
Chapter 1964 Not pretty

? Although the quarter-finals match between SSK and Season has ended, the turmoil caused by this BO5 match is far from subsided.

That night, major live broadcasts or video platforms on the Internet uploaded and reprinted the official BO5 game recording video.

Just uploaded.

Immediately, millions of players and netizens poured in.

Although they are just ordinary players, they are not stupid after all. They all have their own judgment ability. When watching the scene or live broadcast in the afternoon, the majority of players and the audience may have been stunned for a while, but now I came back to my senses in the evening, and after thinking about it for a moment, I could immediately strongly feel that something was wrong in the final decisive game between the two teams.

Something is really wrong!

To be fair, although the performance of the players from both teams in the last game seemed to be faultless, compared with the peak battles of the first four games, there was not much in this last game that could be truly considered intense. Confrontation.

No player on any team, no matter what position they are in, has ever performed any particularly stunning and eye-catching carry operations in the mid-to-late teamfight stage——

Especially SSK as the final winner.

Their performance in the last game can almost only be described as plain water.

So how did you win?

There is also a professional and senior foreign e-sports commentator who posted this status on his social platform. He described his feelings and evaluation of the final decisive game between SSK and Season in a very direct and straightforward manner:

"It just--it doesn't look good!"

"Perhaps we often see the kind of lukewarm and slow games in regional leagues in Europe or North America, but this kind of thing has never happened to teams like SSK or Season."

"Don't forget, the first four games of BO5 were more and more intense each time, so how could the final decisive game suddenly become like this?"

"So, there must be something wrong!"

In just half an hour after the game video was uploaded, the number of clicks on the final video of the BO5 battle on the external network directly exceeded 5 million, and it was even more exaggerated on the domestic side. The majority of Chinese server players and netizens were less than In 40 minutes, the video received eight million views.

All the ordinary players and netizens clicked on the game video, and their eyes widened, not wanting to miss a single scene. They carefully watched the 30-plus minutes of the final decisive game again. Even more than once.

I hope to find the truth that can answer their doubts.


Although the majority of ordinary players have good intentions, due to the limitations of their own strength, they are destined to find that no matter how many times they watch the video of the game, they will never be able to find an answer that is even close to the truth. .

Most of the people just watched the video of this decisive game, watching the blue and purple teams playing quite fiercely in the early ten minutes, with constant head-on confrontations.

The junglers on both sides have been roaming gank looking for opportunities.

After the mid-term, various small-scale and large-scale group gatherings and team battles become increasingly incomprehensible.

Even many team battles didn't really get exciting at all.

Inexplicably, I saw that the Season team seemed to be suppressed and somewhat passive. Then under the command of captain Autumn, they decisively chose to give up and leave in time.

SSK didn't obviously take advantage of the situation to pursue and fight fiercely. If you retreat a little, I will advance a little.

And if you retreat again, I will also stop.

It has been so frozen.

It is almost the same as the evaluation made by the senior foreign commentator——

It’s really just three words, it doesn’t look good!

Ordinary players can only shake their heads in frustration in the end, and have no choice but to give up after coming to such a simple conclusion. However, some passerby experts on the Internet, or retired professional players and professional anchor commentators are slightly better and repeatedly After watching the video hard, I barely noticed some subtle changes, but it was difficult to organize the words to describe them in detail:

"There's just...something wrong."

"It really doesn't look good, because compared to the first four games, SSK's offensive nature seemed to have weakened a lot in the last game, and Season's defense and counterattack posture were obviously not as tough as the previous games."

"It seems... there is still some difficulty?"

This is a cautious and hesitant evaluation made by a retired professional player from the North American Division after watching the game video repeatedly.

"I'm talking about the Season team's performance in the middle and late stages of the last game."

"It's really a bit choppy."

"Although Autumn, as the captain, still showed impeccable commanding ability and overall view, it has to be said that from the perspective of an ordinary audience, after this game entered the middle stage, the Season team's The rhythm of large and small team battles seems...well, a bit clumsy."

"Very stiff."


At the end, the retired professional player from the North American Division seemed to have made up his mind and gave perhaps his most sincere and boldest thoughts:

"There is a feeling that suddenly they don't know how to play a team."

It’s not just players and netizens on the Internet who are constantly discussing this topic.

Back at the hotel that night, the players from the three teams in the LPL division were still training and competing. Whether it was KG and God as sparring partners, or Team Hayami, who were about to face the last eight-strong BO5 match tomorrow, everyone During the training match, he was still a little absent-minded that could be seen at a glance.

Every thought can't help but drift to the final decisive game between SSK and Season during the day.


When several senior special coaches such as No. 1 and No. 5 came to the training room to check on everyone's training, everyone still played extremely seriously and hard during the training match. But as soon as the training was over, everyone suddenly said: They all looked at several seniors with a bit of eagerness, even Huangxue Yege, Shadow Puppet, Shi Hang and Dawn Morning Star were no exception.

Seeing everyone's appearance, No. 1 was a little surprised at first. Then he realized what he was doing and couldn't help but laugh. He shook his head and said:

"Don't look at me like that."

"I know what you are thinking in each of your minds."

"It's the final decisive game between SSK and Season this afternoon, right?"

In the next second, everyone nodded violently in unison, their eyes even more full of anticipation.

For them, it may be something that professional players themselves cannot see, but if it is these seniors in front of them, they will definitely be able to give them the most intuitive and clear answer to their doubts and reveal the truth of everything.


Under the expectant gazes of everyone, No. 1 shook his head again and said lightly:

"Then you will be disappointed."

"I'm not going to express any opinion on this matter."

Updates have been sent, and I still have to catch up on tasks at the hotel. . . Not sure when it will be finished. . The next chapter will be at least after midnight.

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