
Chapter 2065 It’s not that simple

The dominance pattern of the Four Emperors and Seven Kings actually refers to the period from the S3 to S5 seasons.

However, there will always be new people emerging in the professional e-sports circle, and there will always be players who continue to grow and become stronger to impact the original structure.

Now as the S6 season comes to an end, this pattern system has actually been quietly broken.

The threshold of Seven Kings and Four Emperors that once made it unattainable for countless professional players is being passed by more and more outstanding top players. For Huangxue Yege, who is the core ace ADC of the God team, it is a step forward. Entering the realm of the Seven Kings is actually not a very important event.

It just comes naturally and naturally.

Even speaking of it, being able to receive careful guidance from the legends of the previous generation of the national server such as No. 1, and being appreciated and recognized by these players for their performance, the operational level displayed by Huangxue Yege on the field today, It’s not even as simple as just passing through the realm of the Seven Kings.

Of course, a mere Seven Kings realm is still an understatement in the mouths of No. 1 and others.

Because this is only the first victory in BO5, the championship trophy is still far from being decided.

But only No. 1 and others can still treat it calmly and calmly at this moment.

most of the people--

Especially at this moment, all the Chinese server players and netizens who are far away in China have already caused a stir on the Internet!



Won the first victory in the first game, Ye Ge's ADC Ice Super God ca

y the whole audience! !

The barrage in the official live broadcast rooms of major domestic live broadcast platforms and events instantly filled the screen. Post bars, forums and Weibo were filled with extremely ecstatic netizens of the national server. Hundreds of thousands of posts and messages were posted every second, and they were extremely excited. Cheers and celebration.

In addition to the cheers that purely vent their joy, there are also many Chinese server players and netizens who suppress their excitement and try to give their analysis calmly and objectively:

"To be fair, there's nothing wrong with this win, it's the kind that doesn't involve luck."

“This time our God showed his own condition really well, completely continuing the rhythm of the previous rounds.

Every position played with the required execution and tacit understanding. On the contrary, the opponent, SSK, was still as sleepy as in the previous rounds, and did not have enough offensive dominance as before. "

"Of course, their jungler Mafa's capture of the top lane is effective, but if they capture it and we help it, the effect of Yege's ADC Han Bing is completely incomparable to that of the opposite Wolf's Sword Girl."

"There is a more important point -"

"Star King's Syndra has completely targeted F God's Mechanical Herald! This one doesn't give Victor much room to develop and perform!"

"And as long as they suppress their world's number one mid laner who is the leader of the Four Emperors... SSK team, they won't pose much of a threat!"

These remarks also received enthusiastic response and recognition from the netizens of the national server.

For a moment, all the players in the Chinese server were excited. They had won their first victory at the beginning. Then... after taking two more steps, they would be in front of the Summoner's Trophy of the World Championship!

Wembley Stadium, backfield.

Zeng Rui couldn't help but get excited after reading the enthusiastic comments from these Chinese netizens on his mobile phone:

"Really, after winning the first victory, as long as you win one more game and have an ace at the end, the odds of success will be very high!"

Because they know the inside story better than most ordinary netizens, it seems that many people including them at this moment have greater expectations and optimism for the God team after winning their first victory.


"not that simple."

After saying this, Lin Feng and An Xin couldn't help but look at each other.

Unexpectedly, the two of them blurted out the words at the same time with a tacit understanding.

The girl made an invitation gesture to someone, and Lin Feng scratched his head: "Anyway... you can't underestimate SSK. Not to mention that guy F, the other people in SSK are definitely more than this level."

An Xin nodded slightly and looked towards the opposite backcourt, with light flickering in his eyes:


"The head coach behind the scenes of the other team should not be underestimated."

The first game was over. At this time, Dawn Morning Star and other five God players also came down from the stage to rest and adjust. Naturally, as soon as they got off the stage, they were immediately surrounded by the club leaders and coaches, taking enthusiastic photos. Shoulders encourage and praise.

Huangxue Yege smiled so much that his face turned into a flower: "Hahahaha, this beating is really fun! It's so enjoyable, so fun! With this Ashe, I won't lose in the finals!"

Of course, the next second he saw No. 1 and other seniors walking over, he immediately straightened his expression:


Number 1 looked at Huang Xue Ye Ge and smiled:

"Well played."

This compliment alone was enough to make Huangxue Yege smile again, but it was followed immediately by the next sentence that No. 3 threw over her lightly:

"This time the boss is on the road and your teammates are helping you take away the pressure."

"It won't be so easy next time."

In fact, there was no need to remind No. 3. After the excited celebration just now, the other coaches from the God Club suddenly gathered around and gave Huang Xue Ye Ge another flurry of instructions.

Indeed, if we want to name one core reason why the God team can win, it is that Huangxue Yege's ADC Ice Shooter developed too smoothly without being under pressure in the early stage.

However, there is no need to think too much. After the first defeat, the opponent SSK team will undoubtedly make corresponding tactical adjustments immediately.

Taking advantage of this short period of rest and adjustment, the team leaders and coaches of the God Club rushed to make plans and arrangements for their team members for the next round of matches. Several God players drank water while listening attentively.

Only Dawn Morning Star, the captain of the mid laner, seemed a little leisurely at this time.

There is no more active participation in communication.

Instead, he borrowed the Gopher game console from Zeng Rui by himself, lowered his head and concentrated on operating it.

Others also did not try to stop or persuade, because everyone knew that no matter how far the game went or what kind of situation they encountered, today's Dawn Star had only one mission -

The world's number one mid laner who stopped SSK.

The break passed quickly.

Several God players put down their mineral water bottles and prepared to take the stage again. Before going on stage, the club’s chief leader Zhang vigorously patted each player on the shoulder and encouraged:

"Work harder!"

"Bring us another one."

"That way... we are almost stable!"

At the same time, in the backcourt area opposite, he was also facing several members of his own SSK team who were preparing to take the stage. As the club's general manager, Park Chanyeol had a relaxed and calm expression on his face. He glanced at Mafa, Wolf and Han Shihao, and smiled. :


"It's your turn to use your strength."

Three minutes later, amid thunderous cheers and applause, ten players from both teams sat down in the competition room again.

Thirty-two minutes later, the second BO5 battle ended.

The blue side SSK wins.

The big score was brought back to a 1-1 tie.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 9 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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