
Chapter 2066 The way of defeat

Amidst the thunderous cheers and applause that rang out throughout the Wembley Stadium, several European and American commentators on the official commentary desk wiped their sweat and showed a look of relief on their faces:

"Everyone...what do you think?"

"Okay, okay, when God won the first victory, I was really worried about SSK's state today. If God really gets up and wins two games in a row, then our defending champion team will really be in trouble. It’s dangerous.”

"Haha, it turns out that this worry is unnecessary. Today's SSK did not disappoint us. They are still the strongest team with strong dominance in the world arena."

"1-1 tie, this is the rhythm that the World Finals should have!"

"SSK finally showed off their sharp fangs, so next...it depends on how our God-God's hand will respond!"

Several European and American commentators have nothing to do with their own position anyway. They have the attitude of watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously. Naturally, they hope that such a set of BO5 peak matches will be as exciting and exciting as possible, with as many ups and downs as possible.

In contrast, the atmosphere at the China commentary desk was obviously much heavier.

"This one——"

Feiyan carefully considered her words and spoke slowly:

"Indeed, SSK needs to do better in all aspects."

"I got back everything I lost in the last round."

Mo Sheng nodded with a solemn look on his face: "Yes, and we can't say that our God team made any mistakes in this game. There was no situation where we were caught off guard by the opponent. It was completely... we were beaten by the opponent in all directions." Suppressed."

"Especially the synergy between Mafa and Wolf in the jungle and top lane, which is really beautiful."

Lao Mi was silent for a long time, with a complicated expression on his face, and finally let out a sigh:

"I didn't expect... that this game would be lost in this way."

"I can only say that SSK deserves to be SSK."


It was not that people did not expect that SSK would organize a counterattack after losing the first game, and it was not that they did not expect that SSK might be able to win the second game and equalize the score.

But probably no one could have imagined that the way SSK won the second game would be like this.

Because of the defeat in the first game, people thought that SSK would learn from experience and put more firepower on Huangxue Yege in the bottom lane. However, at the beginning of the second game, the SSK team still chose to compete with the previous one. Almost the same tactical idea——

Please help.

I hope you can help me.

I'm still focused on catching it.

But compared to the first game, this time the top laner Troll on the purple side God team was unable to withstand the pressure from the opposing jungler Mafa's blind monk Li Qing.

In the early stage, the first blood was lost in the first 4 minutes, and the kill was taken by Wolf's top laner Sword Girl on the opposite side.

Six minutes later, Troll made a mistake and miscalculated the opponent's level experience, allowing Wolf's Wushuang Sword Princess to seize the opportunity to get level 6 ahead and directly complete a solo kill over the tower.

Then it collapsed on the road.

In 9 minutes, a blood tower was directly destroyed.

At the same time, in the bottom lane, Huangxue Yege's ADC policewoman still has no pressure from the opponent's jungler, but this time with the help of her own jungler teammates, she can

Under k, it was difficult to take advantage of the opponent's SSK bottom lane duo.

At about eight minutes into the game, due to the disadvantage in the top lane, God's anxious bottom lane duo called for the jungler and couldn't help but launch a wave of 3V2 tower jumps.

But it gave the blue side Cube's assistant Niutou a perfect opportunity to perform.

"The tower with the bull's head... is unwise."

Lao Mi at the China commentary desk shook his head and let out a sigh.

The result of that wave of tower jumping was that although the opposite ADC Obama was forcibly killed, two of the God team's own AD junglers were killed.

2 for 1.

Opposite Ray's ADC Obama got a double kill before dying.

Get started directly.

"Of course, that's not all."

The above mentioned points were also mentioned by several European and American commentators on the official commentator's desk. However, because his LPL division has been at war with the LCK for many years, Lao Mi, as the official commentator of the LPL, has done more research on the SSK team than his European and American counterparts. To be more thorough:

"There is another key factor——"

"This time, Dawnstar's Dragon King failed to suppress F's Victor."

In the backcourt area, after hearing Lao Mi's analysis, Lin Feng nodded:

"Brother Mi is right."

For two consecutive games, Han Shihao, the captain of SSK's mid laner, played the mechanical pioneer Victor.

This is also the hero that the world's number one mid laner used most frequently in this finals, so many times that even people who are familiar with Han Shihao can't help but be stunned.

The outside world has always been criticized for Han Shihao's performance in this finals. In particular, they believe that the world's number one mid laner, the leader of the four emperors, has a big problem with the selection of heroes in the finals.

Even if you are the best mid laner in the world, you should not act as you please.

What you are best at is the operational hero in the middle who can exert pressure on the lane. However, you choose to fight against the hero with lane development flow. Isn't this a waste of your strengths and abilities?

Especially since you took Victor, I didn’t see you bringing anything to the team.

y effect, and even the sense of presence are sometimes not as good as being able to start a group and give control and initiative assistance.

The God team just won the first game, which made people more convinced of this, thinking that there must be a big problem with Han Shihao now.


Second game.

The same mechanical pioneer Victor.

It was still under Han Shihao's control, but it seemed to have changed quietly.


This is Victor's final performance data. Although the MVP of this battle was still given to Mafa's jungler Lee Sin, as long as someone pays careful attention, they will find that when the performance data statistics panel is displayed on the big screen, the blue square in the center The total damage output of a single mechanical pioneer reached 24,500.

Second overall.

Compared with his own ADC Obama, who has the highest output in the game, there is only a thousand damage difference.

It seems that Victor doesn't have a very impressive single kill operation, and even in team battles, he doesn't necessarily have a stunning and perfect ca.


But just in silence, under the control of Han Shihao, the Mechanical Pioneer made up for more than one-third of the damage of the entire SSK lineup.

Zeng Rui's face changed slightly:

"Could it be that he already——"

Lin Feng shook his head:

"That's not enough."

However, before Zeng Rui could breathe a sigh of relief, An Xin next to him had already answered softly:

"However, even if it just returns to its normal state of F, it is still enough to pose a threat to God."

The five members of Team God walked back to the backcourt from the arena.

This time the club's leaders and coaches hurried forward to greet them again, but the atmosphere was not as relaxed and joyful as when they had just won the first game in the first game.

Lin Feng looked at the dawn star:

"How about it?"

The morning star takes a deep breath:


An update is coming. There will be another chapter around 12 o'clock. Go ahead and write.

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