
Chapter 2030 The Significance of Training

Although to some extent, this game is slightly different from the previous one.

But it's only slightly different.

This time it was because Lin Feng switched to the jungle position. In the early stage, the blind monk Li Qing almost went on a hunger strike and roamed the jungle in three directions to gank the whole game. He caught five times in ten minutes, and then he helped his teammates to continuously stabilize the situation and even establish It has gained a little advantage.


In the face of the overall situation, in front of the five legendary seniors of the previous generation from the opposite purple army, such efforts still seemed to be a drop in the bucket.

A man is busy putting out fires everywhere.

But when there is a fire in three lanes and the entire wild area suffers, it is impossible for a single firefighter to work alone.

A wave of support ganks rushed in, which seemed to have temporarily curbed the fire, but the sparks under the weeds were still not really extinguished. When you were too busy on the other side lanes, you turned around and suddenly realized that you had just been busy. The place where it ended was once again a prairie fire.

This one is really only considered stable in the first ten minutes of the game.

But ten minutes later...

The purple army's counterattack momentum has started again.

Once again, it seemed unstoppable.

Jess developed.

Jinx has also grown up.

The number of spider ganks is not many, but at this time, the level of economic equipment is completely ahead of the blind monk by more than a little bit.

Hit the road——

Just when the middle and lower lanes of the two sides exchanged a defensive outer tower, on the top side of Summoner's Rift, another system female voice prompt was heard. The blue side's top defensive outer tower was also on the opposite side of the Sword Princess. It was easily demolished into ruins with a single push.

It's not that Lost Fang Gnar, the main top laner of the God team on the blue side, didn't do anything.

But he didn't dare to stop him at all.

There's nothing you can do to stop it.

Only one outer tower on the upper road is missing.

This is already considered the safest outcome. If Gnar had insisted on defending under the tower just now, he would definitely end up being killed by the tower again.

At this point, the overall economic gap between the blue and purple teams has gradually widened.

Two thousand five.

Not too much, not too disparate.

But there are already faint and dangerous signs that something is wrong.

Because the momentum of the blind jungler on the blue side is coming to an end. In the early stage, you can rely solely on your personal ability to catch people like crazy and even ignore your own development. But gradually in the mid-term, the blind man's ganking effect will become relatively weak. , the development of several core positions on the opposite side is getting better and better. If you blind man comes to catch people with your level equipment, you may be the first one to be backhanded.

As for the remaining blue top single Gnar, the equipment is far from being ready at the moment. The ADC Ice Marksman also has at least ten minutes to usher in his output period. At best, he can only be said to be a mid laner. Ice Lady Lissandra can barely do anything during this time period——

But compared with the opposite side, it is far from enough.

Not to mention anything else, just the purple auxiliary robot on the opposite side made people complain when the ban selection process was first introduced. But by this time, no one could say a word. Under normal circumstances, The steam robot assist has various limitations and shortcomings, but in a favorable situation... this hero is simply the most troublesome and even feared existence among all assists.

Not to mention--

The controller of this auxiliary robot is still number one.

In the professional arena, it is not that robot assistance has never appeared.

Even if we don’t mention the S2 season when robots were the most popular, even in the subsequent S4 and S5 seasons, the steam robot Blitzcrank occasionally had the opportunity to appear on the field, and even had a wild card in last year’s World Finals. The team came up with this auxiliary hero, and then really relied on the robot's magic hook to win one or two rare victories.

The essence of this assist lies in the mechanical flying claw of the Q skill.

Recognized by countless players as the true number one lottery draw skill in League of Legends.

It is indeed a lottery.

Even in the world arena, it is difficult to conceal its style.

As long as the draw is done well, a Q skill can attract a key C-position hero from the opponent in a team battle, which will immediately stun the opponent and cause them to explode on the spot.

Sometimes it’s really not a matter of the player’s personal ability. It’s entirely a matter of chance. If God wants you to be hooked, you can’t even hide from it. And if the robot controller’s personal abilities were stronger... It is even more of a nightmare picture for the opponent.

At this moment, Huangxue Yege is the direct first victim of this nightmare.

15th minute of game time.

Bottom lane.

Although he was already cautiously paying attention to his position at all times, he was still completely unable to prevent the mechanical flying claws from the robot on the opposite side that shot at him like lightning. The ice shooter's body was clasped tightly by the iron claws in an instant. Pulling back, he then stepped on the E skill trap* that the opposing ADC Jinx had put down in advance with perfect tacit understanding. He took the robot's knock-up Iron Fist, and then used his ultimate move Silence Control. His health bar was almost free of charge. It bottomed out in an instant, and was cleared to zero by Jinx's flat A several times.

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)."

The computer screen turned into a black and white picture.

Huangxue Yege almost sprayed a mouthful of old blood on the screen, filled with grief and anger:


"Which goddamn designer developed such a perverted hero's perverted skills?"

"Can we ban the robot to death in future competitions!!"

Of course it was just an angry remark.

In today's professional arena, no support player would dare to take such a risk and boldly select an unpopular hero like Robot. Even if they were selected, it would be almost impossible to achieve the level controlled by No. 1 at this moment.

But at this moment, No. 1's steam robot really caused Lin Feng's blue army to suffer a lot.

What’s even more troublesome is——

It was not just one robot that made them suffer.

When a battle broke out on the bottom lane, the jungle blind monk controlled by Lin Feng once again wandered to the top lane tirelessly.

This time, I want to help my top laner teammate Gnar regain some rhythm. At least no matter what, I can't let the opponent's top laner Sword Girl develop so brainlessly. Otherwise, I won't even be able to wait for the mid-term team fight, and the opponent will directly With four to one points, no one can solve the problem of Sword Girl Fiona.


When someone's blind jungler came near the top lane, after observing carefully for a long time, he could only give a signal to his top lane teammates to retreat and give up.


Can't go up.

Now that the Sword Lady has grown up, even in a 2 vs 1 situation, Lin Feng may not be able to escape safely. The more important point is that at this time, the opposite jungle spider has disappeared from the mini map. middle.

If the spider on the opposite side counter-crouches, this wave will explode even more.

Lin Feng frowned.

It's not that he cares about the futility of this wave of top lane roaming, but that at this time, his jungle blind monk's gank opportunities have obviously become less and less. The situation is not good for him as a jungler, and even for their entire blue team. As far as the legion is concerned, it is also becoming more and more serious and disadvantageous.

Off the field, Zeng Rui and Li Shiyi were also communicating in low voices:

"I'm basically going to lose..."

"If the opponent's lineup still enters the downwind game, there will be a few seniors in charge, and there will be no chance of a comeback."

Zeng Rui had a somewhat confused look on his face:

"I can't place an order."

"If Fengzi is moved to the jungle position, the best he can do is this."

"Basically there is no possibility of winning, so what's the point of training like this?"

An update is coming. The next chapter will be a little later. I’ll finish my work first and then continue typing. I didn’t expect it to be such a busy start to the new year. .

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