
Chapter 1903 Seeing

?The strong survive and the weak are eliminated.

This truth is not incomprehensible to most ordinary game players, but most of them rarely have the opportunity to directly and personally see the true cruelty of those eliminated after being eliminated. situation.

It is indeed depressing and heavy.

So at this time, the atmosphere on the LPL side became a little quieter. They looked at each other with complicated expressions, and they all saw each other's thoughts and ideas.

"Tomorrow...you have to work harder."

Huangxue Yege breathed a long sigh of relief and raised his eyes to look at the players and members of several eliminated team clubs who were packing their luggage and getting on the bus not far away:

"This kind of thing... would be really uncomfortable if it happened to me."

Tian Tian also shook his head vigorously:

"Will not."

"We, the three LPL companies... all have to qualify!"

The shadow puppet showed heartfelt approval and nodded. Although it was his first time to participate in the World Finals, seeing such a scene in front of him also made him determined.

The morning star nods:

"Let's continue training tonight."

Shi Hang answered without thinking: "It's necessary! I've been idle for three days... Before tomorrow, I must completely warm up my state and feel. Damn it, if I can't find my state, no one will be able to sleep tonight! "

As he said that, he glanced at Lin Feng: "Maple, you are going to train with God tonight, right? Later, we will share some time with Kuai Shui, so you can help me practice my mid lane skills."

He got a nod from someone in response, and then he looked at Tian Tian again:

"Lao Tian and KG, are you okay tonight?"

"Then let's practice first later."

Tian Tian nodded without hesitation:


"We have no problem and can fully cooperate with you!"

It’s only the group stage stage.

The three brother teams in the national LPL have not yet reached the stage of civil war with each other, so there is no doubt that they are working together as a team and helping each other is a matter of course.

After a brief exchange outside the hotel lobby, everyone finalized the training plan for the evening, and then walked quickly into the hotel.

Tang Bingyao fell slightly behind everyone.

However, the girl couldn't help but stop before entering the hotel and glanced towards the parking lot not far away.

Several buses have already left with players and members of several eliminated teams.

Fading away under the night.

On the remaining buses, the girl saw the logo of the Crown team, and the players and players of the rookie team, the third seed in the North American region, carrying their luggage listlessly and getting on the bus one by one.

At the same time, she also saw the figure of a Crown team member who had not followed his teammates into the car.

That was her "senior brother" in name only.

Although they have seen each other's performance on the field more than once in the previous training matches and the two-day group matches, the girls have not really had the opportunity or mustered up the courage to compete with their own. This "senior brother" had close contact or conversation.

And at this moment...

Also doesn't seem like a very good time.

The members of the Crown Team had already boarded the bus one after another, and the figure in the night not far away seemed increasingly lonely.

He seemed to be looking around, looking for something.

It's like waiting for someone to appear.

But in the end, it seemed that he could not wait for the person he wanted to see. He slowly lowered his head. Then, under the urging of his club manager and team leaders, he slowly stepped onto the bus, and his figure finally appeared in front of the girl. Lost in the child's vision.


An Xin's greeting came from behind:

"Let's go take the elevator."

Tang Bingyao bit her lip gently, took one last look in the direction of the bus, then turned around and trotted towards her best friend:

"Well, here we come -"

That night, the training rooms on the sixth and seventh floors of the Hilton Hotel were once again overcrowded.

Teams A and B, which originally ended the three-day group stage, had already boarded the bus and left sadly, but the remaining players who had advanced to the quarter-finals also had no time to rest. Instead, he quickly got into the business of helping other brother teams in the same division train and compete.

God asked Lin Feng, Zeng Rui, Li Shiyi, Tang Bingyao and others to help accompany him.

Hayami made an appointment with KG.

Nian Shisan and the other members of the Assassin team, who had been hanging out with everyone in the LPL a few days ago and were almost completely indistinguishable from each other, never came tonight, deliberately to avoid suspicion.

After all, no matter how good the personal relationship is, no matter how close the relationship is, if they meet on the field after tomorrow, they will be each other's rivals.

It is still necessary to keep enough distance before the game, which is also a proper etiquette in itself.

Therefore, the Assassin team also found the Thunder team in its own division to train together.

Even the SSK team, which had hardly made any moves in the two-day training session, came to the training room on the seventh floor that night after today's game to help the Fate team warm up for the match.

The atmosphere in each training room on the two floors was obviously more solemn and solemn than it had been in the past few days.

after all.

Everyone knows that the battle between Groups C and D starting tomorrow will be more intense and cruel than the games in the past three days.

The training lasted until eleven o'clock that night.

Although the players of each team are still reluctant to give up and want to play two more games, they are urged to leave by the coaches and leaders of their respective clubs. Tomorrow's game will still start in the morning. It is of course important to train and warm up to regain the state. But first, the players and team members must ensure that their physical and mental state will not go wrong due to lack of sleep and rest.

They muttered "I'm not sleepy" and "play two more games", but these players and team members actually returned to their respective rooms, lay down on the bed, and immediately fell asleep——

High-intensity training and mental stress are always tiring.

It's late at night.

Early morning.

Quiet hallway.

However, the doors of two rooms were gently opened quietly.

Then someone walked out quietly, walked quickly to the elevator and pressed the "down" button. When the elevator door opened, he stepped in.

But little did they know——

Just in front of the elevator rooms on two different floors, when the elevator doors were closed one after another, there were also people watching this scene quietly.

The girl who didn't know when to open the door and walked out, leaning in front of the door of her room, looked at the closed elevator not far away and shook her head slightly.

On another floor, almost at the same location, the young SSK general supervisor stood leaning against the wall with his hands on his chest, looking thoughtfully at the numbers on the elevator display going down.

The sixth floor of the hotel.

The lights in the training room come on.

The two familiar figures were already sitting in front of the computer screen, and even the content of the conversation was as concise and familiar as ever:


The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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