
Chapter 1880 Silly girl

? Gently closing the door, An Xin turned around and looked inside the room. At this time, No. 5 Shi Shiran walked to the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and sat down. He looked up with an elegant posture, smiled and waved:

"Come, come and sit."

The girl obediently walked forward and sat next to No. 5. Then she looked at Sister Xiaowu in front of her, hesitated to speak, and finally couldn't help but ask:

"Sister Xiao Wu, Xiao Feng and Senior No. 1...are there something wrong?"

Regarding the girl's question, No. 5 smiled and shook his head without answering directly:

"There's no rush for this."

"Answer me a question first."

"Since it's No. 1 and the others who want to talk to Xiao Feng alone, why do you care so much about Shang Xin?"

The girl blurted out one sentence almost subconsciously:

"Looking at the attitude of Senior No. 1 and the others just now, it seems like it's a very important matter, right?"


Based on her familiarity and understanding of several seniors, if she can deliberately separate everyone and leave only one person to talk about things, then the relationship is absolutely extremely important.

And No. 5 smiled and shook his head:

"This is not an answer to the question I asked."

An Xin was stunned.

No. 5 looked at the girl in front of him, and reminded him again as if he was careful and considerate: "Even if it is important, it is just something that No. 1 and the others have to deal with with Xiaofeng, and it has nothing to do with what you care about."

"How is that possible?" An Xin retorted almost without thinking: "Of course Xiaofeng's business is my business -"

When he reached the last half of the sentence, he suddenly paused.

As if she vaguely grasped something, the girl looked up again at No. 5 in front of her, with a dazed look on her face.

No. 5 smiled slightly, but there was a hint of helplessness in the smile:

"listen and see--"

"You... you have said this so naturally.

It just comes out of your mouth without even thinking. "

"So, this is exactly the answer I want to explain to you."


“What they have to talk about next door is important.”

"But it's precisely because of this that I can't let you go with me."

An Xin bit her lip: "Why?"

No. 5 did not feel any displeasure because of the questioning tone of the girl in front of him, but he still spoke calmly: "Because now you should care more about yourself than Xiaofeng."

The girl retorted somewhat unwillingly:

"I'm fine-"

But the voice gradually became weaker under the gaze of No. 5:

"Really...I'm fine."

No. 5 looked at the girl in front of him, whom he had treated as his own sister for several years, with a bit of love and reproach in his eyes:


"At this point, you're still being tough."

"Actually, do you know that such willfulness will also cause trouble to other people who care about you?"

The girl lowered her head and spoke in a low voice:

"But...I really can't help but worry about him-"

However, No. 5's tone gradually changed to a rare and rare light and harsh tone: "Then try to hold it back. You are not a stupid girl. If you really care about someone, you should calm down and understand the relationship between you. Situation - The problem does not lie with Xiaofeng. No matter how many difficulties and troubles he encounters, he has a way to overcome them. It doesn't mean that he can't do it without you, but your current illness is the biggest problem. "

"I haven't even taken care of myself yet, so I only think about taking care of others."

"This is irresponsible to oneself, and it is also irresponsible to others."

"If you can't even distinguish such priorities, then you have greatly disappointed me."

This series of words has reached a rare level of reprimand for No. 5, who usually has a quiet and calm personality.

An Xin was so scolded that her head kept hanging down and unable to lift it up:

"I know--"


The girl suddenly raised her head at this moment, pursed her lips tightly, but her eyes were already a little red at some point:

"But Sister Xiaowu, I really can't help it."

"I'm working hard."

"But, it's really difficult——"

Looking at the girl in front of him who was about to cry, No. 5 finally couldn't help but let out a long sigh, stretched out his hand and lovingly wiped away the tears from the corners of the former's eyes:


"Just a silly girl."

"It has always been like this from then to now. When you are smart, you have nothing to say, but when you are stupid and stubborn, it makes people angry and distressed. Of course, you have the right to make your own choices, so your seniors and I have always said I respect your choice, just like it was back then, and now you want us to help you lie and keep it secret."

"Although I may not agree with it, I still respect your personal opinion."

"But you have to know... I have always hoped that you, Sister Xiaowu, would be more mature, calm and objective in dealing with you and Xiaofeng."

"Think about it carefully and carefully, whether such a choice and decision is really a good thing for the person you like."

“Don’t think about carrying everything by yourself.”

"The ideal state for two people to get along is always to trust each other, stand side by side, and share the burden together."

"If you really like him, don't think only about him."

"Go and try to trust him."

“Believe that even the guy you always call ‘idiot’ on his lips can actually handle a lot of things——”

An Xin leaned forward and buried her head in No. 5's arms, and whispered vaguely:

"But can that idiot really..."

No. 5 laughed dumbly, stretched out his hand and gently stroked the girl's silky hair:

"Silly girl."

"If you can't even meet this requirement, how can that 'idiot' be worthy of your liking?"

"Didn't I tell you that you have to have confidence in him?"

The girl who was burying her head in No. 5's arms suddenly raised her head and looked at Sister Xiaowu, her eyes widened:

"Then, so-"

"Senior and the others want to talk to Xiaofeng..."

No. 5 smiled: "It's a very troublesome thing, but it is indeed something that only he can and must bear."

In the room next door to the hotel at this moment.

Lin Feng was also sitting on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

To be precise, No. 3 forced him to sit down on the sofa with a malicious and dangerous smile on his face just a moment ago.

So at this moment, someone simply couldn't sit still and felt awkward all over. Especially when he met the strange glances from several seniors in the room that seemed to be intentional or unintentional, he felt a little creepy.

After reluctantly swallowing, Lin Feng forced out a flattering smile and looked at No. 1:


"I'm really sleepy, otherwise -"

Before he finished speaking, No. 1's eyebrows were slightly raised, and he said with great interest: "Sleepy? I saw that you were quite energetic when you were downstairs just now, so it doesn't look like that."

Number 3, who was resting aside and leaning against the wall with his hands folded, also teased:

"Besides, haven't you guys been gossiping and wondering what we are going to do in the afternoon?"

"Why, I'm planning to tell you now, but I don't want to hear it anymore?"

Someone is crying with a sad face:

"I don't want to think about it anymore..."

Curiosity is one thing.

But in the face of the desire to survive, curiosity is a hammer.

Obviously nothing good is going to happen tonight, okay?

However, it was already too late when I started to regret it. I only heard No. 2 snort: "Listen if you want to hear it, and don't listen if you don't want to. How could such a good thing happen to you?"

This sentence is simply outrageous and unreasonable, and it also directly blocks all the remaining hope for someone to escape——

When the seniors in front of him began to act like gangsters with no regard for their seniors' demeanor, he would have no choice but to accept his fate and accept the slaughter, no matter how many ways he tried.

Then someone was dejected:


"Say whatever you want to say, I'll listen!"

He looked like he was risking his life.

Number 1 and the others looked at each other, and the former nodded slightly to Number 4:

"Fourth, give him something."

Lin Feng subconsciously raised his head when he heard this, and saw No. 4 not far ahead, raising his hand and fluttering something over.

Someone subconsciously reached out to catch it and looked down.

But it's a pile of documents.

The update is here, the next chapter will be around 9:30, so go away and continue typing.

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