
Chapter 1921 1 point

? Maybe there is an occasional miracle.

However, professional e-sports still takes the cruel and cold reality as the main theme and remains unchanged.

This truth, for League of Legends gamers around the world, was finally realized through the most cold and ruthless reality when the last battle of the World Finals group stage ended today.


They indeed saw the amazing fighting spirit and fighting spirit of the No. 1 seed Assassin team in the Taiwan server LMS division this morning when they faced the South Korean team Minx. They screamed and cheered at Nian Shisan's jungle blind monk who was shocked. A world-saving performance throughout the game.

They witnessed a miraculous victory.

And this just fueled some wildfires in their hearts.

It made them even more impatient to see the continuation of this miracle, and to see this LMS No. 1 seed team, which had been forced to the brink of extinction, return to the field under the leadership of the captain and win with a team. This kind of passionate and domineering spirit that is as thrilling as a TV series advanced to the top eight.

Then the assassin was defeated.

They fell in the last game of the entire finals group stage.

Lost to Team Fate.

It was like a basin of cold water suddenly pouring down, extinguishing the passion flame in everyone's heart at that moment.

Cold to the bone.

Finally, people gradually woke up from this embarrassing wet and cold feeling and recognized the reality.


The assassin whom they had expressed great enthusiasm for and supported with almost mindless fanaticism a moment ago was not able to complete the final feat, and was not able to fight to the end as bravely as the protagonist in the TV series and novel. .

Instead, without any room for maneuver, they fell directly in front of the threshold that was only half a step away from the quarterfinals.

It was a bloody blow.

It looked desolate and miserable.

At the end of the game, the close-up footage of the Assassin team's competitive room transmitted back through the on-site camera was also clearly presented to everyone.

They saw the seven-king jungler captain from the LMS region with his head lowered and unable to see his true expression.

I also saw the red eyes of several other main assassins.

And the crying that could not be stopped.

It feels like a big stone has been blocked in the chest, making it so dull that you can't breathe. It also feels like you want to speak, but at this moment you finally realize how weak and pale all words seem in the face of this cold and cruel reality.

"how so……"

In the audience seats, there were players who had been cheering enthusiastically for the Assassin team a moment ago. At this moment, they looked dazed and murmured unconsciously.

In the official live broadcast room of the online live broadcast platform, the chat barrage window that had been silent for a long time finally floated out a somewhat lonely barrage text:

"Speaking of which... Fate must have been so strong."

The atmosphere was silent again.


Fate is so strong to begin with.

It's just that the player audience is too single-minded and fanatical to support the Assassin team. All they can see is Nian Shisan's blind monk operation that shocked the audience, but they ignored and forgot that even the third seed in this year's LCK division, But the strength and foundation of the Fate team has always been better than that of the Minx team.

Even if you are a top wild king like Nian Shisan, even if your performance in that morning's game shocked everyone.

But in his Fate team’s lineup——

But he actually has a genuine Yonko like Moon.

"The assassin did not lose unjustly."

After the game, when the audience and players were leaving the field one after another, Phoenix, the captain of the Legend team, accepted an interview with an e-sports media. When the reporter asked the No. 1 King of Europe what he thought about the final assassin and Fate. When asked about the team’s game, Phoenix said without hesitation in front of the camera:

"The assassin fought well indeed."

"However, Fate today really showed their full strength."

Having said this, Phoenix paused and shook his head again as if feeling something:

"Don't think that this year's Fate is only the second seed in the LCK division, so you are underestimating this team."

"This team..."

"Really strong."

"Especially their captain Moon. Although his ranking among the four emperors was one lower than mine in the previous official evaluation, but being ranked above him... I have never really felt at ease."

Compared with Phoenix's emotion, Autumn, who was also interviewed by another e-sports media, gave a more concise answer:

"Excellent game."

"Pity the assassin."

"The performance of Nian Shisan's players is amazing, but it's just a little bit behind."

This kind of answer can make people a little confused, but the support god of the Season team did not give any further detailed explanation for this "a little bit" concept.

The details and subtleties are destined to be understood by only a few people.

But just like that, the group stage of this finals has come to an end.

No matter where the so-called "little bit" is, the Assassin team regretfully bid farewell to the follow-up journey of this finals with a slight difference, becoming the last team after Minx. A team that is determined to be eliminated.

Whether compared with Minx or including all the other six teams that were eliminated in the previous three groups A, B, and C, the regrettable elimination of the Assassin team today has far more weight and significance than the other teams. of seven teams.

Because this is also truly the first top veteran team to be eliminated so quickly in this year's finals.

You must know that no matter in any finals in any year in the past, the Assassin's worst results were at least in the quarterfinals, and even the semifinals and even the finals have reached more than once. It is truly enough to compete with God and SSK. There are also e-sports giants tied with Legend.

This year, it only came to such a heavy ending.

Not to mention, with the elimination of the Assassin team, the journey of the entire Taiwanese LMS division in this year's finals has come to an end.

For the LMS region, this is an indescribably huge blow.

So after returning to the hotel that night, everyone in the LPL division also felt a little complicated and heavy. They wanted to go to the Assassin team members for some comfort and enlightenment, but in the end they looked at each other and chose to give up.

At this moment...

The members of the Assassin Club are probably already packing their bags.

In the past, I actually didn’t know where to start with words of comfort. Or maybe it would be a better choice to leave some space for the other person and not disturb him at this time.

Huangxue Yege and Shi Hang wanted to talk to Nian Shisan for a while, but they were persuaded by Dawn Morning Star, Li Shiyi and others.

They all know the character and temperament of that old friend and rival.

With the other person's pride, he would never be willing to show his frustrated and decadent side in front of others.

Everyone decided to go back to the house to rest.

At this time, Shi Hang suddenly looked around and wondered:


"Where are the Maple people?"

The update is here. The next chapter will be around nine o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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