
Chapter 1902 The fate of elimination

? The words of the three official hosts and commentators of the LPL division were indeed correct.

Because indeed, the next matches of Groups C and D are about to start, and the vast number of domestic League of Legends players in the national server are really looking forward to it.

on the one hand……

Of course, it's because the group matches in the past three days have not been enjoyable enough.

Although there were enough exciting and fierce matches, after all, the only team in the LPL division of Groups A and B was KG. The big guys in China were trying to stay up all night at home or in Internet cafes to adjust to the jet lag. In front of the computer screen, you can only watch one or two games of your own LPL team every day, which is always not enough. Watching the games of other division teams is just a fun experience, and it is difficult to have a sufficient sense of involvement.

At the same time, KG's situation in Group A does not cause people to worry too much. Although the competition with SSK for first place in the group is relatively fierce, it is safe to guarantee promotion. .

The vast majority of Chinese server players and netizens also have a similar mentality. On the one hand, they hope that the teams in their own division can advance steadily without risk, but on the other hand, they actually hope that the process of promotion and qualifying can be more tense. A little more exciting.


The next events for Groups C and D will perfectly meet their needs in this regard.

Even in Group D of the Chosen Group, Team Hayami will participate in the World Finals for the first time this year, so everyone will be excited and looking forward to it.

Not to mention Group C——

The great powers are vying for hegemony here!

The intensity is even comparable to previous quarter-finals and even the semi-finals!

Is this the real highlight?

on the other hand--

It is also because the Chinese server players and netizens have been inspired by the KG team's performance in the three-day group stage to have more expectations.

Because KG is only the second seed in their LPL division, they have actually been able to perform such a shocking world-class performance in this year's group stage, even competing head-on with the SSK team.

What does it mean?

It shows that their preparations for the LPL division this year are really sufficient!

The previous highly confidential three-company training plan,

It is absolutely a success!

And KG has already behaved like this.

So, as the strongest dark horse team in the LPL this season, Team Hayashi and the well-deserved LPL number one seed God-Hand of God, what kind of amazing performances will each perform?


It's so exciting that people can't help but feel excited!

"Tomorrow, the three of us will be responsible for the Chinese commentary on the live commentary desk in the stadium. Really, I can't help but want to see your performance."

Mo Sheng smiled and looked at the professional players in the LPL competition area in front of him and gave him his encouragement.

Feiyan next to her also looked at Dawn Morning Star and others sincerely:

"It stands to reason that this year is my first time to participate in the on-site commentary of the World Finals, so I was a little nervous."

"but now……"

"As long as I think about KG's performance in the past few days, and how you God and Hayami will show off their skills on the court in the future, my nervousness is gone, and all that is left is excitement and anticipation."

Next to him, Lao Mi, the most senior man in the three-person commentary team, had a warm smile on his face, and his eyes slowly swept over the LPL players in front of him:


"Those of us who are commentators will work hard to fight side by side with you on the commentary stage and cheer for you."

"But I would rather..."

"I can wait until the moment I cheer for you!"

Compared to the warm and harmonious atmosphere in which several LPL commentators and hosts encouraged everyone to cheer, when everyone got on the bus and returned to the hotel, the scene they saw in front of the lobby downstairs was shocking. I couldn't help but feel a bit heavy in my heart.

Today's full-day group stage ended. It was already dark when the players from each team came back, and the sky had already darkened.

It stands to reason that at this time, especially for those members of the competition team who have been busy and working hard all day, they should go to the hotel buffet upstairs to enjoy a sumptuous dinner, and then go back to their rooms to take a hot bath and relax. Rest and adjust comfortably.

But what everyone in the LPL saw in front of the hotel lobby at this moment was a scene of players and players from several teams and clubs following their coaches and staff as well as staff from other clubs packing their luggage and getting ready to leave.

Among them, you can see players from four club teams: Crown, Cog, Wild Card and BW.

Every team member lowered his head.

They packed their things in silence and dullness.

There were also players and players from other teams and clubs in their respective divisions watching around them. Perhaps they had good personal relationships with the players from these teams, so they came up to give each other a hug and patted each other's shoulders as silent comfort.

The atmosphere seemed a bit heavy and depressing.

Tang Bingyao couldn't help but slightly widen her eyes, a little surprised and confused:

"Where are they going?"

For the girls who were exposed to the World Finals for the first time, they were just dazzled and yearned for the exciting battles in the stadium in the past few days, but they had not really experienced it yet. Understand the more real and profound things in the finals and behind the scenes.

Zeng Rui next to him sighed, with a look of sympathy on his face, and whispered to help the girl explain her answer:

"They're leaving."

Tang Bingyao was at a loss:

"Go? Where?"

Huangxue Yege twitched the corner of his mouth and took over the words: "Go home, go back wherever you need to go."

His tone was calm and natural, as if he had been used to such a scene for a long time.

But the girl still couldn't understand it. She opened her eyes wide and looked at the players and members of the team club who had packed their luggage and got on the bus one after another:

"Are you leaving tonight?"


"You don't have to be in such a hurry, right?"

The girl's words seemed a bit childish and innocent.

Everyone in the LPL looked at each other in silence. Of course they all knew the reason, but the truth of the reason... was indeed a bit cruel and heavy.

In the end, An Xin, who was standing next to Tang Bingyao, softly told the truth:

"Because they were eliminated."


Just because of the word "elimination".

Li Shiyi next to him nodded slowly with a heavy expression:

"Basically, each team and club participating in the finals has its own spending budget."

"A club not only has players and members who play in the team, but also coaches, managers, team leaders, and other various logistics staff. The total number is very huge. Even if the daily expenses include food, accommodation and transportation, Besides, it’s also a big expense.”

"If everything goes well, then of course the costs will continue."

"But if you are eliminated..."

"Then every extra day is a useless waste and loss for the club."

Huangxue Yege snorted:

"More than that?"

"Even if the eliminated club team doesn't want to leave, the official side will not keep you. It is estimated that as soon as the elimination and qualifying results of Groups A and B come out this evening, the official staff of the finals will already be at the hotel. The eliminated teams’ subsequent accommodations and even their own exclusive conference and training rooms were removed—even the promotional banners were probably taken away.”

"Stay? Why are you still here?"

In a few words, all the truth has been described.

There was a look of disbelief on Tang Bingyao's little face, as if she had never thought that there were so many unknown things behind the wonderful and glorious finals. The girl subconsciously murmured: "How could this be possible? ...This is too..."

"Isn't it too cruel?"

Dawn Morning Star shook his head:

"This is the most authentic appearance of e-sports."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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