
Chapter 1963 It should be

? There is a saying that the authorities are confused and those who watch are clear.

But under the current situation, even the bystanders were completely confused by the final BO5 game, not to mention the authorities in the game.

At least at the moment the game ended, several members of the Season team were completely confused.

The game is over.

Several team members were still sitting in their respective seats in the competition room, staring blankly at the final performance statistics table displayed on the computer screen in front of them, almost in despair and unable to accept such a result.

It's not that they can't accept losing the game.

They have played against SSK countless times in the past, and have almost never won a BO5 in any group. Today's time is almost the closest they have ever come to defeating SSK. Their first four games ended with the strongest team in the world. A 2-2 tie was just one step away from truly creating an unprecedented miracle.



But even so, they were actually prepared accordingly.

It's just that they couldn't accept losing in this way.

You know, if it is really a head-to-head fierce battle, then no matter whether they win or lose, they can adjust their mentality as much as possible to accept any outcome, but the last one is not at all what they expected. Like that, but completely lost in a daze.

It was obvious that they played even harder and harder than in the fourth game.

Obviously, in their last game, from laning to teamfights, from individual operations to teamwork, they almost even played their best performance in the past years.

But lost.

What makes them most frustrated and uncomfortable is that even at this time, they still can't understand why they lost.

Opponent’s SSK…

How did you do it?

The four main players in the other four positions have definitely shown all their abilities in the first few games.

In the end, nothing stronger broke out in the decisive game.

And the world's number one mid laner, the leader of the Yonko, and the core soul captain of SSK, only once again selected the mechanical pioneer Victor.

The damage output is higher than in the first game.

But there are no exaggerated single kills in extreme confrontations, or three kills and four kills to harvest explosive damage in mid-term team battles.



At this moment, the eye circles of several Season team members couldn't help but turn red. Some team members even lay down on the table in front of them and refused to get up.

They put in almost unprecedented efforts for this group of BO5.

They almost gritted their teeth and fought with SSK until the last game.

How could this be……

Lost like this?

But losing is losing.

Whether you accept it or not, the cruelty of e-sports is that it does not care about the process but only the results, and the results are already cold and ruthless in front of you.

Sitting in the auxiliary seat in front of the computer screen, Autumn shook his head. The auxiliary god who shocked the world once again in today's BO5 showdown finally showed a bit of fatigue on his face:

to be honest.

There aren't many other reasons or excuses.

The phrase "skills are not as good as people" can be summed up.

Yes, perhaps at this moment, almost everyone on and off the stage found it incomprehensible or even unacceptable to the outcome of the final decisive game. But as the world's second-ranked auxiliary god among the four emperors, and as the new generation of professional videographers today, Perhaps the person with the best eyesight and calculation power in the competitive circle, after the last battle, even though he still couldn't completely see the truth, Autumn could vaguely see it closer than everyone else. something.


It was something that made him completely unable to lose his temper at this moment, and even made his mood even more shaken by it.

The players from the two teams walked out of the competition room, and the SSK players came over to hug and shake hands with their opponents from the Season team to greet each other.

After shaking hands with Autumn, Wolf looked at his opponent today, and perhaps the most formidable enemy he has ever faced in his career, and spoke sincerely and sincerely for the first time:

"Guide me."

"Compared to you, I'm still far behind."

This is to admit oneself as inferior.

It is even more rare for such words to come out of Wolf's mouth.

Because especially in today's BO5 matchup, Wolf's personal support ability has also been recognized by the world. Even if he has not been ranked among the seven kings, the strength he has shown is far beyond that. An ordinary Seven Kings level.

But it's a pity.

In front of Autumn, who also showed his full strength today, even the Seven Kings, and even the top support above the Seven Kings among the Seven Kings, still had no choice but to be defeated.

Among the four emperors?

Or... already the Fourth Emperor.

Looking at the auxiliary captain of Team Season in front of him, such thoughts flashed through Wolf's mind, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad for him.



In response to Wolf's sincere praise, Autumn showed no joy on his face, but seemed to have guessed what the other person was thinking. He shook his head and smiled calmly:

"But you still lost, didn't you?"

Wolf was speechless.

It's not just that at this moment, he knows that as a winner, no matter what he says to his defeated opponent, he may not be able to comfort him.

What's more...

In fact, even he, an auxiliary member of the SSK team, could not explain the reason for this final decisive game until now.

Finally Autumn came to Han Shihao.

The two captains of the world's top teams stood looking at each other.

Han Shihao took the initiative to extend his hand:

"It was a good fight."

The tone was as plain as ever and even seemed a bit perfunctory, but only people who are familiar enough with the world's number one mid laner would know that such words can be said from F's mouth, which is already a very high praise and praise for this group of games. The heartfelt approval of the opponent.

Autumn said nothing.

He just looked quietly at the young man in front of him who was still higher than him in the ranking of the Four Emperors. His eyes were deep and sharp, as if he was trying to see through him completely.

After a while, he spoke abruptly:


"I guess you should thank me, right?"

A very meaningless sentence.

But Han Shihao nodded after a slight pause:


"Thank you."

This kind of thank you is also completely confusing, but as if just through such a sentence, Autumn confirmed something, the pupils in the eyes of the auxiliary god subconsciously narrowed slightly as if shaken, and then returned to calm, and then When looking at Han Shihao in front of her, Autumn's face showed a bit of complexity and emotion:


"Is this what it will look like after taking that step?"

Han Shihao calmed down, as if his thoughts were stirred by this question. He flashed back to the scenes of the last decisive game. Finally, the world's number one mid laner, leader of the Four Emperors, finally showed a smile for the first time on his face. :

"Although it's still a little short, I think-"

"should be."

The update is here. I am still on a business trip, so I can only guarantee the update of two chapters first. .

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