
Chapter 1943 Unspeakable

? “Perhaps half of all those who have failed chose to give up because they were unable to persevere during the difficult struggle.”

"But the other half persisted until the end, but fell down at the moment closest to success."


"It's not because they didn't work hard enough."

"And it was precisely because they thought they had put in enough effort and sweat that the fruits of success were almost within reach that their mentality changed."

"There is no reason to excuse or defend. It's just that they have started to relax and be scornful."

“Taking the last remaining step for granted, thinking that the fruits of success are already within your own pocket.”

"So I started to be proud, started to get carried away, and became impatient because I couldn't take the last half step in reality."

"In the end all efforts were in vain."


"Nothing is ever truly taken for granted. Success never belongs to you until you truly reap the fruits of success."

“The moment you are closest to success is actually the moment you are furthest away from success and most dangerous.”

"I hope to share this principle with you all."

Number 1 said this to the players of the three teams in the LPL division at the end.

The tone was as calm and casual as ever, without any harsh lectures or scoldings, but it made all the players of the three teams present subconsciously straighten their bodies and look solemn and solemn.

Because this is actually nothing more than a wake-up call, waking them up from their original state of being somewhat addicted to their current fantasy of success.


Not just the morning star.

Almost all of them have this situation to a greater or lesser extent.

Because their LPL competition has been going so well so far this year.

All three teams advanced to the quarterfinals.

He even eliminated various top teams and formidable rivals from the past.

It has attracted exclamations and admiration from all over the world, and it has also been enthusiastically and enthusiastically supported by countless Chinese players and fans in China.

Therefore, it is inevitable that even if the players of the three teams do not show too much on the surface, they are definitely feeling a little unbearable in their hearts.

I started to think that maybe the finals was nothing more than that.

Teams from other divisions are not enough to pose much of a threat to them.

If we can achieve such an achievement in the group stage, and all three of our teams advance to the quarterfinals, it should be easy for the next eight to advance to the semifinals. Maybe we can win all three places in the semifinals, and even the finals and championship. The trophy seems to be almost within their grasp in the LPL division...

But they subconsciously ignored and forgot one important thing.

That is, this is just the end of the group stage.

The three LPL teams' journey to this year's finals has only just taken the first step.

Next up are the quarterfinals.

The top four.


The optimistic situation in the group stage does not mean that their luck will follow them all the way.

Until now, if you really calm down and think about it carefully, who dares to say that facing the top eight opponents, you will definitely be able to advance steadily?

Of the teams each of the three teams ranked, whether MLG, Legend or Fate, which one is weaker?

And if there is even the slightest carelessness in underestimating the enemy, what if—

Thinking of some possible outcomes next, the players from the three teams present suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

I finally came to my senses completely.

When they looked at each other, they both saw the fear and awakening in each other's eyes.

"I feel...I want to practice for a while longer."

There was a team member in the crowd who couldn't help but speak weakly, and such words were immediately echoed by other team members:

"Yes, yes! I just wanted to practice the problem that my senior pointed out just now!"

"We didn't cooperate well enough in the middle and jungle just now, let's start another round?"

"It's still early, let's practice some more!"

Seeing the sudden burst of fighting spirit among the players and their sudden awakening, the coaches and team leaders of the three clubs also had smiles of relief and joy on their faces——


In fact, they have been slightly worried these past few days, but if they say something, the members of their own team may not be able to hear it for a while.

Sure enough, these special coaches were a big help!

So the players from the three teams in the training room once again continued to engage in the heated training battle. Lin Feng and Zeng Rui followed the seniors No. 1 and No. 5 out of the training room. Someone couldn't help but watch at this time. Question to No. 1:


"Didn't Baozi come with you today?"

When leaving Manchester City two days ago, the girl originally wanted to stay in Manchester City for a day or two, but now the quarter-finals are about to start tomorrow, but there is still no sign of the girl. Naturally. It makes people a little confused...or a little worried.

Number 1 glanced at Lin Feng and raised his eyebrows:


"What's the hurry? That girl just finished her examination at the hospital in Manchester City. She still had something to do, so she didn't come with us."

Lin Feng scratched his head: "Ah, is that so..."

Looking at someone's reaction, No. 1's lips curled up:

"Do not believe?"

"Okay, let Baozi talk to you on the phone."

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers. After he was connected, he threw it to Lin Feng, and someone hurriedly picked it up.

After the call was connected, the girl's pleasant voice sounded as expected on the other end of the phone. Someone on the other side heard a cautious inquiry. Just as the caller said, the girl smiled and explained naturally on the other end of the phone:

"Yes, that's what Senior No. 1 said."

"The hospital examination has been completed, there is nothing wrong."

"There are still some procedures that need to be completed a little more, and I also have to go to the school here again——"

"So I may not be able to make it in time. It's a pity that I can't go to Paris to watch the quarterfinals with everyone."

Hearing the answer and explanation from the girl on the other end of the phone, Lin Feng couldn't help but scratch his hair again, and he had more doubts:

"Going through the formalities...does it take so long?"

"Hey, and speaking of it, Baozi, you already asked for leave from school, so why do you have to go there again?"

There was a pause on the other end of the phone.

Then the girl's voice came quickly again:

"Stupid pig!"

"Do you think it's so easy to go through the procedures at the hospital? It's not like buying food in a wet market or surfing the Internet at an Internet cafe. You just have to pay the bill. There are a lot of procedures to go through!"

"And the school has asked for sick leave before, and it is not indefinite. If you continue to ask for leave when the time is up, you will have to find other reasons and file a bill with the teacher in charge of the Academic Affairs Office - just let it go. If so, how could the school agree to deduct credits and prevent me from graduating? Who will be responsible if I fail to graduate? Will you take the blame? "

The girl asked a series of bright and sharp questions as always.

Directly bombarded the person on the other end of the phone until he was speechless:

"Ah...ah, okay..."

I don't dare to have any more doubts.

The girl on the other end of the phone paused again, then suddenly changed the subject:

"Anyway, you don't have to worry about me, but you are the idiot. You don't know if you can take care of yourself without anyone to help you. Don't leave your socks and underwear lying around. You have to wash them on time, you know? …”

As soon as this statement came out.

Through the public broadcast of the mobile phone microphone, everyone nearby heard clearly.

Including No. 1, No. 5, Zeng Rui, Li Shiyi and others, their expressions became a little strange.

Someone suddenly blushed and hurriedly turned off the public release button. Holding his cell phone, he immediately ran to the corner alone: ​​"Hey, hey, please speak lower... The seniors next to you are all listening -"

The girl's cheerful laughter was still faintly heard on the other end of the phone:

"Why, are you embarrassed now? What are you afraid of..."

Seeing Lin Feng hiding away awkwardly while holding his cell phone, and continuing to laugh, whisper, and argue with the girl on the other end of the phone, Zeng Rui withdrew his gaze and turned to No. 1 beside him, who seemed to be watching the fun with great interest, and said in a low voice:

"Senior, Baozi, she..."

The smile on No. 1's face faded, and he did not give a clear answer, but just shook his head silently at Zeng Rui.

He signaled not to ask any more questions.

Also means...

It cannot be said.

An update is here. The next chapter will be after 12 o'clock. I suggest you guys get up and read it again tomorrow morning.

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