
Chapter 1869 They are all monsters

? So in fact, the original judgment and decision-making of the Fate team was correct.

That is, although the lineup of their purple side army can start the team battle first, it can indeed directly beat the opponent to explosion under the control and damage combo of the first round of skills, but as an opponent The blue army... also has a set of killing moves that are enough to pose a fatal threat to them.

Olaf entered the field to disrupt the formation, and after opening it up, he directly swung his double ax to the face and stuck to a crispy C position.

Rambo drives a large group to control group damage.

Thresh enters the field with various controls.

The policewoman stood at the back to output, waiting for the opportunity to cut into the single-point second.

This lineup of the Blue Army is also very offensive, and once such a violent tank is driven, it is really unstoppable.

So judging from the results, it seems that the purple square Fate team should really let their top laner Jayce continue to lead the lane in the bottom lane. At least that way, they can steadily break through the high ground and switch to the opposite side to get the Baron. They can also stop their losses a little, so that they won't be in trouble now. Such a complete defeat results in nothing being lost.

But this cannot entirely be blamed on Team Fate’s poor decision-making——

The dragon is indeed too important.

There is nothing wrong with Jace teleporting back to defense.

No one could have expected that Olaf, Nian Shisan’s jungler, would find such a perfect angle in the last and most critical team battle. The moment Olaf entered the field from behind, he basically It directly blocked all the ways for the purple army to survive.

The result was a perfect 1-for-4 on the blue side's side, destroying the opponent.

Take advantage of the situation and win the baron.

It also basically set the tone for the final outcome of this fierce and stalemate training match.

The 29th minute of the game.

The five members of the blue Assassin team advanced together in the middle.

Break the tower along the way.

The military line presses onto the high ground.

At this time, Olaf and Rambo stood slightly forward.

Thresh was holding a scythe and chain beside him, maliciously looking for an opportunity to hook out. The policewoman stood in the back of the formation under the protection of her teammates and relied on her long hand to level the tower at point A. She was able to easily kill the opponent's purple square legion without any bloodshed. Click the highland defense tower in the middle.

After breaking through the high ground in the middle, take advantage of the situation and turn to the road again.

Continue to press forward.

The Fate team on the purple side does not just want to sit back and wait for death. They have also been trying to find opportunities to force a wave of first moves to regain the rhythm. But the problem is that the difficulty of starting first moves now falls on their side.

It’s easy to find suitable opportunities.

Because the Assassin team on the blue side doesn’t even think about the four-to-one zone, it’s just a five-person team from beginning to end, without giving you the possibility of more people hitting less people or catching singles——

If you want to open it, then everyone will fight head-on 5V5.

Now I, the female police officer, is doing damage. No matter the output environment or output ability, I have to overwhelm your purple ADC Obama. Because your Holy Lance Ranger has short hands and if you dare to come up to deal some damage, my Olaf's ax will be swung in the next second. I'll make sure you have enough to drink when I get to you.

Enchantress is no longer able to find opportunities to steal people as easily as before. When her side falls into passive defense, LeBlanc's role will be greatly weakened, not to mention this time period. The burst damage of the Trickery Enchantress is no longer as terrifying and unsolvable as before——

Olaf, Zed, policewoman.

The three core points on the blue side directly made three demon-drinking knives.

Rambo in the top lane made a Central Asian hourglass.

He is no longer afraid of LeBlanc's sneak attacks.

And when it is difficult to find an ideal output environment for the two core output C positions of the company, the purple square Fate team's combo with the originally most powerful and unsolvable Tauren Prince entering the field first has lost a large part of its meaning and value - —

Even if you Niutou and Prince rush in and control a group of people, what's the use if the subsequent damage can't keep up?

The damage output on the blue side is enough. If you focus the fire and hit the two front rows that cut in, it can still be solved in the blink of an eye.

So very quickly, the Blue Assassin team bulldozed and demolished the top high ground of the opponent Purple team.

Two highlands were broken.

The Fate team has never been able to find an opportunity to start a team.

And so far...

Basically, this competition has come to an end.

Game time is 31 minutes.

The five assassins on the blue side first steadily took down one earth dragon after another, and finally gathered together to advance from the bottom lane.

Although the second big dragon is about to be refreshed, the blue army no longer needs to spend so much time seeking stability. The broken high ground on the upper and middle roads directly allows a steady stream of super soldiers to overwhelm it. It's enough to keep the opponent's Fate team busy until they can't breathe.

With the troops pressing up on the bottom lane, the five members of the Assassin team didn't need to rush to take action.

Just wait for the upper and middle lines of troops to continue to put pressure.

Seeing his opponent unable to do anything, he was exhausted.

And finally——

Soullock Warden Thresh, who is the auxiliary of the Assassin team, gave another surprise.

Thresh hit a wall Q in front of the bottom lane high ground.

Hit the purple side ADC Obama on the opponent's high ground.

For a moment.

The entire army of five men from the blue side rose up and pressed forward.

In the blink of an eye, the opposing Paladin Ranger was taken away with concentrated fire and an instant kill, which also completely cut off the opponent's purple army's hope of a comeback through a wave of Jedi team battles.

The game finally came to an end at 32 minutes and 20 seconds.

The purple square three-way high ground was broken.

The base crystal exploded in a distorted soft light, and then the blue side's "Victory" emblem slowly appeared in the center of the OB screen on the electronic viewing screen.

The dust has settled.

The winner is determined.


In the front row of the crowd, Zeng Rui couldn't help but be the first to cheer, and then the entire training room erupted in enthusiastic cheers and applause.

No matter what, no matter who wins or loses——

At least this training match indeed showed a wonderful confrontation between two of the world's top teams.

Evenly matched!

Of course, this is a very even match, but it makes people look at the members of the blue Assassin team on the field and can't help but focus more on someone in the mid lane seat.

It stands to reason...

Between the Assassin team and the Fate team, the latter's overall strength should be slightly dominant.

The two teams have played against each other many times in the past few seasons, and it is rare to see an evenly matched situation like this one.

The core reason why this game ended like this, and even ended like this, will emerge very clearly in everyone's mind after just a moment's thought.


The only difference changes.

This is the mid laner who was temporarily replaced by the Assassin.

The players from the two teams stood up and left the table. When they walked off the court and shook hands with each other to express friendship, Lin Feng and Moon also stood in front of each other.

Someone took the initiative to reach out and shake the captain of the Fate team in front of him:

"Good fight, good fight--"

Even so.

But if you take into account the previous wave of solo kills, then such polite praise seems quite commercial...

Moon also smiled bitterly and shook her head:

"This one is lost to me."

It is indeed an extremely rare situation. Even if the Fate team loses in a game, it is almost impossible to blame him as the mid laner captain.

Nian Shisan, who was next to him, came over and laughed. He put his arms around someone's shoulders and raised his eyebrows at Moon triumphantly:

"Who can blame this?"

"Originally, you just kept an eye on this guy's calamity during the big dragon group. How could there be so many things happening later?"

"Who made you insist on confronting this guy head-on--"

Moon also sighed after hearing this:

"After all... I'd like to give it a try."

Nian Shisan asked with ill intentions:

"Now that you've tried it, how do you feel?"

Moon paused after hearing this, and her eyes fell on Lin Feng again. After a long while, she shook her head helplessly again:

"Sure enough, you are just like F."

"In the field of personal operation...they are all monsters."

The update is here. The next chapter will be before 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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