


"Both sides are looking for opportunities."

The game time has reached the thirty minute mark.

Since SSK got the last earth dragon, the situation on the scene seems to have entered a stalemate again.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the atmosphere in the Summoner's Rift is becoming more and more solemn and solid, and the operations and actions of the ten players on both sides have become more and more cautious.

Now... we really can't make any mistakes.

No matter who it is, even the seemingly least important support, as long as they make a mistake and are caught and killed, it will directly have a huge impact on the battle situation.

From the God's perspective OB screen, it is obvious that the view of the Dalongfjord area of ​​the river has basically fallen into the control of the blue side SSK team at this moment.

But even after controlling Baron's vision, SSK still dared not make any further moves.

On the contrary, the God team on the purple side once again began to steadily advance their one-three-one scoring strategy.

At this point in time, the effect of banding has been fully reflected.

The top lane is the card master of Dawnstar.

The bottom lane is Jace.

In the middle, Huangxue Yege's ADC, the Life Master, plus the Toad who assists his teammates, while the jungle prince roams in the jungle to provide support to the side lanes at any time.

All three paths are flexible enough.

As long as something happens on the side, the other two sides will have a way to get support before the opponent.

"It seems...it seems that God still has some initiative, right?"

At the official commentary desk, several European and American commentators looked a little surprised.


It can be seen that SSK had to quickly choose to return to the defense line after completing the Baron vision. Moreover, because it was afraid of the opponent's global support speed, SSK could only try to let the opponent push the line of troops past half-court before coming out to close the line.

And in this way, God's team seems to have the upper hand in the entire visual field of the map.

"If the army line is pressed a little further, the dragon's vision can be regained!"

Seeing this, countless Chinese server players and netizens were in high spirits.


It's useless for your SSK to take the earth dragon. Our God's lineup's distribution tactics can still suppress you, okay?

"Don't be careless."

Magic City, Shanghai, KG Club training base.

Shi Hang looked solemn and said:

"It's only 50-50 now. Don't look at SSK being dragged down by God's zone-dividing tactics. They can only retreat to defend. However, their front line is shrinking very steadily. If our side pushes the line too deep, we may be attacked at any time. The other side will take the opportunity to kill one or two."

Next to him, Tian Tian nodded:


"It's just a pull in the military line, it doesn't mean much."

"The key point... still lies in the process of pulling the line of troops. On God's side, Ah Xing and the others can first find an opportunity to get alone on the opposite side."

The update is here, there should be another update after midnight, so go away and write.

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