
Chapter 1922 Rooftop Conversation

"Actually, I'm not as uncomfortable as you think." Nian Shisan said to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded: "I can tell."

Avoiding everyone in the LPL competition area, these two people came to the rooftop outside the corridor on the sixth floor of the hotel not long ago. Before coming, they stopped by the cafeteria on the second floor to grab some French fries, burgers and Coke, and then went directly to the cafeteria on the second floor. It feels quite comfortable and comfortable to have dinner here on the rooftop in the cool breeze at night.

He took another big sip of soda and Coke through the straw, burped in Thirteenth Thoughts, and touched his belly with satisfaction:

"It's just that I'm too lazy to look at the sympathetic faces of Lao Ye and others who want to sympathize but dare not show it."

"Fuck, let's be honest. Except for the game I lost to their God yesterday, which of the two games I played today was not a perfect carry?"

Lin Feng nodded in agreement again:


"You played well in the two games today."

"It's not bad!" Nian Shisan exclaimed, and then described the description with great joy: "To be honest, in the game against Minx this morning, my blind man was enough to carry, right? It was really my performance in that game that showed me It’s not too much to judge me as the best single game in the S6 group stage!”

Lin Feng nodded again:

"Not too much, not too much."


In fact, it has been recognized by all the audience in the entire stadium today.

As for the match between the Assassins and Minx in the morning, almost everyone originally believed that the Assassins had little chance of winning. It really relied entirely on Nian Shisan's blind monk Li Qing's extraordinary performance. Only through operation did he suddenly turn the tide and complete the comeback victory.

Frequent roaming in the early stage has an almost 100% gank success rate.

The strong offensive characteristics of the hero Lee Sin in the early stage have been brought into full play. Including the opponent Minx team's jungle excavator, the jungle area was almost completely destroyed by the blind man in the first ten minutes, and the development and level were almost stretched by the blind man. A full two levels.

This is already a huge gap in the matchup between the junglers of both sides.

And although in that round, Minx team's top laner The-Sword and mid laner Fly also had enough laning advantages in the early stage,

In the mid-term, the two perfectly cooperated to force the Assassin team into a very dangerous situation——

But Nian Shisan relied on his blind monk's god-level performance in the team battle stage. The two R flashes made him perfectly open to the core C position in the opposite back row, helping his teammates to take the lead in focusing fire to kill one or two in an instant, and forcibly reversed the situation. Lay the foundation for victory for your own side.

"The same goes for the last battle against Fate in the afternoon."

Nian Shisan obviously became interested and continued to spit:

"My Olaf did well in that match, right?"

"Even that guy Moon's mid lane was messed up by me in the early stage. Hahaha, that guy probably hasn't encountered such an uncomfortable situation this whole year -"

Lin Feng readily agreed:

"Well, it's really uncomfortable."

One of the four majestic Four Kings, the mid laner captain of the Fate team, Moon, whose playing style has always been calm, cautious and impeccable, rarely gives the opponent jungler any chance during the laning period, but in the last game in the afternoon, the former However, the mid laner Vampire was killed twice by Nian Shisan's jungler Olaf, who forcefully grabbed and ganked him. He was forced to force his own rhythm to the late stage and slowly seek opportunities.

So Nian Shisan's bragging at this moment really has no water in it.

In today's competition, whether in Group C or Group D, among the forty players from the eight teams, he, the jungle captain of the Assassin team, is definitely the one who shines most dazzlingly.

It is no exaggeration to say that even compared with Mafa, who is also one of the two wild kings in the world, at least so far in the finals, Nian Shisan's state and performance are better than the former. One chip.

Especially these two games today.


The number one jungler in the LMS division who is still on the Seven Kings, or even at the top of the Seven Kings, has truly seen the threshold of the Four Emperors.


Nian Shisan suddenly fell silent.

After a while, he slowly shook his head, as if sighing with regret:

"It's just a little bit close."

The night is as cold as water.

Looking from the rooftop, you can see the brightly lit scenery of Manchester.

The evening breeze blew by, Nian Shisan's eyes were lowered, and the true expression on his face was unclear.

Lin Feng, who was next to him, threw the finished hamburger wrapper into the trash can next to him and wiped his hands with a napkin:


"It's a little bit off."

From the beginning to the end, Nian Shisan was talking during the conversation between the two, and he was listening or agreeing.

Because there is no need for more words.

The old friend and rival in front of him knew everything very well.


It's really a shame.

Because after the game between Assassins and Minx this morning, the jungler captain of the Assassins team has almost half a foot across the threshold of the Yonko. If only he could be given a little more time To adapt and adjust, to carefully consider the things of this breakthrough, when we face the Fate team, we can increase our chances of winning by at least 20%.


Reality did not give him and the Assassin Team such a chance.

So even though the crucial half step had been taken, the assassin still fell in front of the top veteran Korean team.

"Fate is really strong."

Nian Shisan turned his head to look at Lin Feng and spoke in an extremely serious and solemn voice:

"And Moon too."

"Although we have said before that this guy and his Fate team are underestimated, it wasn't until this afternoon, until I took that half-step myself, and faced them Fate, that I really realized it directly. to this feeling.”

Lin Feng nodded:


"During the training match a few days ago, didn't I follow your assassin and fight him Fate?"

"I know."

Nian Shisan was stunned for a moment, then he woke up and patted his forehead:


"I almost forgot if you didn't tell me——"

"And if you say it, you should have had this obvious feeling at that time."

It was only after he made a breakthrough today that he was able to more intuitively and deeply understand the horror hidden in the "Moon Emperor". And if someone is in the current level of strength, he will naturally have something earlier than him. Observe discovery.

"Sure enough, you still have to experience it yourself before you can remember it——"

Nian Shisan sighed with emotion:

"Next time I meet them Fate, I will never give them a chance like today."

As he spoke, he paused and then solemnly said:

"But let me tell you, with Fate in this year's state, if all the hidden treasures are taken out, it is estimated that the overall strength will really rank among the top three in this year's finals——"

"Legend or Season are not as good as them."

"Lao Ye and Ah Xing's gods will probably have a headache too."

"If SSK -"

Speaking of this, Nian Shisan paused again, frowned slightly and looked at Lin Feng:

"Hey, I still haven't figured it out yet. What's going on with that guy F from SSK?"

"You should be able to tell something."

Lin Feng was silent for a moment.

Facing this old friend in front of him, especially when the other party was about to leave, he finally chose to give an answer:

"His condition."

"Absolutely the same as you are now."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around eleven o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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