
Chapter 2086 Is it the limit?

God's team's lineup is destined to be unable to compete head-on with its opponents from the mid-term.

The outfitting ideas of the heroes currently selected by SSK in each position have strengthened the intensity of team battles in their lineup, and it is also destined to be determined to find opportunities to force teams.

Therefore, the situation that the God team is facing now is that if they cannot quickly obtain a huge enough suppression advantage through the operation of the divided troops in the next period of time, then the shortcomings and disadvantages of their lineup will be like a timer* *, may detonate at any time.

"SSK's current intentions are clear."

On the official commentary desk, several European and American commentators gave their comments and analyses:

"The reason why they haven't chosen to start directly from the big dragon is because they are waiting for the next earth dragon to be refreshed."

"That's right, the time is not yet ripe to directly start a big dragon group."

"The current speed of SSK in opening the dragon is not very fast, and it may also give God-the Hand of God some opportunities to take advantage of."

"But if you get the earth dragon——"

"After getting the earth dragon, and it's close to 30 minutes, SSK has a much higher chance of winning the big dragon."

"When the time comes, God will not be easy to fight."

The last sentence clarified the truth and revealed the dilemma that Team God is about to face.

The principles are clear, but it is really not easy to deal with them in practice.

Just like the evaluations given by top professional players from top clubs around the world at this moment, the strength displayed by this God team is already extremely amazing, but because the opponent they faced was SSK, they still It is difficult to easily gain the upper hand.

Although the several opportunities he took were extremely beautiful, he succeeded one after another.

But what he got in return was an equally fierce and decisive counterattack from his opponent.

This makes it difficult for God to further expand its advantage and speed up the offensive distribution rhythm. The heads it gets are all dry, and it is difficult to gain strategic resources.

what to do?

At this moment, countless Chinese players had such thoughts in their minds.

They clearly saw that every member of the God team has worked extremely hard to play at a very high level, especially their Star King, who has displayed his card master to the fullest in the world's top arena after many years. .

But even like this...

Surprisingly, you still can't suppress SSK?

Taipei, the base of the Assassin Club, seemed to have guessed the thoughts in many people's minds. Nian Shisan sneered:

"Fuck, are you thinking too simply?"

"If SSK at its peak can be defeated so easily - the title of the strongest in the world would be too worthless."

24 minutes.

25 minutes.

The game time quickly passed for more than two minutes, but the situation on the scene seemed to have relaxed, or... it was a stalemate.

SSK on the blue side is taking their time and calmness. They are waiting for the earth dragon to refresh later, and then rely on the earth dragon and baron to force the team.

But the God team on the purple side could only suppress their anxiety.

But, it’s been two minutes.

In two minutes, Team God did not choose to take another shot.

Or to put it more bluntly, two minutes passed and they failed to gain anything else.

"It's not that you can't fight."

"I don't dare to fight casually."

In the backcourt area, several analysts and coaches from the God Club gathered together with solemn expressions:

"There are definitely opportunities. The ability of this lineup to seize opportunities will never be as bleak as it is now."

"It's just that there are good and bad opportunities."

"Killing someone casually and getting a dead head will not have much impact on the overall situation. On the contrary, it is a waste of key skills."

Next to them were the other second team and substitute players of the God Club who couldn't help but come over. After hearing the comments and analysis of several of their own coaches and analysts, some players couldn't help but speak:

"Then how to fight now?"

In one sentence, several experienced club coaches and analysts choked up and opened their mouths. In the end, only one analyst shook his head helplessly:

"We can only...see Ah Xing's decision-making before the battle."

On the other side, Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao, An Xin and Lin Feng were also talking.

"It would be too much pressure to put all my money on Ka Kao alone."

Zeng Rui took a deep breath and gave his evaluation.

Yes, so far, the performance of the mid lane card of Dawn Morning Star has been almost perfect. The rhythm of the entire game is driven by his card operation and overall command. God Being able to play the advantageous rhythm in the early stage is almost 70% due to Dawn Morning Star.

To this extent, it would be too harsh and too difficult to have further requirements for Dawn Star.

Even An Xin couldn't help but shook his head slightly and said, "It's already the limit."

Tang Bingyao looked at Lin Feng:


Lin Feng did not speak, but his eyes were fixed on the big screen on the stage, looking at the figure of the purple card master in the middle.


It's reached its limit.

The performance of this card master is worthy of the highest praise and can be regarded as a textbook-level standard performance. It is no exaggeration to say that even including him and even Phoe

ix or Moo

No top Yonko-level mid laner at this level can do better than Dawnstar.

And similarly, neither he nor Phoe

ix or Moo

, given Dawn Morning Star's current situation, it would be impossible to come up with a better solution.


Is this a dead end?

If SSK is pushed to this point, is it already the limit of being a God and a morning star?

Lin Feng closed his eyes.

At this moment, he no longer thought about the situation on the field.

Suddenly, a scene of him and Dawn Morning Star walking and chatting outside the hotel late last night flashed through his mind.

And those words that the other party seems to be talking and laughing casually, but in fact they are serious about what they say to themselves.

Suddenly there seemed to be lightning flashing through my mind.

Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes:

"There must be a way."

This sentence made Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao and An Xin look over, but Lin Feng shook his head: "I didn't expect it."

Zeng Rui was immediately discouraged: "What's the difference between this and not saying anything?"

Lin Feng shook his head again and corrected seriously:

"No, I can't think of it, it doesn't mean that A Xing can't think of it."

After saying this, he did not explain any more, but turned his head and looked far away in the direction of the God team's competition room on the stage. It seemed that he could vaguely see the figure behind the computer screen in the competition room——

Yes, it definitely came to mind.

Choosing such a talented card master will naturally lead the situation of this game into the Dawnstar's expectation.

So the mid laner captain of the God team definitely understands the current difficult situation.

He naturally knows where his card master's limits are.

So, the reason for choosing Drizzt...

There is only one left.

In a quiet corner of the venue where no one noticed, Bullet, who was alone and low-key watching the game, looked at the viewing screen on the stage and nodded slightly.

The number one legend in North America in the past generation, for the first time, he has some appreciation for the young juniors in the LPL competition besides Tang Bingyao:


Offstage, in the backcourt area.

No. 1 Feng Qingqing smiled calmly:

"You should have been able to tell this at ordinary times. This boy Axing...has never been cruel to himself."

Here's an update. I'm going out to do some work. I don't know when I'll be back from work.

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