
Chapter 2088 Still have to endure it

On the field, no decision is destined to be easy.

So naturally, the commander of a team will inevitably have to bear greater pressure.

Not to mention that on the final battlefield of the World Finals, every tactical arrangement is closely related to the final outcome. Any careless loophole in the layout may instantly lead to a fierce counterattack by the opponent or have a devastating impact.

As the leader of the team, if you make the wrong choice, all the teammates in the team will be affected.

What was ruined was an entire good match.

But because you are the captain, no matter how great the pressure is, you still have to make the decision.

Just like this moment.

The voice of the Dawn Star sounded from the voice channel in the purple square team, calm and without any ripples:


Then the entire God Team competition room was silent for a moment.

You can clearly see that the other four members of the God team, including Huangxue Yege, all looked hesitant at this moment. This is also a rare occasion when they have some doubts about their captain's arrangement and decision-making.

But in the end, it was Huangxue Yege who took the lead to take a deep breath and nodded fiercely:

"Okay, let it go!"

Team God quickly reached a consensus.

But when the audience in the audience realized this a little later, including the official European and American commentators in the commentary box, as well as Lao Mi Feiyan and Mo Sheng, they couldn't help but gasped and stared. eyes -

"God's side...the earth dragon is released!?"

At the scene, the sound of uproar and commotion spread like a tide throughout the entire Wembley Stadium.

The clamor grew louder.

God's tactical choice has aroused too many people's alarm and doubts.

"If this earth dragon is released, won't something big happen?"

for a time,

Even many professional players from teams in major major regions couldn't help but open their mouths in disbelief.

They can all see clearly that this earth dragon has a key and decisive influence on the direction of the entire game. If SSK can easily get the earth dragon, then the big dragon will force the team, and God will really of danger.

Even if you God-God's Hand knows that you can't fight SSK head-on now, you can still try to harass it, or let your own jungler try to fight with other people's excavators for punishment, right?

Just let it go...

Isn’t it free? ?

"It is indeed something that only the hand of God can do."

At the official commentary desk, a European commentator came to his senses and expressed this emotion.

Several other partners nearby also nodded in agreement.


The most recognized feature of Team God is one word: stability.

As long as there are uncertainties and risks, no matter how big the temptation of interests is, it will not be enough to make this team waver or tempted. They will never play when they shouldn't, and they will not give their opponents any chance to take advantage of them.


"Whether it should be done or not is a very subjective question."

Another North American commentator gave his own opinion and evaluation:

"I think this wave is because God is too careful. Their playing style is actually a double-edged sword, with pros and cons. If you are always seeking stability, then it is equivalent to being on the defensive all the time, and your own living space , The odds of winning will only continue to be compressed as the situation worsens.”

"If this continues, God may not make any mistakes throughout the game, but he will eventually lose the game without any trouble."

The last sentence was very serious and very rude.

On a normal day, players and netizens in the official live broadcast rooms of major online national server events would have exploded early in the morning when they heard comments like these from European and American commentators.

It is estimated that the barrage can greet these European and American people 10,000 times per minute.

Comments such as "You know nothing about a commentator", "If you have the ability, come on", "Waiting for God to slap these idiot commentators in the face", "Winning steadily is the characteristic of our God, okay?" It will also fill up the live broadcast room screen.

But this time it was different.

After hearing such comments from European and American commentators, the domestic live broadcast room seemed a little quiet at the moment.

The "irritable" Chinese server players and netizens just posted messages such as "Come on God" and "It's okay, let it go, there should be another chance", but they did not directly and hot-temperedly refute those explanations.

Because in fact, the majority of Chinese server players and netizens also vaguely feel that God’s choice is not appropriate.

The unkind comments made by European and American commentators actually spoke to some of their worries.


Striving for stability is certainly the strength and characteristic of the God team, but is this kind of stability-seeking really a good thing?

This is the final battle of the finals. We are facing an experienced and powerful opponent like SSK. If we don’t have any blood and hard work and show only such a weak and compromising attitude, we can really win from SSK. ?

"What else can we do?"

Taipei, the base of the Assassin Club, Nian Shisan couldn't help but rolled his eyes again:

"My back hurts when I stand and talk. Do you really think that going to grab the earth dragon this time will have any good results?"

"Fuck, if you go up, you will fall into SSK's trap. Something will definitely happen if you come down, okay?"

"God can only endure it now, even if he pinches his nose, he has to endure it."

The assassin's auxiliary team member next to him spoke carefully:

"But captain, you have to give it a try, right?"

Nian Shisan looked over sideways:

"You have to fight hard."

"But now is not the time. We have to wait for a better opportunity before it is worth fighting for."

All the assassin team members looked at each other, saying so, but what kind of opportunity is a better opportunity?

Nian Shisan squinted his eyes, and his eyes fell on the purple square card master on the screen:

"This... it depends on that guy A Xing -"

The game time is 28 minutes and 35 seconds.

The SSK team on the blue side took down Tulong calmly.

On the scene, the economic gap between the blue and purple armies stopped at around 4,000, and the purple team's God team still had a slight advantage in terms of economy and heads.

But everyone knows as clearly as a mirror that at this time, with the lineups of both sides, God's team's advantage is no longer an advantage.


"SSK is ready to start working on Baron Vision."

At the Chinese commentary desk, Feiyan looked at the OB picture on the viewing screen and couldn't help but let out a low cry.

Mo Sheng next to her nodded heavily:

"The next step... will be the biggest test."

The balance of victory seems to have begun to tilt toward SSK.

Offstage, in the backcourt area.

Zeng Rui couldn't help but turned to look at Lin Feng again: "What now?"

Lin Feng was silent for a moment and then said:

"Fifty percent."

An update is here. After a busy day, I suddenly found out that it was my birthday, and I was going to cook myself some instant noodles with an egg.

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