
Chapter 1881 Carrying

? The disturbance that took place in the conference room of the Manchester branch of the World Electricity Association Headquarters this morning, or the thrilling confrontation that unfolded at the conference table, although it seemed that it was finally revealed by No. 1 and others. Feng Qingyun calmly captured it, and everything seemed to have been eliminated again and became invisible...


That's just the surface.

It's just that there is no longer the ups and downs on the surface.

But the flow in the dark has really begun to brew slowly.

The crisis has not really ended.

Everything is coming soon.

It just seemed like the winner at the conference table had the last laugh, but the final winner was far from being truly decided.

For No. 1 and others, such a storm did not really have any impact on them.

At least--

Including the meeting and conversation with the Chinese student in the reception hall of the World Electricity Association branch, as well as the game confrontation with other old rivals from the previous generation in that conference room, they finally let the few of them headed by No. 1 Really changed some concepts.

With new knowledge and awareness.

That is, maybe they were still too lazy and dismissive in the past.

In such a new era, no one is qualified to be alone.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

This principle applies to every legend of the previous generation in the national server e-sports circle, and... it should also apply to every descendant they favor and value.

So maybe before today, for No. 1, there are some things that only he and a few old teammates need to deal with by themselves. There is no need to let the grievances of the previous generation involve the younger generations of the new generation.

But now——

Thoughts changed.

There are some things that their younger generations should gradually understand and come into contact with.

It’s time for their younger generations to try to accept some burdens.

So there is this conversation that is going to take place in this hotel room tonight, and this meeting document that was not intended to be released to anyone else was thrown lightly in front of someone.

"Let's see."

When someone subconsciously reached out and took the pile of documents, Number 1's voice came softly, as if still calm and casual:

"Everything you want to know is in it."

Number 3 in the corner next to him let out a strange laugh:

"Just don't regret it after reading it."

Number 2 snorted coldly:

"It's too late to regret."

Lin Feng: "..."

He already felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere. Now, as he listened to the exchanges between several seniors, he felt more and more that the stack of documents in his hand seemed to have suddenly become extremely heavy and even a little hot to the touch. The instinctive danger warning even made him feel uncomfortable. I almost didn’t want to throw these papers away——

But in the end, he took a deep breath, then bit his head and looked at the first page of the documents.

A few lines of printed text came into view.

And the moment the content catches the eye——

Someone's hands holding the document suddenly froze slightly.

Then he came to his senses almost immediately and hurriedly raised his head to look at the seniors to ask questions in his heart, but what he met was the eyes of No. 1 that seemed to be still calm and calm:

"Don't worry."

"Look down."

So someone took a deep breath again, suppressed the emotions that had obviously begun to shake violently in his heart, and continued reading.

Then slowly.

The expression on his face changed from shock to anger.

Then it turned into uncontrollable rage.

till the end--

When he flipped through the last page of documents and saw the almost shocking and dazzling words on the last motion proposal, someone's body was severely shocked.

Just a thin stack of documents.

Translations of text in three languages ​​make reading should be effortless.

But just finishing reading such a pile of materials seems to exhaust all the energy of the reader.

After closing the material paper, Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the seniors in front of him. When he started to speak, he found that his throat was uncontrollably dry and hoarse:


"these are--"

Even with his rough-and-tumble nervous personality, his voice trembled slightly after reading such a document.

Because there is no need for other professionals to help analyze and explain. Just after reading it, he realized clearly enough that if all the contents of this pile of documents... or even just any one of them were confirmed, By doing so, the impact on their national server professional e-sports circle would be almost earthquake-level.

Not to mention--

If all these contents are passed.

It can almost be said that most of their future in professional e-sports in the national server will be cut off.

A truly devastating fatal blow of terror.

Seeing the look of shock and panic on someone's face, No. 1 smiled and waved his hand casually:

"rest assured."

"All of these things have been rejected."

Lin Feng was stunned when he heard this.

Then suddenly, he was completely relieved and let out a long sigh of relief, and lay down softly on the sofa as if all his strength had been taken away:

"That, that's good..."

Then he tried to sit up straight again, looking at the seniors with sincere gratitude in his eyes:


"Thanks for your hard work!"

Even if he was not present in person, and even if the seniors in front of him did not mention the specific situation of the meeting in the morning, Lin Feng could imagine how dangerous and weird the situation was at that time. How thrilling.

It seems that No. 1 at this moment just said one sentence in such a calm manner.

But among them...

How much dedication and hard work is hidden?

One can imagine.

However, Lin Feng's words of thanks were only met with a few seniors looking at each other with slightly raised eyebrows, and then they heard No. 3's lazy voice coming from the corner again:

"Don't be in a hurry to thank us."

"You boy haven't understood this material yet."

"Look again."

"Think carefully with your brain."

Lin Feng was stunned again.

I vaguely noticed something in the tone of Senior No. 3 that I seemed to have overlooked.

Then he lowered his head again and carefully read the document in his hand. This time he read it more carefully and carefully, so slowly, he finally seemed to see some problems between the lines. The look on Lin Feng's face His expression gradually became solemn and serious again.

After reading it for the second time, he looked up at the seniors.

But this time, No. 1 smiled:

"Did you see it?"

Someone was silent for a moment and nodded slowly.

Number 1’s tone is still leisurely and casual:

"With nine motions, there are almost three or four battles to be fought."

"This is what we old guys are going to do."

"But it falls on you..."

"It's a whole nine battles, and we can't miss a single one."

As he spoke, No. 1's gaze also fell on someone, and he continued speaking unhurriedly:


"Win every game."

Number 4 next to him sighed softly: "Originally, these burdens should not have been placed on you so early -"

Number 2 answered coldly:

"But now, you have to get on with it."

No. 3 looked over with a playful look, with a half-smile on his face: "How are you, are you feeling stressed?"

Lin Feng nodded.

Number three raised an eyebrow:

"Can you bear it?"

Someone took a deep breath: "You have to carry it even if you can't bear it. "

Number 2 sneered: "Don't make any mistake, there is no chance that you can't handle, you must handle it!"

The words came straight towards me like a cold and sharp blade.

Lin Feng closed his eyes.

Then he opened his eyes again.

At this moment, his aura seemed to have changed. He suddenly became calm and solemn, and he looked at the seniors in front of him seriously:

"I can handle it."

The update is here, the next chapter will be around 11:30, go away and continue typing.

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