
Chapter 2085 This level is not enough

After the card is broken.

Tahm leads his ADC, Trickster, to block the way ahead.

In an instant, the three heroes on the purple side completed their positions and double-teamed the opponent's ADC Obama on the blue side.

So at this moment, even someone as strong as Ray couldn't help but be dumbfounded, and only had time to burst out with a curse word:


Then, there is no room for maneuver left.

Even though the Paladin Ranger forcibly handed over the flash moment under Ray's reaction operation in an attempt to distance himself, Dawnstar's card master still flicked a yellow card from his W skill the moment he landed.

Directional skills allow you to operate in 10,000 ways, whether you should be controlled or forced to control you.

Ding! ——

Lucian was stunned and froze in place.

The God team assisted Tahm with a big landing, then connected with [Flash], and then used the Q skill to lick the tongue to slow down and control the target Holy Lance Ranger. The ADC Destiny Master under the control of Huangxue Yege strode forward. Remember the fatal brilliance of the W skill to connect and control, and then shoot out with a flat A shot.

The card receives the Q.

The fortune teller stepped forward and made another A mark.

The kill was easily completed, and the head was taken by Huang Xue Ye Ge's fortune teller.

At the scene, the audience once again burst into cheers and applause, and the Chinese international student players cheered and screamed.

Several European and American commentators on the official commentary desk had their eyes wide open and exclaimed:

"Oh my God!"

"How did God seize the opportunity this time?"

"In the upper half of the jungle, there is no purple scout ward. Is this a blind guess?"

"It's not a blind guess."

At the China commentary desk, Lao Mi’s face lit up and he opened his mouth to analyze and explain to the countless Chinese server players and netizens in front of the live broadcast camera:


There is a certain element of prejudgment and speculation. "

"But it is definitely based on certain speculations, because just now SSK's Gnar on the bottom lane has appeared on the lane. After calculating the time, the blue side's double lane is indeed going to the top lane. ”

"That's why we have cards that work with Tahm's mid-support combo to block you right in front of the second tower for a strong kill!"

"We can see that it was Star King's card master who took the lead in launching the ultimate move. He also confirmed that his judgment was correct. He directly called on his teammates on the top and bottom lanes to complete this wave of double-teaming."

Mo Sheng answered with the same smile:

"That's why we say that our Star King's cards are truly the best in the world."

"The position and whereabouts of each opponent's hero can be judged and mastered to the level of a clairvoyant!"

"Several big moves, almost none of them failed!"

Fei Yan next to her had a look of regret on her face: "It's a pity, Nami went to the wild area to improve her vision, otherwise she could have killed one more person in this wave..."

Lao Mi smiled so hard that he couldn't close his mouth and waved his hands repeatedly:

"it's okay no problem."

"It's enough to kill one Obama, but now their SSK bottom lane development rhythm will also suffer a big loss!"


The battle between top teams never seems to be easily one-sided.

It always comes and goes.

Just as the God team went on the road and completed a wave of double-teaming to kill Ray's ADC Obama, in the middle of Summoner's Rift, the mid laner Victor, controlled by Han Shihao, took the opportunity to press the line in front of the purple side's outer tower in the middle.

This wave seizes the opportunity when the opposing army is on the road, and Victor can take down the outer tower in the middle alone.

Team God's top laner Jayce quickly returned to defense.

The plasma cannons of EQ's second company blasted into the troop pile, directly clearing the bottom line of troops under the tower.

But the next second.

In the F6 jungle area on the left side of the outer tower in the middle road, the figure of the blue jungle excavator digs a tunnel through the wall like a ghost.

Before Jace could react.

In seconds, he connected with [Flash] and W's "Breaking Out", which instantly lifted Jace into the air and controlled him. Victor stepped forward to receive the gravity field of W skill, and QE used the second consecutive move to perform his ultimate move.

Coupled with the damage of the excavator, a set of bursts was crisp and smooth, killing Jace instantly.




ed (a friendly hero was killed). "

The kill announcement from the system's female voice sounded in the middle.

SSK's midfielder and jungler took advantage of the situation and quickly bulldozed and demolished the tower in the middle.

The three commentators on the Chinese commentary stage were happy and excited a moment ago, but now they suddenly became solemn and solemn, and no longer had any joy at all:

"This wave...the counterattack came so fast."

"SSK doesn't give people any chance to take advantage of it."

Offstage, in the backcourt area.

Lin Feng shook his head:


Yes, if after killing Obama on the top lane, the second tower of SSK on the top lane can be pushed down, then this wave will be a big profit for the God team. But as soon as the top lane kills, the outer tower of the middle lane is destroyed by SSK's midfielder. This is This forced God and the others to quickly return to defend the middle, otherwise they would have to go up to the second tower instead of the second tower at home and suffer a blood loss.

Zeng Rui couldn't help but feel worried:

"Then if this continues... the situation won't be good."


Although God is constantly looking for opportunities to attack, and has achieved results time and time again, but every counterattack by the opponent's SSK is also fast, accurate, and sharp, leaving no room for anything.

The situation is still at a stalemate.

And if the stalemate continues...when the next earth dragon spawns and SSK takes the opportunity to force the team, it will be God's team's turn to fall into a passive situation.

Domestic, Shanghai.

Players from Hayami and KG were still sitting around the training room of the KG base watching the game. At this moment, they were also nervously talking to each other in low voices:

"The situation is not good——"

"On God's side, we took several chances, but they just didn't open up the situation."

Shi Hang's eyelids twitched slightly as he stood aside:

"What the hell... SSK is too strong."

Tian Tian nodded with a heavy expression:

"And it's not just one person's strength, it's the strength of the whole team."

Taipei, Assassins Club base.

Nian Shisan stood up and came closer to the LCD viewing screen, as if he was carefully observing the figures and movements of each hero of the blue SSK team in the screen, and finally turned to look at the other members of his team, and twitched his lips. :

"Did you see that?"

"This is the best level in the world for fucking his mother."

"At the level of our assassins, there is a huge gap between us and the SSK."

Europe, Lege

d team club base.

Phoe, one of the four emperors

ix sighed sincerely:

"God-God's Hand in this game has definitely reached their unprecedented level."

"In these few waves of global flow to capture people, rhythm control and tactical operations, it would be our Lege

d, it is estimated that it has been completely disrupted. "

"Only SSK can still maintain a firm foothold."

South Korea, Fate team base.


Shaking his head slowly:

"God is strong, and so is the morning star."

"The Hand of God in this state is indeed invincible to us Fate."

"But if it's only to this extent...it can only compete with the current SSK."

"If you want to go further -"

"You have to be stronger."

London, England, Wembley 6,000-seat stadium, in VIP room A1 on the second floor.

Sitting on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, C

The eyes in OW's eyes were dancing deeply, and his hoarse voice seemed to be speaking to someone, and also seemed to be mumbling to himself:

"It's still...a little bit worse."

The update is here, and the next chapter will be before nine in the morning. Go away and continue typing.

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