
Chapter 2072 The upcoming target

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

The blue side SSK team has top laner Gnar, mid laner Victor, jungler Digger, ADC Obama and assistant Nami.

Purple side God-Hand of God, top laner Jace, mid laner card, jungle prince, ADC fortune teller plus auxiliary toad.

At the scene, the giant LCD screen on the stage clearly projected the ten heroes of the blue and purple lineups, showing them in front of more than 6,000 live audiences and tens of millions of League of Legends players across the entire network.

Cheers, screams and whistles exploded like a tidal wave!

Several European and American commentators on the official commentary stage were almost full of energy and spoke passionately:

"Friends! The fourth game is about to begin!"

"Who would have thought that we were all predicting that the God who fell into the match point of the life and death game might come up with their trump card, but no one could have guessed that this trump card would be so surprising! "

"Card Master Drizzt, my God, this may be the most unexpected hero to appear in this finals."

"To be exact, it is the most unpopular one in this tournament. This is also the first time that the card master appears on the stage!"

"More importantly... his user is the world's number one card master player that we have officially recognized!"

"This is a huge surprise! But I don't know what it will be like for SSK as the opponent?"

On the stage, in the SSK team competition room.

The pupils in Mafa's eyes shrank slightly, and then his gaze became sharp and sharp:


This is a consultation to my fellow mid laners.

Sitting in the mid lane seat in front of the computer screen, Han Shihao looked at the purple square mid lane card master's portrait on the computer screen, silent, and nodded slowly after a while:


This seems to be the first time in today's BO5 match that Han Shihao has responded to his jungler partner's ga in this way.

k plan.

Ray next to him curled his lips with some disdain:

"Just a card master——"

"This kind of hero who is about to be abandoned by the version actually dares to take action.


"In the early stage, just target it twice and it will explode~"

The support Cube sitting aside coldly warned his partner: "Don't be careless, take care of our bottom lane first."

Wolf, who is the blue square top dannar, also nodded slightly:

"I'll be steady in the early stages of the game."

"It's not a big problem."

In the current version, there are basically few heroes in the top lane who can withstand Jayce's pressure. Even if SSK chooses Lost Fang Gnar, it is still not easy to fight.

But if it is based on Wolf's personal ability, it can make up for some of the disadvantages in hero confrontation.

"It's no problem to get off the road!"

Ray grinned and promised.

Indeed, the bottom lane combination of Obama and Nami has a very strong offensive performance in the early stage.

And at this moment, Han Shihao's voice suddenly sounded again:

"Be careful."

The sudden words made several other SSK players stunned and subconsciously looked at their mid lane captain.

Because this kind of words...can't be easily heard from Han Shihao's mouth.

As if he didn't care about the strange looks cast by several teammates around him, Han Shihao's face remained indifferent and calm, but his eyes were fixed on the purple mid lane card, and there was a faint fire in the depths of his eyes:

"This one will be difficult."

Like a stone dropped into a deep pool.

Suddenly, the ripples on the calm lake surface trembled.

In the backcourt area, two Korean legends from the previous generation stood side by side, looking at the large LCD screen on the stage.

Li Daozai sneered:


"I can't tell that that little brat God is a bit desperate to gamble his life."

M shook his head:

"I don't feel too good."

"Perhaps Shihao and the others will have some trouble this round."

Li Daozai looked indifferent: "Betting on your life is the first time you try it at a critical moment. If you want to pray for success... you are taking your luck too seriously."

This is denial.

There was some hesitation on M's face, but he finally shook his head and did not choose to continue arguing with his companions.

Inside the venue, VIP room A1.

Sitting on the bench, looking at the noisy atmosphere below, taking in the blue and purple lineups on the field, C

There was an unknown smile on ow's face, and he pressed the armrest and leaned forward slightly, as if he was more focused:

"The show...is about to begin."

Following the soft and melodious prompt tone of the female voice of the system, and the sudden cheers and cheers from the audience, on the OB screen on the big screen, ten heroes from the blue and purple sides entered the Summoner's Rift map.

The fourth BO5 duel has officially begun.

The heroes of both sides quickly walked out of the spring and ran towards the wild area.

At the same time, on the commentary stage, all the commentators were paying close attention to the starting arrangements of both sides and the whereabouts of the heroes in each position:

"Looks like a regular jungle starting route."

"It's the fourth game...Both sides are very stable."

"Prince and Digger have similar roles in the jungle position. Jess has a certain advantage over Gnar in the top lane. The combination of Obama and Nami in the bottom lane should be even more dominant."

"The principle is to help the superior but not the inferior. In the early stage, it may be more cost-effective for SSK to target the bottom lane, but after all, God has also taken this into consideration and equipped Jhin with no displacement ability with a Tamu support, which has a certain ability to survive and save lives. ”

"I think it's good to capture the top and middle heroes. If top laner Jayce is caught and killed once, the strategic significance of this hero will be reduced by half."

"Speaking of which, why not focus on catching? The card is also a hero that will die as soon as it is caught."

Here are the conversations and discussions between European and American official commentators.

On the China commentary stage, Lao Mi made a very firm judgment:

"This one, SSK will definitely focus on the middle!"

"Because the card master is the core of God's team's tactics. If this point of development is cut off, God's chances of winning this game will be extremely slim."

Fei Yan next to her answered:

"However, I think Team God must have expected this."

"You should make some preparations and arrangements accordingly, right?"

Mo Sheng frowned slightly:

"That's what I say...but if you want to guard against Mafa's ga

k, is not ordinary high. "


First of all, your opponent in the line is Victor, the world's best mid laner. It has almost consumed all your energy to concentrate on it. At the same time, you have to be prepared for Mafa, one of the two wild kings in the world, who may rush and grab you at any time. You yourself What he uses is a card master with extremely poor life-saving ability——

In this case, it seems that we can only expect to be able to create some surprising miracles with the level of Dawnstar's world's number one card.

The game lasted just over 3 minutes.

After swiping his own red buff monster, the excavator that took down F6 started moving again.

He did not choose to head towards the upper half of the wild area.

Instead, approach directly to the middle.

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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