
Chapter 2031 The intention

Perhaps at this time, there are still people in the training room who feel that there is still hope for the Blue Team in this training match.


After all, this round has only lasted for more than ten minutes, and it has not even entered the mid-term stage. Although there is a slight gap between the blue and purple legions on the field in terms of head count and team economy, this difference is not considered. The disparity is too great. If we look for opportunities cautiously and slowly, the blue army should still have a chance to make a comeback.

But as Zeng Rui and Li Shiyi watched the game carefully from the beginning to the present, and with the example of the previous game as a reference, they were able to draw a rather firm conclusion at this time -

The blue square is gone.

In fact, it is a very simple reason. The early game of this one is better than the previous one, mainly due to Lin Feng's jungler Lee Sin sacrificing almost all the development rhythm that he should have as a jungler, and spending all his energy on gank. On the third road, I was able to achieve such a gain by completing several successful ganks with my amazing calculation power and judgment.

If only the blind man's advantage in the early stage could be greater.

Then these sacrifices are all worth it, and there is really a chance of winning this round.

But the problem is that although someone's jungle blind monk did do a lot of things in the early stage, the results obtained... are still not satisfactory.

It's not just that it hasn't established enough advantages.

And after 10 minutes of game time, the rhythm of the entire game once again began to fall into the control of the opponent's purple side army.

To put it more cruelly——

This means that all the early efforts and sacrifices made by Lin Feng on the blue side's side were basically in vain.

Because you have paid such a high price in the early stage and failed to truly establish an advantage, then it will be time to "repay the debt". The development and level equipment that your blind monk lost in the early stage for gank will soon be in the next stage. In the mid-term stage, more obvious problems and disadvantages are exposed.

Too brittle.

The damage also started to fail to keep up.

Against solo spiders, a blind monk with this development and level has no chance of winning any encounter in the jungle.

Not to mention that the pace drags back further and further,

The blind monk's role is relatively small. You expect a god-level R flash to kick back the opponent's key heroes in a team battle. When the opponent is the legendary seniors of the previous generation of the national server from the purple side, Basically it can only be regarded as a luxury wish.

Except for Lin Feng, the situation of several other positions on the blue side is not much better.

The growth of the top laner and AD positions was completely suppressed by the opponent.

The development of the ice girl in the middle is okay, but it doesn't help.


You, Niutou, are supposed to be an extremely solid and reliable hero in the current version, but in this situation, you really can't compare with the steam robot that the opponent can let go and draw hooks at will.

Therefore, we can make this conclusion based on the above.

And the more decisively he made the conclusion, the more surprised and confused Zeng Rui and Li Shiyi were -

If you do this, you will definitely lose.

So what is the point of such a training confrontation, indeed?

The so-called training matches are, of course, mainly to check for gaps and improve one's competitive status.

Discover your own weaknesses and deficiencies from your opponents and further correct them.

During the previous period, the training of the three teams in the LPL division was basically carried out around these two goals. Coupled with the personal guidance and teaching of several seniors, the results were even more remarkable.

But right now——

Several seniors took the field in person to teach actual combat drills.

It certainly sounds like it is a bigger battle scene, and there should be more things to learn.

But now that the facts are in front of us, it seems to tell everyone that this original idea is impossible.


The gap is indeed too big.

It's just like today if you let a passerby player in the Silver tier compete with a veteran in the Gold and Platinum tier. Even if you lose, you can always learn something to improve yourself. But if you let a Silver player learn the top master's King Tier Duan Duan's battles and studying the operations and tactics of professional players are just forcing others to do something difficult and a waste of time.

The situation that Lin Feng and the others are facing now is similar to this.

Although several of them are already professional players standing at the top of the world's e-sports pyramid, they are more than a little behind compared to several legendary seniors of the previous generation.

What's more important is that if I can really find a way to defeat several senior opponents from such high-intensity confrontation training, that would of course be the best. But the reality is cruel right now, no matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you try, How do you adjust the positions in your lineup? When you Lin Feng changes from top laner to jungler, or even to AD, support, or mid laner, when facing such a five-man lineup of several seniors who are almost truly perfect and impeccable -

No chance of winning.

Such five people have almost no weaknesses.

It's not that I can't think of a way, but there is a gap in hard power, and even on a theoretical level I can't find a way to crack it.


In such a battle, the effect seems to be of little significance.

At least it is not as good as the training and battle method just now, with several seniors giving guidance, and it may be much more effective.

Is it really just a few seniors who want to come up and torture them personally?

As soon as this idea popped into Zeng Rui's mind, he immediately shook his head and rejected it.


Maybe you can still have this leisurely attitude on weekdays, but now there are only five days left before the World Finals, and time is tight. It is impossible for these seniors to do such a completely willful thing, so there must be other deep meanings.


Suddenly, Li Shiyi spoke abruptly, with a solemn expression:

"The intentions of several seniors...are not just as simple as falling into this world finals."

As soon as this statement came out.

Tang Bingyao next to her still had a confused look on her face, but Zeng Rui seemed to be suddenly awakened, her body suddenly shook, a look of understanding appeared in her eyes, and then she nodded slowly:


"It should be...that's it."

In the final training match, there were no more unexpected changes.

The rhythm of the situation did not deviate much from the previous game. The blue side army only relied on Lin Feng's blind monk Li Qing after switching to the jungle position in the early stage. In the first ten minutes, they tenaciously played some rhythm, but as the game gradually approached the mid-stage, the initiative of the entire battle once again fell into the control of the opponent's purple side army.

On the top order, the Wushuang Swordsman at No. 3 began to gain weight.

The second future guardian Jace in the middle has steadily supported his output equipment.

In the bottom lane, No. 5 ADC Jinx's last-ditch attack was the best in the game. He directly led the opposing ADC Ice Marksman in 15 minutes, with an economy of nearly 2,000 and more than half a large piece of equipment.

The jungler spider at number four takes over the jungle area and coordinates the overall situation.

The auxiliary robot No. 1...

In front of everyone in the training room, Blitzcrank's magic hook teaching was displayed to the fullest, almost giving people the illusion that this steam robot's support should be the strongest hero choice for the T1 echelon.


There is no more.

Even if the five people on the blue side work hard enough.

His performance was even better and more flawless than in the previous training match.

But this training match still ended in the 29th minute.

Purple square.


Once again, a solid and undisputed victory.

Here's an update, working overtime is really tiring to the point of vomiting blood. . . Friends. . Good morning. .

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