
Chapter 1944 Respective scope of abilities

? No one in this world can truly make everything go as planned, and no one dares to make an absolute commitment to something with confidence.

Everyone's abilities have limits. In the cold or cruel real world, one can only try his best to do the best within the limits with his own abilities.

The players of the three teams in the LPL division who were awakened by No. 1's words were once again engaged in enthusiastic training and preparations in the training room. Lin Feng and Li Shiyi also asked No. 1 after asking to no avail. After a moment of silence, he walked back to the training room and continued training with the players from the three LPL teams.

Because in front of some things they really care about and care about, their abilities are too insignificant. Even if they are nervous and worried, they have no other choice but to realize their powerlessness and weakness more deeply.

But under such circumstances, when they could do very little effort and help for that matter and that girl, they could only continue to work as hard as possible within the scope of what they could do.

Be stronger.

Maybe if they become stronger, they can be more helpful.


At least when they devote themselves to training like this, they can help themselves temporarily forget some things they don't want to think about deeply.

Just like this night, in an Internet cafe in Paris, Tang Bingyao was concentrating on continuing her study and improvement under the guidance of her master Bullet.

Start with the most basic details of laning operations.

The girl pursed her lips with a somewhat stubborn look on her face. She worked hard to adjust to the new fighting style tailored for her by the senior master behind her, gradually allowing herself to move at a speed visible to the naked eye. Become stronger and stronger.

The expression on Bullet's face, who was standing behind the girl and watching, became increasingly relaxed, with admiration and satisfaction shining in his eyes.

Every time he spends time with this girl, the satisfaction in his heart will increase.

Even at this time, the number one legend in North America of the previous generation would have thoughts of rejoicing.


I accepted the 001 proposal at first.

He truly found such a perfect inheritance candidate that he had been searching for for many years.

Perhaps, the favor he owed 001 was still too great.

Bullet narrowed his eyes slightly.

He began to think about maybe waiting until the next season next year. When the real ups and downs and thrilling storm broke out, it was not impossible for him to make an exception and adjust his position again, and give 001 and the others a little help.

It's still this late night.

The lighting in the hotel room is dim and soft.

No. 5 walked out of the bathroom and wiped his wet hair with a bath towel. He looked up and saw his fiancé sitting at the table, carefully and attentively flipping through a thick stack of documents under the soft light of the desk lamp.

Walking forward, reaching out and turning the brightness knob of the desk lamp to make it brighter, No. 5 smiled slightly at No. 1:

"If it's too dark, it will hurt your eyes."

Number 1 laughed and put his arms around his beautiful fiancée's slender waist to express his intimate gratitude:

"got used to."

"It's not a big deal. I just took a look at the materials and documents that Lao Fang sent me before. I'm almost done with it."

No. 5 nodded and asked with concern: "How is it?"

Number 1 looked at the pile of documents on the desk again, shook his head and sighed:

"not too good."

"Lao Fang and the others have done everything they can. I can't think of any better solution even if I'm here alone."

Thoughtfully, he stretched out his hand and gently kneaded his fiancé's forehead to help relax him and relieve fatigue. No. 5 comforted softly: "Don't put all the pressure on yourself. They from the Domestic Electrical Equipment Association are professional in this regard. If you give it to them, the solution they can come up with is definitely the best one at the moment.”

No. 1 nodded, then shook his head:

"Of course I know the truth."

"It's just... after all, we people have been a little too selfish in the past few years. We have had an easy life and left all the burdens to them. I always feel bad. Now I am thinking that if I can help share more, I will try to share as much as possible." good."

No. 5 nodded in understanding, then seemed to think about it and spoke:

"You can't do that alone."

"Let me help you think about it together."

As he spoke, he reached out and took out the pile of documents on the desk, and smiled at his fiancé: "If my fiancé is allowed to work so hard alone, I, the fiancée... would be a little incompetent. "

No. 1 was slightly startled, and then he met the bright smile of his beautiful fiancée, which was a bit warm and touching. He took the initiative to take No. 5 into his arms and whispered:

"Perhaps... we should change the titles of fiancé and fiancée, right?"

Number 5 was rarely shy, a faint blush spread over his earlobes, and he was slightly annoyed:

"Let's talk about business."

"Irregular old man——"

Number 1 laughed, hugged his fiancée tighter, and took the stack of documents: "Okay, okay, let's get down to business first -"

The night is getting darker.

In front of the elevator room on the floor where the hotel training room is located, I heard the sound of the elevator door slowly opening.

A moment later, someone in front of the training room pushed open the door and entered.

And there were already people waiting in the room.

Someone looked up at the other person and raised his eyebrows:


The captain of the SSK team's world's number one mid laner looked as calm and indifferent as ever:


The time has finally come for the start of the quarterfinals knockout rounds.

8:40 am.

Paris, Pullman Venue.

The entire competition venue was noisy and full of people. The two thousand audience seats in the audience were already filled by players and spectators who came to watch the game. In fact, as early as a week ago, tickets for the quarterfinals were sold out in just a short period of time. It was sold out in half a day, which shows how popular the League of Legends World Finals is among players around the world.

Everyone was looking forward to it in the audience, waving light sticks or cheering electronic screens. Players and fans from different teams and clubs organized a massive cheer, catering to the passion played by the live music director through the giant speakers. The surging battle music completely ignited the atmosphere of the entire competition venue before the battle started.

Eight forty-five.

The top eight teams in the finals entered the stage one after another.

Everyone in the audience stood up, cheered, screamed and cheered.

This time, no one was absent. Even the members of the SSK team, who had often been absent from the group stages before, were sitting in the front row of the audience with the other seven teams today.

The scene began to commotion and discussion.

In the official live broadcast rooms of major online live broadcast platforms, netizens and viewers saw the members of the SSK club appearing on the camera screen and chatted and analyzed with great interest:

"Hey, SSK is here too!"

"Tsk, tsk, I was so high-spirited in the group stage... Now in the quarter-finals, I really can't sit still. "

"It's normal. There wasn't that much pressure in the group stage, but after the quarterfinals begin, the matches in each group will definitely be extremely fierce. Other teams must study carefully, and maybe they can see other opponents. Where is the tactical trump card exposed in advance——"

"And don't forget, today's event is the highlight."

Such a barrage floated across the screen in the live broadcast room, and it was immediately unanimously recognized by everyone:

"That's right!"

"Tsk tsk, SSK must be feeling threatened and pressured. They don't dare to miss today's set of games!"

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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