
Chapter 2071 Card Drizzt

For Dawn Morning Star, a professional mid laner, people will naturally not forget his famous hero.

There are various titles in the League of Legends e-sports circle. Some top professional players who are good enough may be able to hold multiple titles at the same time. For example, Han Shihao, the leader of the Four Emperors, is not only the world's number one mid laner, but also Specifically, the number one fox, number one enchantress, etc. are also included in his hand.

As for the title of Dawn Star, in addition to being the number one mid laner in the national server and ranking among the seven kings, another title that was once more well-known to people——

The world's number one card master.

The peak battle of the mid laner captain of the God team at that time was the one-handed card Drizzt against the Yonko-level mid laner Moo of the South Korean Fate team.

, forcefully challenged Moo to the level of Seven Kings.

The battle was a draw, and everyone was shocked by his skills.

There was a time when the game version gave cards a strong advantage. In the Chinese LPL professional league, whenever the God team played in the game, the hero Drizzt, the card master, was always on the opponent's Ba

among the list of people.

This is enough respect for Dawnstar, the number one card in the world.

It is also an absolute recognition of the strength of its cards.


One generation of versions and one generation of gods.

No matter how strong a hero was in the past, there was always a time when the sun was setting on him.

Card has already withdrawn from the current version of the T1 echelon, and cannot even squeeze into the T2 echelon. If you follow the official statistics of this season, you will find that Card Master's appearance rate in the LPL division is zero.

Looking at other major competition regions such as Europe, America, Korea and Taiwan, all added up, the card has only played twice this year.

Moreover, his performance after taking the field was equally dismal as his record data.

So again, the version determines the hero.

Of course, for those die-hard fans and players of Dawn Morning Star, many people still often mention the God team captain’s various god-level operations on the field with his amazing cards, yearning for the possibility that one day We can see Star King's card figure on the field again.

“If it’s a Star King card, even if the version is weak, you can still play it.

y the whole audience. "

Some player fans have mentioned this more than once.


Here we are today.

When Dawn Star really took out the Card Master lock and confirmed that it was destined to play in the fourth game of the BO5 decisive battle in the finals, it seemed that many of its old fans had "realized their dreams."


The whole auditorium in the stadium was shocked and shocked!

It even swept and spread like a wave, completely making the whole network excited!


For a time, in countless Internet cafes and school dormitories in China, the audience of Chinese server players standing in front of the computer screen suddenly stood up from their seats in front of the computer!

His eyes widened and he exclaimed!


Follow again...

Countless people suddenly gasped at this moment, and cold sweat covered their backs:

"What the hell..."

"Why did you choose the card!?"

The majority of players in the national server are naturally eager to see the card master of Dawn Star appear on the court again one day, but this kind of thing should never happen at such an almost fatal juncture.

This is... a life and death game in the finals!

We are facing a terrifying and terrifying opponent like SSK, which is no joke.

Many old fans of Dawn Morning Star are about to burst into tears right now:

Star King, we want to see you find time to get a hand of cards, yes, but why don't you choose a more normal and reliable occasion? Wouldn't it be great to have some kind of exhibition game to get a card master? Even if you For the sake of the fans, you wouldn't make a joke at such a critical moment in the finals, right?

In this kind of game, if you choose a card master who is almost unpopular in the current version, isn't that the end of the world?


In the backcourt, Lin Feng suddenly spoke, his eyes shining brightly:

"Some are beaten."

Next to him was Zeng Rui, who was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot:

"Is there still a fight?"

"Abandon the version and choose a hero. The statistics of the current version can't even see the shadow of the card master! How to fight?"

An Xin looked at Zeng Rui, smiled and persuaded:

"Zeng, don't worry, think about it carefully."

"Sometimes you are too obsessed with statistical analysis of various data, but this one... selected by the card master, the effect may not be as good as Ryze."

If this was said by Lin Feng, perhaps Zeng Rui would directly regard it as an unreliable statement made by someone who has lost his temper again.

But because it came from An Xin's mouth, he finally paused.

He raised his head and looked at the large LCD viewing screen on the stage again——

Purple side God team, top laner Jace, mid laner card, jungle prince, auxiliary toad...

Finally, as if he had realized something, Zeng Rui's face suddenly showed a look of shock and realization. Seeing the change in the expression on Zeng Rui's face, An Xin smiled again:

"Did you see it?"

Zeng Rui took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

At the same time, the only thing that could be heard on the China commentary stage was Lao Mina's fast-talking analysis voice, which was being transmitted through the microphone throughout the stadium and into the ears of every Chinese server player and audience in front of the computer and mobile phone screen:

"Yes, everyone, calm down and take another look."

"Although I was as shocked and disbelieving as you at first, but after taking a closer look at the lineup of Team God... there is actually no problem!"

"Top laner Jace cooperates with the card."

"Not only can Jayce make up for the strong early game, but this midfielder pairing can also play a considerable role in the poke flow effect in the mid-term."

"If we consider the later stage, as long as Jace and the cards develop smoothly and implement the one-three-one division strategy, the entire tactical system will be very flexible!"

"There is also an auxiliary Toad on the bottom lane, who can also form a driving linkage with the card in the early and mid-term to form Nosuke's double ultimate moves throughout the map!"

"Although it is an unexpected mid lane choice..."

"But this hand of cards is indeed just enough to effectively revitalize God's lineup."

"It can be beaten!"

After saying such a long list of analyzes in one breath, Lao Mi raised his head with an unstoppable flush of excitement on his face:

"So... today is destined to be lucky for all of us. As a witness, we can once again see the world's number one card belonging to our LPL division shining brightly in the World Finals!"

Mo Sheng took a deep breath and looked in the direction of the God Arena, with a very different look in her eyes:

"But, having said all that -"

"It still depends on the specific performance of Star King in this game!"

On the stage, in the God team's competition room.


After choosing his mission, the club's head coach stepped down step by step with a heavy heart of infinite complexity and worry.

Only five members of Team God were left in the competition room.

The atmosphere is quiet.

Dawn Morning Star looked at the four teammates beside him. Each of them... had fought side by side with him for many years. Along the way, he had experienced too much, had glory and was underestimated. But today, it is still the five of them who are here. On the field of the final BO5 decisive battle of the World Finals.

The morning star laughs:

"Do you believe me?"

Several God members looked at each other and nodded vigorously without hesitation.

Huangxue Yege grinned:

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"You are...our captain!"

An update is here. The next chapter will be after two o'clock in the morning. Go away and write.

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